Browse Source


huangjiajun 8 months ago
12 changed files with 705 additions and 2 deletions
  1. +23
  2. +12
  3. +24
  4. +15
  5. +8
  6. +100
  7. +415
  8. +2
  9. +10
  10. +10
  11. +85
  12. +1

+ 23
- 0
app/db/db_task_order_ralate.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package db

import (

func TaskOrderRelateListByOid(Db *xorm.Engine, oid int64, pvd string) ([]*model.TaskOrdListRelate, error) {
var ol []*model.TaskOrdListRelate
err := Db.Where("oid=? and pvd=?", oid, pvd).Find(&ol)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ol, nil
func TaskOrderRelateListByOidSess(sess *xorm.Session, oid int64, pvd string) ([]*model.TaskOrdListRelate, error) {
var ol []*model.TaskOrdListRelate
err := sess.Where("oid=? and pvd=?", oid, pvd).Find(&ol)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ol, nil

+ 12
- 0
app/db/db_user_virtual_coin_flow.go View File

@@ -25,7 +25,19 @@ func GetUserVirtualAmountFlow(eg *xorm.Engine, args map[string]string) *[]model.
return &data
func GetUserVirtualAmountOne(session *xorm.Session, uid int, coinId int) (*model.UserVirtualAmount, error) {

var m model.UserVirtualAmount
isExist, err := session.Table("user_virtual_amount").Where("uid = ? AND coin_id = ?", uid, coinId).Get(&m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !isExist {
return nil, nil
return &m, nil

func UserVirtualAmountFindByIdWithSession(session *xorm.Session, uid, coinId int) (*model.UserVirtualAmount, error) {
var m model.UserVirtualAmount
has, err := session.Where("uid = ? AND coin_id = ?", uid, coinId).Get(&m)

+ 24
- 0
app/db/db_virtual_coin_relate.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package db

import (
model2 "applet/app/db/model"

// 根据订单id查出相关的数据
func GetVirtualCoinRelateListWithOrdId(engine *xorm.Engine, ordId int64, pvd string) ([]*model2.VirtualCoinRelate, error) {
var list []*model2.VirtualCoinRelate
err := engine.Table("virtual_coin_relate").Where("oid = ? and pvd=?", ordId, pvd).Find(&list)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return list, nil
func GetVirtualCoinRelateListWithOrdIdSess(sess *xorm.Session, ordId int64, pvd string) ([]*model2.VirtualCoinRelate, error) {
var list []*model2.VirtualCoinRelate
err := sess.Table("virtual_coin_relate").Where("oid = ? and pvd=?", ordId, pvd).Find(&list)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return list, nil

+ 15
- 0
app/db/model/task_ord_list_relate.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package model

type TaskOrdListRelate struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" xorm:"pk autoincr BIGINT(20)"`
Oid int64 `json:"oid" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('订单号') index unique(IDX_ORD) BIGINT(20)"`
Uid int `json:"uid" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('用户ID') unique(IDX_ORD) index INT(10)"`
Amount float64 `json:"amount" xorm:"not null default 0.00 comment('金额') FLOAT(10,2)"`
Pvd string `json:"pvd" xorm:"not null default '' comment('供应商taobao,jd,pdd,vip,suning,kaola') index VARCHAR(8)"`
Info string `json:"info" xorm:"not null comment('备注') TEXT"`
CreateAt int `json:"create_at" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('订单创建时间') index INT(10)"`
Level int `json:"level" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('0自购 1直推 大于1:间推') INT(10)"`
Mode string `json:"mode" xorm:"default '' comment('分佣方案类型') VARCHAR(255)"`
AdditionalSubsidy string `json:"additional_subsidy" xorm:"default 0.000000 comment('额外补贴 酒庄模式才有效') DECIMAL(16,6)"`
ExtendType int `json:"extend_type" xorm:"default 0 unique(IDX_ORD) comment('0普通 1超级推荐人 2团长 3团长上级超级推荐人 4团长担保用户') INT(11)"`

+ 8
- 0
app/db/model/user_public_platoon_amount.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package model

type UserPublicPlatoonAmount struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" xorm:"pk autoincr BIGINT(20)"`
Uid int `json:"uid" xorm:"unique(idx_uid_coin_id) INT(11)"`
CoinId int `json:"coin_id" xorm:"unique(idx_uid_coin_id) INT(11)"`
Amount string `json:"amount" xorm:"DECIMAL(16,6)"`

