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huangjiajun 10 months ago
3 changed files with 265 additions and 107 deletions
  1. +9
  2. +13
  3. +243

+ 9
- 1
app/db/db_new_acquisition.go View File

@@ -17,7 +17,15 @@ func GetNewAcquisitionRewardLog(Db *xorm.Engine, condition *model.NewAcquisition
func GetNewAcquisitionRewardLogWhere(Db *xorm.Engine, uid, toUid, lv int) (*model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog, bool, error) {
var data model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog
has, err := Db.Where("uid=? and to_uid=? and lv=?", uid, toUid, lv).Get(&data)
has, err := Db.Where("uid=? and to_uid=? and lv=? ", uid, toUid, lv).Get(&data)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
return &data, has, nil
func GetNewAcquisitionRewardLogWhereCoinId(Db *xorm.Engine, uid, toUid, lv, coin_id int) (*model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog, bool, error) {
var data model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog
has, err := Db.Where("uid=? and to_uid=? and lv=? and coin_id=?", uid, toUid, lv, coin_id).Get(&data)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err

+ 13
- 3
consume/md/md.go View File

@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ type AcquisitionCfg struct {
InvitedRewardMax string `json:"invited_reward_max"`
RewardType string `json:"reward_type"`
RewardCoinId string `json:"reward_coin_id"`
NewRewardCoinId string `json:"new_reward_coin_id"`
LvRewardList []LvRewardList `json:"lv_reward_list"`
} `json:"reward_rule"`
ExtraRewardSetting struct {
@@ -83,16 +84,25 @@ type AcquisitionCfg struct {
RankData string `json:"rank_data"`
type LvRewardList struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Id string `json:"id"`
DirectSuccess string `json:"direct_success"`
IndirectSuccess string `json:"indirect_success"`
Name string `json:"name"`
InvitedReward string `json:"invited_reward"`
DirectSuccessMax string `json:"direct_success_max"`
IndirectSuccessMax string `json:"indirect_success_max"`
InvitedRewardMax string `json:"invited_reward_max"`
CoinList []RewardRuleCoinList `json:"coin_list"`
type RewardRuleCoinList struct {
CoinId string `json:"coin_id"`
DirectSuccess string `json:"direct_success"`
IndirectSuccess string `json:"indirect_success"`
Name string `json:"name"`
InvitedReward string `json:"invited_reward"`
DirectSuccessMax string `json:"direct_success_max"`
IndirectSuccessMax string `json:"indirect_success_max"`
InvitedRewardMax string `json:"invited_reward_max"`

type User struct {
Info *model.User
Profile *model.UserProfile

+ 243
- 103
consume/zhios_acquisition_condition.go View File

@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
@@ -122,79 +123,181 @@ func handleZhiosAcquisition(msg []byte) error {
isEnd = 1
lv = utils.StrToInt(v.Id)
InvitedReward := v.InvitedReward
if cfg.RewardRule.RewardType == "1" {
InvitedReward = Rands(v.InvitedReward, v.InvitedRewardMax)
DirectSuccess := v.DirectSuccess
if cfg.RewardRule.RewardType == "1" {
DirectSuccess = Rands(v.DirectSuccess, v.DirectSuccessMax)
IndirectSuccess := v.IndirectSuccess
if cfg.RewardRule.RewardType == "1" {
IndirectSuccess = Rands(v.IndirectSuccess, v.IndirectSuccessMax)
InvitedSource := 0
DirectSource := 1
IndirectSource := 2
InvitedSourceStr := "注册奖励"
DirectSourceStr := "直推好友"
IndirectSourceStr := "间推好友"
if k > 0 {
InvitedSource = 3
DirectSource = 4
IndirectSource = 5
InvitedSourceStr = "升级" + v.Name + "奖励"
DirectSourceStr = "直推好友升级" + v.Name + "奖励"
IndirectSourceStr = "间推好友升级" + v.Name + "奖励"
if utils.StrToFloat64(InvitedReward) > 0 {
ownRewardLog, ownhas, _ := db.GetNewAcquisitionRewardLogWhere(eg, userProfile.Uid, user.Profile.Uid, lv)
if !ownhas {
ownRewardLog = &model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog{
Uid: user.Profile.Uid,
ToUid: user.Profile.Uid,
Title: user.Info.Nickname,
Source: InvitedSource,
SourceText: InvitedSourceStr,
Money: InvitedReward,
CreatedAt: int(time.Now().Unix()),
State: 0,
CoinId: utils.StrToInt(cfg.RewardRule.RewardCoinId),
RewardType: utils.StrToInt(cfg.RewardRule.RewardType),
InviteTime: int(userInfo.CreateAt.Unix()),
Lv: lv,
if cfg.RewardRule.NewRewardCoinId != "" {
ex := strings.Split(cfg.RewardRule.NewRewardCoinId, ",")
for _, v1 := range v.CoinList {
if utils.InArr(v1.CoinId, ex) {
InvitedReward := v1.InvitedReward
if cfg.RewardRule.RewardType == "1" {
InvitedReward = Rands(v1.InvitedReward, v1.InvitedRewardMax)
DirectSuccess := v1.DirectSuccess
if cfg.RewardRule.RewardType == "1" {
DirectSuccess = Rands(v1.DirectSuccess, v1.DirectSuccessMax)
IndirectSuccess := v1.IndirectSuccess
if cfg.RewardRule.RewardType == "1" {
IndirectSuccess = Rands(v1.IndirectSuccess, v1.IndirectSuccessMax)
InvitedSource := 0
DirectSource := 1
IndirectSource := 2
InvitedSourceStr := "注册奖励"
DirectSourceStr := "直推好友"
IndirectSourceStr := "间推好友"
if k > 0 {
InvitedSource = 3
DirectSource = 4
IndirectSource = 5
InvitedSourceStr = "升级" + v.Name + "奖励"
DirectSourceStr = "直推好友升级" + v.Name + "奖励"
IndirectSourceStr = "间推好友升级" + v.Name + "奖励"
if utils.StrToFloat64(InvitedReward) > 0 {
ownRewardLog, ownhas, _ := db.GetNewAcquisitionRewardLogWhereCoinId(eg, userProfile.Uid, user.Profile.Uid, lv, utils.StrToInt(v1.CoinId))
if !ownhas {
ownRewardLog = &model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog{
Uid: user.Profile.Uid,
ToUid: user.Profile.Uid,
Title: user.Info.Nickname,
Source: InvitedSource,
SourceText: InvitedSourceStr,
Money: InvitedReward,
CreatedAt: int(time.Now().Unix()),
State: 0,
CoinId: utils.StrToInt(v1.CoinId),
RewardType: utils.StrToInt(cfg.RewardRule.RewardType),
InviteTime: int(userInfo.CreateAt.Unix()),
Lv: lv,

