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huangjiajun 1 week ago
4 changed files with 104 additions and 9 deletions
  1. +90
  2. +10
  3. +1
  4. +3

+ 90
- 9
app/hdl/hdl_user.go View File

@@ -15,9 +15,12 @@ import (
md3 ""
es2 ""
@@ -321,9 +324,9 @@ func InviteUrl(c *gin.Context) {

// Delete
// @Summary 注销账号
// @Summary 注销账号操作
// @Tags 账号与安全
// @Description 注销账号
// @Description 注销账号操作
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param req body md.DeleteUserReq true "注册参数"
@@ -340,13 +343,13 @@ func Delete(c *gin.Context) {
user := svc.GetUser(c)
//data := svc.AliyunSmsBase(c, "")
//err = aliyun.AliyunCheckSms(data["aliyun_sms_id"], data["aliyun_sms_secret"], user.Phone, req.Code)
//if err != nil {
// e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "验证码错误,请重试"))
// return
data := svc.AliyunSmsBase(c, "")
err = aliyun.AliyunCheckSms(data["aliyun_sms_id"], data["aliyun_sms_secret"], user.Phone, req.Code)
if err != nil {
e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "验证码错误,请重试"))
user.State = 3
db.Db.Where("id=?", user.Id).Cols("state").Update(user)
tmp := model.UserDeleteInfo{
@@ -373,3 +376,81 @@ func Delete(c *gin.Context) {
e.OutSuc(c, "success", nil)

// DeleteInfo
// @Summary 注销账号信息
// @Tags 账号与安全
// @Description 注销账号信息
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} md.UserDeleteInfo "登录成功返回"
// @Failure 400 {object} md.Response "具体错误"
// @Router /api/v1/memberCenter/delete/info [get]
func DeleteInfo(c *gin.Context) {
user := svc.GetUser(c)
resp := md.UserDeleteInfo{
Url: fmt.Sprintf("%s%s?id=%s&is_hide=1", svc.GetSysCfgStr("wap_host"), "/#/pages/course-detail-page/course-detail-page", "115"),
extendUserCount, _ := db.Db.Where("parent_uid=?", user.Id).Count(&model.User{})
NewUserWalletDb := implement.NewUserWalletDb(db.Db)
walletAmount := "0"
wallet, _ := NewUserWalletDb.GetUserVirtualWallet(user.Id)
if wallet != nil {
walletAmount = wallet.Amount
NewUserVirtualAmountDb := implement.NewUserVirtualAmountDb(db.Db)
virtualWallet, _ := NewUserVirtualAmountDb.GetUserVirtualAllWallets(user.Id)
virtualAmount1 := "0"
virtualAmount2 := "0"
virtualAmount3 := "0"
settingDb := implement.NewEggEnergyBasicSettingDb(db.Db)
setting, _ := settingDb.EggEnergyBasicSettingGetOne()
if virtualWallet != nil {
for _, v := range *virtualWallet {
if v.CoinId == setting.PersonEggPointsCoinId {
virtualAmount3 = utils.Float64ToStrPrec8(utils.StrToFloat64(v.Amount) + utils.StrToFloat64(virtualAmount3))
if v.CoinId == setting.TeamEggPointsCoinId {
virtualAmount3 = utils.Float64ToStrPrec8(utils.StrToFloat64(v.Amount) + utils.StrToFloat64(virtualAmount3))
if v.CoinId == setting.PersonEggEnergyCoinId {
virtualAmount2 = utils.Float64ToStrPrec8(utils.StrToFloat64(v.Amount) + utils.StrToFloat64(virtualAmount2))
if v.CoinId == setting.TeamEggEnergyCoinId {
virtualAmount2 = utils.Float64ToStrPrec8(utils.StrToFloat64(v.Amount) + utils.StrToFloat64(virtualAmount2))
if v.CoinId == setting.ContributionCoinId {
virtualAmount1 = utils.Float64ToStrPrec8(utils.StrToFloat64(v.Amount) + utils.StrToFloat64(virtualAmount1))
score := 60.00
now := time.Now()
esIndex := es2.GetLatestEffectiveIndexFromAlias(now)
esIndexName := md3.EggEnergyUserEggScoreEsAlias + "_" + esIndex
results, _ := es.FirstDoc(esIndexName, esIndex+"_"+utils.Int64ToStr(user.Id))
if results != nil {
var doc md.UserEggFlowReqRespList
json.Unmarshal(results.Source, &doc)
score = doc.ScoreValue
uid := user.Id
sql := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*)AS total FROM `public_platoon_user_relation` WHERE father_uid1 = %d OR father_uid2= %d OR father_uid3= %d OR father_uid4= %d OR father_uid5= %d OR father_uid6= %d OR father_uid7= %d OR father_uid8= %d OR father_uid9= %d", uid, uid, uid, uid, uid, uid, uid, uid, uid)
nativeString1, _ := db.QueryNativeString(db.Db, sql)
hasUserCount := "0"
if len(nativeString1) > 0 {
hasUserCount = nativeString1[0]["total"]
info := []md.UserDeleteInfoList{
{Img: svc.GetOssUrl("default_icon/user_delete_icon.png"), Title: "贡献值", Content: "贡献值 " + virtualAmount1},
{Img: svc.GetOssUrl("default_icon/user_delete_icon.png"), Title: "能量值", Content: "能量值 " + virtualAmount2},
{Img: svc.GetOssUrl("default_icon/user_delete_icon.png"), Title: "活跃值", Content: "活跃值 " + virtualAmount3},
{Img: svc.GetOssUrl("default_icon/user_delete_icon.png"), Title: "蛋蛋分", Content: "蛋蛋分 " + utils.Float64ToStr(score)},
{Img: svc.GetOssUrl("default_icon/user_delete_icon.png"), Title: "余额", Content: "余额 " + walletAmount},
{Img: svc.GetOssUrl("default_icon/user_delete_icon.png"), Title: "直推好友", Content: "直推好友 " + utils.Int64ToStr(extendUserCount) + " 人"},
{Img: svc.GetOssUrl("default_icon/user_delete_icon.png"), Title: "团队", Content: "团队 " + hasUserCount + " 人"},
resp.Info = info
e.OutSuc(c, resp, nil)

+ 10
- 0
app/md/md_user.go View File

@@ -15,3 +15,13 @@ type InviteCodeUserInfoResp struct {
Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
HeadImg string `json:"head_img"`

type UserDeleteInfo struct {
Url string `json:"url"`
Info []UserDeleteInfoList `json:"info"`
type UserDeleteInfoList struct {
Img string `json:"img"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Content string `json:"content"`

+ 1
- 0
app/router/router.go View File

@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ func route(r *gin.RouterGroup) {
rMemberCenter.POST("/updatePasscode", hdl.UpdatePasscode) //修改支付密码
rMemberCenter.GET("/inviteUrl", hdl.InviteUrl) //邀请链接
rMemberCenter.POST("/delete", hdl.Delete) //注销账号
rMemberCenter.GET("/delete/info", hdl.DeleteInfo) //注销账号相关信息
rPointsCenter := r.Group("/pointsCenter") // 积分中心

+ 3
- 0
app/utils/convert.go View File

@@ -282,6 +282,9 @@ func Float64ToStrPrec1(f float64) string {
func Float64ToStrPrec10(f float64) string {
return strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'f', 10, 64)
func Float64ToStrPrec8(f float64) string {
return strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'f', 8, 64)

func Float32ToStr(f float32) string {
return Float64ToStr(float64(f))