+ 100
- 0
app/svc/public_platoon_settle.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
package svc

import (

func PublicPlatoonSettle(session *xorm.Session, ItemTitle, source, ordId string, uid, coinId int, amount float64) bool {
now := time.Now()
var data model.UserPublicPlatoonAmount
has, err := session.Where("uid=? and coin_id=?", uid, coinId).Get(&data)
if err != nil {
return false
beforeAmount := "0"
if has == false {
data = model.UserPublicPlatoonAmount{
Uid: uid,
CoinId: coinId,
Amount: utils.AnyToString(amount),
_, err := session.Insert(&data)
if err != nil {
return false
} else {
beforeAmount = data.Amount
data.Amount = utils.Float64ToStrByPrec(utils.StrToFloat64(data.Amount)+amount, 6)
_, err := session.Where("id=?", data.Id).Cols("amount").Update(&data)
if err != nil {
return false
finUserFlow := model.UserPublicPlatoonIncomeRecords{
Type: 0,
Uid: uid,
Amount: utils.AnyToString(amount),
CreateAt: now,
UpdateAt: now,
Date: now.Format("2006-01"),
Kind: 3,
CoinId: coinId,
Title: ItemTitle,
BeforeAmount: beforeAmount,
Oid: ordId,
Source: source,
_, err = session.Insert(&finUserFlow)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
func PublicPlatoonAddRecord(eg *xorm.Engine, ItemTitle, ordId string, uid, coinId, kind, types int, amount float64, beforeAmount string) bool {
now := time.Now()

finUserFlow := model.UserPublicPlatoonIncomeRecords{
Type: types,
Uid: uid,
Amount: utils.AnyToString(amount),
CreateAt: now,
UpdateAt: now,
Date: now.Format("2006-01"),
Kind: kind,
CoinId: coinId,
Title: ItemTitle,
BeforeAmount: beforeAmount,
Oid: ordId,
_, err := eg.Insert(&finUserFlow)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
func PublicPlatoonAddRecordWithSession(session *xorm.Session, ItemTitle, ordId string, uid, coinId, kind, types int, amount float64, beforeAmount string) bool {
now := time.Now()

finUserFlow := model.UserPublicPlatoonIncomeRecords{
Type: types,
Uid: uid,
Amount: utils.AnyToString(amount),
CreateAt: now,
UpdateAt: now,
Date: now.Format("2006-01"),
Kind: kind,
CoinId: coinId,
Title: ItemTitle,
BeforeAmount: beforeAmount,
Oid: ordId,
_, err := session.Insert(&finUserFlow)
if err != nil {
return false
return true

+ 415
- 0
app/svc/svc_deal_commission.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
package svc

import (
db2 "applet/app/db"
md2 ""
svc2 ""

func GetLvUser(engine *xorm.Engine, CommissionParam md2.CommissionFirstParam, oid int64, masterId string, mapData map[string]string) {
commArr := rule.GetComm(engine)
plan, commission, virtualCoinMoneyRate := svc2.GetAllPlan(engine, masterId)
var CommissionParam1 md2.CommissionParam
comm := CommissionParam.CommissionParam
err2 := copier.Copy(&CommissionParam1, &comm)
_, _, _, _, lvUser, err := svc2.GetRewardCommission(engine, &CommissionParam1, false, CommissionParam.Uid, CommissionParam.Provider, masterId, true, mapData, commArr, plan, commission, virtualCoinMoneyRate)
if err != nil {

CommOrderRelateInsert(engine, oid, CommissionParam.Provider, int(time.Now().Unix()), lvUser, mapData)
sql := `SELECT id from user_virtual_coin_flow where ord_id='%d'`
sql = fmt.Sprintf(sql, oid)
nativeString, _ := db2.QueryNativeString(engine, sql)
has := false
if len(nativeString) > 0 && utils.StrToInt(nativeString[0]["id"]) > 0 {
has = true
sql1 := `SELECT id from fin_user_flow where ord_id='%d'`
sql1 = fmt.Sprintf(sql1, oid)
nativeString1, _ := db2.QueryNativeString(engine, sql1)
has1 := false
if len(nativeString1) > 0 && utils.StrToInt(nativeString1[0]["id"]) > 0 {
has1 = true
fmt.Println("===========任务4=============", masterId, CommissionParam.Uid, oid, has, has1)
if has == false && has1 == false {
fmt.Println("===========任务5=============", masterId, CommissionParam.Uid, oid, has, has1)
SettleDone(engine, CommissionParam.Provider, oid, masterId, mapData)