db.InsertNewRewardLog(eg, ownRewardLog)
if ownRewardLog.GivenAt == 0 {
db.InsertNewRewardLog(eg, ownRewardLog)
if ownRewardLog.GivenAt == 0 {

ownRewardLog.CompleteCon = str
ownRewardLog.IsFull = isFull
if ownRewardLog.FullTime == 0 {
ownRewardLog.FullTime = fullTime
if ownRewardLog.ToRewardTime == 0 {
ownRewardLog.ToRewardTime = toRewardTime
ownRewardLog.CompleteCon = str
ownRewardLog.IsFull = isFull
if ownRewardLog.FullTime == 0 {
ownRewardLog.FullTime = fullTime
if ownRewardLog.ToRewardTime == 0 {
ownRewardLog.ToRewardTime = toRewardTime
eg.Where("id=?", ownRewardLog.Id).Update(ownRewardLog)
if utils.StrToFloat64(DirectSuccess) > 0 {
if userProfile.ParentUid > 0 {
extendRewardLog, extendHas, _ := db.GetNewAcquisitionRewardLogWhereCoinId(eg, userProfile.ParentUid, userProfile.Uid, lv, utils.StrToInt(v1.CoinId))
if !extendHas {
extendRewardLog = &model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog{
Uid: user.Profile.ParentUid,
ToUid: user.Profile.Uid,
Title: user.Info.Nickname,
Source: DirectSource,
SourceText: DirectSourceStr,
Money: DirectSuccess,
CreatedAt: int(time.Now().Unix()),
State: 0,
CoinId: utils.StrToInt(v1.CoinId),
RewardType: utils.StrToInt(cfg.RewardRule.RewardType),
InviteTime: int(userInfo.CreateAt.Unix()),
Lv: lv,
db.InsertNewRewardLog(eg, extendRewardLog)
if extendRewardLog.GivenAt == 0 {

extendRewardLog.CompleteCon = str
extendRewardLog.IsFull = isFull
if extendRewardLog.FullTime == 0 {
extendRewardLog.FullTime = fullTime
if extendRewardLog.ToRewardTime == 0 {
extendRewardLog.ToRewardTime = toRewardTime
eg.Where("id=?", extendRewardLog.Id).Update(extendRewardLog)
if utils.StrToFloat64(IndirectSuccess) > 0 {
if nextUserProfile != nil && nextUserProfile.ParentUid > 0 {
IndirectRewardLog, IndirectHas, _ := db.GetNewAcquisitionRewardLogWhereCoinId(eg, nextUserProfile.ParentUid, userProfile.Uid, lv, utils.StrToInt(v1.CoinId))
if !IndirectHas {
IndirectRewardLog = &model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog{
Uid: nextUserProfile.ParentUid,
ToUid: user.Profile.Uid,
Title: user.Info.Nickname,
Source: IndirectSource,
SourceText: IndirectSourceStr,
Money: IndirectSuccess,
CreatedAt: int(time.Now().Unix()),
State: 0,
CoinId: utils.StrToInt(v1.CoinId),
RewardType: utils.StrToInt(cfg.RewardRule.RewardType),
InviteTime: int(userInfo.CreateAt.Unix()),
Lv: lv,
db.InsertNewRewardLog(eg, IndirectRewardLog)
if IndirectRewardLog.GivenAt == 0 {
IndirectRewardLog.CompleteCon = str
IndirectRewardLog.IsFull = isFull
if IndirectRewardLog.FullTime == 0 {
IndirectRewardLog.FullTime = fullTime
if IndirectRewardLog.ToRewardTime == 0 {
IndirectRewardLog.ToRewardTime = toRewardTime
eg.Where("id=?", IndirectRewardLog.Id).Update(IndirectRewardLog)
eg.Where("id=?", ownRewardLog.Id).Update(ownRewardLog)
if utils.StrToFloat64(DirectSuccess) > 0 {
if userProfile.ParentUid > 0 {
extendRewardLog, extendHas, _ := db.GetNewAcquisitionRewardLogWhere(eg, userProfile.ParentUid, userProfile.Uid, lv)
if !extendHas {
extendRewardLog = &model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog{
Uid: user.Profile.ParentUid,

