- package zhimeng
- import (
- "applet/app/utils/logx"
- "encoding/json"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "github.com/tidwall/gjson"
- )
- // SDK is zm sdk
- type SDK struct {
- Action string
- operation string
- response []byte
- SmsKey string
- SmsSecret string
- data interface{}
- err error
- }
- // ToInterface is data to Interface
- func (sdk *SDK) ToInterface() interface{} {
- return sdk.data
- }
- // Init is init action
- // In some condition, such as send Sms, need pass sms key and secret after 'action'
- func (sdk *SDK) Init(action string, keys ...string) {
- sdk.Action = action
- //if keys[0] == "" || keys[1] == "" {
- // sdk.err = errors.New("智盟短信未配置")
- //}
- if len(keys) > 1 {
- sdk.SmsKey = keys[0]
- sdk.SmsSecret = keys[1]
- }
- }
- // SelectFunction is select api with operation
- func (sdk *SDK) SelectFunction(operation string) *SDK {
- sdk.operation = operation
- return sdk
- }
- // WithSMSArgs is SMS
- func (sdk *SDK) WithSMSArgs(args map[string]interface{}) *SDK {
- res, err := SMSend(sdk.Action, sdk.operation, sdk.SmsKey, sdk.SmsSecret, args)
- if err != nil {
- logx.Error(err)
- }
- sdk.response = res
- return sdk
- }
- // WithArgs is post data to api
- func (sdk *SDK) WithArgs(args map[string]interface{}) *SDK {
- // args["appkey"] = svc.SysCfgGet(c, md.KEY_CFG_ZM_AK)
- // args["secret_key"] = svc.SysCfgGet(c, md.KEY_CFG_ZM_SK)
- res, err := Send(sdk.Action, sdk.operation, args)
- if err != nil {
- logx.Error(err)
- }
- // for k, v := range args {
- // fmt.Printf("%s:%v \n", k, v)
- // }
- fmt.Println("唯品会请求", args, string(res))
- sdk.response = res
- return sdk
- }
- // Result is response data from api , return interface{}
- func (sdk *SDK) Result() (*SDK, error) {
- if sdk.err != nil {
- return nil, sdk.err
- }
- tmp := struct {
- Msg string `json:"msg"`
- Success int `json:"success"`
- Data interface{} `json:"data"`
- }{}
- if err := json.Unmarshal(sdk.response, &tmp); err != nil {
- return nil, logx.Error("【Resp】" + string(sdk.response) + ", 【Error】" + err.Error())
- }
- if tmp.Success != StatusSuc {
- return nil, logx.Error(string(sdk.response))
- }
- if gjson.GetBytes(sdk.response, "data").String() == "[]" {
- return nil, errors.New("no result")
- }
- sdk.data = tmp.Data
- return sdk, nil
- }