// 分佣表插入获取到的数据
func CommOrderRelateInsert(eg *xorm.Engine, oid int64, pvd string, createTime int, lvUser *comm_plan.LvUser, mapData map[string]string) {
level := 0
oldLevel := 0
profit := utils.FloatFormat(lvUser.Profit+lvUser.SubsidyFee, 6)
oldLvUser := lvUser
data := []*model.TaskOrdListRelate{
Oid: oid,
Uid: lvUser.Uid,
Amount: profit,
Pvd: pvd,
CreateAt: createTime,
Level: level,
mode := mapData["mode"]
for lvUser.ParentUser != nil {
lvUser = lvUser.ParentUser
if lvUser.Uid == 0 {
level = level + 1
profit = utils.FloatFormat(lvUser.Profit+lvUser.SubsidyFee, 6)
var additionalSubsidy float64 = 0
if utils.InArr(mode, []string{"lv_winery", "public_platoon"}) {
profit = utils.FloatFormat(lvUser.Profit, 6)
additionalSubsidy = lvUser.SubsidyFee
data = append(data, &model.TaskOrdListRelate{
Oid: oid,
Uid: lvUser.Uid,
Amount: profit,
Pvd: pvd,
CreateAt: createTime,
Level: level,
Mode: mode,
AdditionalSubsidy: utils.Float64ToStrByPrec(additionalSubsidy, 9),
ExtendType: lvUser.ExtendType,
for _, v := range data {
if utils.StrToInt(mapData["coin_id_type"]) > 0 {
v.Amount = 0
v.Info = "任务没佣金设置,不返佣金"
err1 := db2.DbInsertBatch(eg, data)
if err1 != nil {
} else {
// 插入虚拟币数据
vcrData := CommCombineVirtualCoinRelateData(oldLvUser, oid, pvd, oldLevel, mapData["mode"])
err2 := db2.DbInsertBatch(eg, vcrData)
for _, item := range vcrData {
if err2 != nil {
func ConvertList2Map(a []*comm_plan.VirtualCoinCommission) (b map[string]float64) {
b = make(map[string]float64)
for _, i := range a {
b[i.Cid] = i.Val
return b
func CommCombineVirtualCoinRelateData(lvUser *comm_plan.LvUser, oid int64, pvd string, level int, mode string) []*model.VirtualCoinRelate {
var data []*model.VirtualCoinRelate
//可能没有极差返利 只有补贴
profitList := lvUser.ProfitList
if len(profitList) == 0 {
profitList = lvUser.SubsidyFeeList
if profitList != nil {
var subsidyFeeList map[string]float64
if lvUser.SubsidyFeeList != nil && len(lvUser.ProfitList) > 0 {
subsidyFeeList = ConvertList2Map(lvUser.SubsidyFeeList)
var coinList = make([]string, 0)
for _, v := range profitList {
coinList = append(coinList, v.Cid)
if utils.InArr(mode, []string{"lv_winery", "public_platoon"}) && lvUser.SubsidyFeeList != nil { //补贴类型 没有的要补上
subsidyFeeList = ConvertList2Map(lvUser.SubsidyFeeList)
for _, v := range lvUser.SubsidyFeeList {
if utils.InArr(v.Cid, coinList) == false && v.Val > 0 {
v.Val = 0
profitList = append(profitList, v)
for _, item := range profitList {

if lvUser.Uid == 0 {
if item.Cid != "0" && item.Cid != "commission" {
subsidyFee := subsidyFeeList[item.Cid]
var additionalSubsidy float64 = 0
profit := utils.Float64ToStrByPrec(item.Val+subsidyFee, 9)
if utils.InArr(mode, []string{"lv_winery", "public_platoon"}) {
profit = utils.Float64ToStrByPrec(item.Val, 9)
additionalSubsidy = subsidyFee
if mode == "public_platoon" && level > 1 {
profit = "0"
var virtualCoinRelate = &model.VirtualCoinRelate{
Oid: oid,
Uid: lvUser.Uid,
CoinId: utils.StrToInt(item.Cid),
Amount: profit,
Pvd: pvd,
CreateAt: int(time.Now().Unix()),
Level: level,
Mode: mode,
AdditionalSubsidy: utils.Float64ToStrByPrec(additionalSubsidy, 6),
ExtendType: lvUser.ExtendType,
data = append(data, virtualCoinRelate)
if lvUser.ParentUser != nil {
level += 1
data = append(data, CommCombineVirtualCoinRelateData(lvUser.ParentUser, oid, pvd, level, mode)...)
return data
func SettleDone(eg *xorm.Engine, pvd string, oid int64, masterId string, mapData map[string]string) bool {
fmt.Println("=======================任务=============", masterId, oid, pvd)
ol, err := db2.TaskOrderRelateListByOid(eg, oid, pvd)
if err != nil {
return false
// 查询虚拟币 virtual_coin_relate 表
vcrList, err := db2.GetVirtualCoinRelateListWithOrdId(eg, oid, pvd)
if err != nil {
return false
session := eg.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
if err := session.Begin(); err != nil {
return false

set, _ := db2.SysCfgGetOne(eg, "app_name_cn")
var appName = ""
if set != nil {
appName = set.Val
for _, item := range ol {
if item.Amount > 0 {
if utils.InArr(item.Mode, []string{"lv_commission_public_platoon", "lv_price_public_platoon"}) && item.ExtendType == 5 {
bools := PublicPlatoonSettle(session, "共富奖励", mapData["title"], utils.Int64ToStr(oid), item.Uid, 0, item.Amount)
fmt.Println("======================666", bools)
if bools == false {
_ = session.Rollback()
return false
_ = CommSettleMoney(session, item, appName, masterId)
if utils.StrToFloat64(item.AdditionalSubsidy) > 0 {
if item.Mode == "public_platoon" { //公排
bools := PublicPlatoonSettle(session, "共富奖励", mapData["title"], utils.Int64ToStr(oid), item.Uid, 0, utils.StrToFloat64(item.AdditionalSubsidy))
if bools == false {
_ = session.Rollback()
return false
// 虚拟币相关操作
for _, item := range vcrList {
if utils.StrToFloat64(item.Amount) > 0 {
if utils.InArr(item.Mode, []string{"lv_commission_public_platoon", "lv_price_public_platoon"}) && item.ExtendType == 5 {
bools := PublicPlatoonSettle(session, "共富奖励", mapData["title"], utils.Int64ToStr(oid), item.Uid, item.CoinId, utils.StrToFloat64(item.Amount))
fmt.Println("======================666", bools)
if bools == false {
_ = session.Rollback()
return false
_ = CommSettleVirtualCoin(session, item)
if item.Mode == "public_platoon" && utils.StrToFloat64(item.AdditionalSubsidy) > 0 {
bools := PublicPlatoonSettle(session, "共富奖励", mapData["title"], utils.Int64ToStr(oid), item.Uid, item.CoinId, utils.StrToFloat64(item.AdditionalSubsidy))
if bools == false {
_ = session.Rollback()
return false
// 提交事务
err = session.Commit()
if err != nil {
return false
return true
func CommSettleMoney(session *xorm.Session, item *model.TaskOrdListRelate, appName, masterId string) bool {
now := time.Now()
beforeAmount := "0"
afterAmount := "0"
var affected int64 = 0
userProfile, err := db2.UserProfileFindByIdWithSession(session, item.Uid)
if userProfile == nil {
if err != nil || userProfile == nil {
_ = session.Rollback()
return false

// 获取余额更新锁
cb, err := HandleBalanceDistributedLock(masterId, utils.IntToStr(item.Uid), "mall_settle_order")
if err != nil {
_ = session.Rollback()
return false
// 释放锁
if cb != nil {
defer cb()
// 开始写入流水
var orderAction int
if item.Level == 0 {
orderAction = 10 // 自购
} else {
orderAction = 11 // 推广
ItemTitle := "任务分佣"
finUserFlow := model.FinUserFlow{
Type: 0,
Uid: item.Uid,
Amount: utils.Float64ToStrByPrec(item.Amount, 8),
BeforeAmount: beforeAmount,
AfterAmount: afterAmount,
OrdType: "task_center",
OrdId: utils.AnyToString(item.Oid),
OrdAction: orderAction,
OrdDetail: "",
State: 2,
OtherId: item.Id,
OrdTitle: ItemTitle,
OrdTime: int(now.Unix()),
CreateAt: now,
UpdateAt: now,
// 更新用户余额
finUserFlow.BeforeAmount = userProfile.FinValid
userProfile.FinValid = utils.Float64ToStrByPrec(utils.AnyToFloat64(userProfile.FinValid)+utils.AnyToFloat64(item.Amount), 8)
userProfile.FinTotal = userProfile.FinTotal + utils.StrToFloat32(utils.Float64ToStrByPrec(item.Amount, 8))
affected, err = db2.UserProfileUpdateWithSession(session, item.Uid, userProfile)
finUserFlow.AfterAmount = userProfile.FinValid
has, errs := db2.InsertCommWithSession(
session, &finUserFlow)
if affected == 0 || err != nil || errs != nil || has == 0 {
_ = session.Rollback()
return false
if utils.InArr(item.Mode, []string{"public_platoon", "lv_commission_public_platoon", "lv_price_public_platoon"}) { //公排的加一条流水
kind := 4
title := "自购奖"
if item.Level == 1 {
kind = 5
title = "直推奖"
bools := PublicPlatoonAddRecordWithSession(session, title, utils.Int64ToStr(item.Oid), item.Uid, 0, kind, 0, item.Amount, beforeAmount)
if bools == false {
return false
return true

func CommSettleVirtualCoin(session *xorm.Session, virtualCoinRelateItem *model.VirtualCoinRelate) bool {

var (
beforeAmount = "0"
afterAmount = "0"
// 查询用户虚拟币余额表记录,有则更新,无则新增一条记录
userVirtualAmount, err := db2.GetUserVirtualAmountOne(session, virtualCoinRelateItem.Uid, virtualCoinRelateItem.CoinId)
if err != nil {
_ = session.Rollback()
return false

if userVirtualAmount == nil { // 没有记录则新增一条
userVirtualAmount = &model.UserVirtualAmount{
Uid: virtualCoinRelateItem.Uid,
CoinId: virtualCoinRelateItem.CoinId,
Amount: virtualCoinRelateItem.Amount,
afterAmount = virtualCoinRelateItem.Amount
has, errs := db2.InsertCommWithSession(
session, userVirtualAmount)
if errs != nil || has == 0 {
_ = session.Rollback()
return false
} else { // 更新
beforeAmount = userVirtualAmount.Amount
amount := utils.StrToFloat64(userVirtualAmount.Amount) + utils.StrToFloat64(virtualCoinRelateItem.Amount)
userVirtualAmount.Amount = utils.Float64ToStrByPrec(amount, 6)
afterAmount = userVirtualAmount.Amount
affected, err := session.Where("id = ?", userVirtualAmount.Id).Update(userVirtualAmount)
if err != nil {
_ = session.Rollback()
return false
if affected == 0 {
_ = session.Rollback()
return false
var title = "任务分佣结算"
// 用户虚拟币流水表新增记录
var userVirtualCoinFlow = model.UserVirtualCoinFlow{
Uid: virtualCoinRelateItem.Uid,
CoinId: virtualCoinRelateItem.CoinId,
Direction: 1,
Title: title,
OrdId: utils.Int64ToStr(virtualCoinRelateItem.Oid),
Amout: virtualCoinRelateItem.Amount,
BeforeAmout: beforeAmount,
AfterAmout: afterAmount,
SysFee: "0",
CreateTime: time.Now(),
has, errs := db2.InsertCommWithSession(
session, &userVirtualCoinFlow)
if errs != nil || has == 0 {
_ = session.Rollback()
return false
if utils.InArr(virtualCoinRelateItem.Mode, []string{"public_platoon", "lv_commission_public_platoon", "lv_price_public_platoon"}) { //公排的加一条流水
kind := 4
title := "自购奖"
if virtualCoinRelateItem.Level == 1 {
kind = 5
title = "直推奖"
bools := PublicPlatoonAddRecordWithSession(session, title, utils.Int64ToStr(virtualCoinRelateItem.Oid), virtualCoinRelateItem.Uid, virtualCoinRelateItem.CoinId, kind, 0, utils.StrToFloat64(virtualCoinRelateItem.Amount), beforeAmount)
if bools == false {
return false
return true

+ 2
- 0
consume/init.go View File

@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ func initConsumes() {
jobs[consumeMd.CancalUserMoneyConsumeFunName] = CancalUserMoneyConsume //余额
jobs[consumeMd.CancalUserRelateConsumeFunName] = CancalUserRelateConsume //推荐人数
jobs[consumeMd.CancalUserIntegralExchangeConsumeFunName] = CancalUserIntegralExchange //兑换
jobs[consumeMd.ZhiosTaskRewardConsumeFunName] = ZhiosTaskRewardExchange //兑换


func Run() {

+ 10
- 0
consume/md/consume_key.go View File

@@ -443,6 +443,15 @@ var RabbitMqQueueKeyList = []*MqQueue{
BindKey: "",
ConsumeFunName: "CancalUserIntegralExchange",
ExchangeName: "",
Name: "zhios_one_orenge_task_reward",
Type: FanOutQueueType,
IsPersistent: false,
RoutKey: "task_reward",
BindKey: "",
ConsumeFunName: "ZhiosTaskRewardExchange",
ExchangeName: "canal.topic", //
Name: "canal_fin_user_flow",
@@ -516,4 +525,5 @@ const (
CancalUserMoneyConsumeFunName = "CancalUserMoneyConsume"
CancalUserRelateConsumeFunName = "CancalUserRelateConsume"
CancalUserIntegralExchangeConsumeFunName = "CancalUserIntegralExchange"
ZhiosTaskRewardConsumeFunName = "ZhiosTaskRewardExchange"

+ 10
- 1
consume/md/md.go View File

@@ -7,7 +7,16 @@ type ZhiosAcquisition struct {
Mid string `json:"mid"`
Id string `json:"id"`

type ZhiosTaskReward struct {
Uid string `json:"uid"`
Mid string `json:"mid"`
Reward string `json:"reward"`
CoinIdType string `json:"coin_id_type"`
Mode string `json:"mode"`
Title string `json:"title"`
DeviceModel string `json:"device_model"`
Oid string `json:"oid"`
type AcquisitionCfg struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Status string `json:"status"`

+ 85
- 0
consume/zhios_task_reward_exchange.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
package consume

import (
md3 ""

func ZhiosTaskRewardExchange(queue md.MqQueue) {
ch, err := rabbit.Cfg.Pool.GetChannel()
if err != nil {
defer ch.Release()
ch.Bind(queue.Name, queue.ExchangeName, queue.RoutKey)
delivery := ch.Consume(queue.Name, false)

var res amqp.Delivery
var ok bool
for {
res, ok = <-delivery
if ok == true {
err = handleZhiosTaskRewardExchange(res.Body)
//_ = res.Reject(false)
_ = res.Ack(true)
} else {
panic(errors.New("error getting message"))
fmt.Println("get msg done")

func handleZhiosTaskRewardExchange(msg []byte) error {
var canalMsg *md.ZhiosTaskReward
var tmpString string
err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &tmpString)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(tmpString), &canalMsg)
if err != nil {
return err
mid := canalMsg.Mid
eg := db.DBs[mid]
if eg == nil {
return nil
uid := canalMsg.Uid
var CommissionParam md3.CommissionFirstParam
CommissionParam.CommissionParam.Commission = canalMsg.Reward
CommissionParam.Uid = uid
CommissionParam.Provider = "task_center"
title := canalMsg.Title
var mapData = map[string]string{
"coin_id_type": canalMsg.CoinIdType,
"mode": canalMsg.Mode,
"title": title,
"device_model": canalMsg.DeviceModel,
svc.GetLvUser(eg, CommissionParam, utils.StrToInt64(canalMsg.Oid), mid, mapData)
return nil

+ 1
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go.mod View File

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