} else {
InvitedReward := v.InvitedReward
if cfg.RewardRule.RewardType == "1" {
InvitedReward = Rands(v.InvitedReward, v.InvitedRewardMax)
DirectSuccess := v.DirectSuccess
if cfg.RewardRule.RewardType == "1" {
DirectSuccess = Rands(v.DirectSuccess, v.DirectSuccessMax)
IndirectSuccess := v.IndirectSuccess
if cfg.RewardRule.RewardType == "1" {
IndirectSuccess = Rands(v.IndirectSuccess, v.IndirectSuccessMax)
InvitedSource := 0
DirectSource := 1
IndirectSource := 2
InvitedSourceStr := "注册奖励"
DirectSourceStr := "直推好友"
IndirectSourceStr := "间推好友"
if k > 0 {
InvitedSource = 3
DirectSource = 4
IndirectSource = 5
InvitedSourceStr = "升级" + v.Name + "奖励"
DirectSourceStr = "直推好友升级" + v.Name + "奖励"
IndirectSourceStr = "间推好友升级" + v.Name + "奖励"
if utils.StrToFloat64(InvitedReward) > 0 {
ownRewardLog, ownhas, _ := db.GetNewAcquisitionRewardLogWhere(eg, userProfile.Uid, user.Profile.Uid, lv)
if !ownhas {
ownRewardLog = &model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog{
Uid: user.Profile.Uid,
ToUid: user.Profile.Uid,
Title: user.Info.Nickname,
Source: DirectSource,
SourceText: DirectSourceStr,
Money: DirectSuccess,
Source: InvitedSource,
SourceText: InvitedSourceStr,
Money: InvitedReward,
CreatedAt: int(time.Now().Unix()),
State: 0,
CoinId: utils.StrToInt(cfg.RewardRule.RewardCoinId),
@@ -202,55 +305,92 @@ func handleZhiosAcquisition(msg []byte) error {
InviteTime: int(userInfo.CreateAt.Unix()),
Lv: lv,
db.InsertNewRewardLog(eg, extendRewardLog)

db.InsertNewRewardLog(eg, ownRewardLog)
if extendRewardLog.GivenAt == 0 {
if ownRewardLog.GivenAt == 0 {

extendRewardLog.CompleteCon = str
extendRewardLog.IsFull = isFull
if extendRewardLog.FullTime == 0 {
extendRewardLog.FullTime = fullTime
ownRewardLog.CompleteCon = str
ownRewardLog.IsFull = isFull
if ownRewardLog.FullTime == 0 {
ownRewardLog.FullTime = fullTime
if extendRewardLog.ToRewardTime == 0 {
extendRewardLog.ToRewardTime = toRewardTime
if ownRewardLog.ToRewardTime == 0 {
ownRewardLog.ToRewardTime = toRewardTime
eg.Where("id=?", extendRewardLog.Id).Update(extendRewardLog)
eg.Where("id=?", ownRewardLog.Id).Update(ownRewardLog)
if utils.StrToFloat64(IndirectSuccess) > 0 {
if nextUserProfile != nil && nextUserProfile.ParentUid > 0 {
IndirectRewardLog, IndirectHas, _ := db.GetNewAcquisitionRewardLogWhere(eg, nextUserProfile.ParentUid, userProfile.Uid, lv)
if !IndirectHas {
IndirectRewardLog = &model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog{
Uid: nextUserProfile.ParentUid,
ToUid: user.Profile.Uid,
Title: user.Info.Nickname,
Source: IndirectSource,
SourceText: IndirectSourceStr,
Money: IndirectSuccess,
CreatedAt: int(time.Now().Unix()),
State: 0,
CoinId: utils.StrToInt(cfg.RewardRule.RewardCoinId),
RewardType: utils.StrToInt(cfg.RewardRule.RewardType),
InviteTime: int(userInfo.CreateAt.Unix()),
Lv: lv,
if utils.StrToFloat64(DirectSuccess) > 0 {
if userProfile.ParentUid > 0 {
extendRewardLog, extendHas, _ := db.GetNewAcquisitionRewardLogWhere(eg, userProfile.ParentUid, userProfile.Uid, lv)
if !extendHas {
extendRewardLog = &model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog{
Uid: user.Profile.ParentUid,
ToUid: user.Profile.Uid,
Title: user.Info.Nickname,
Source: DirectSource,
SourceText: DirectSourceStr,
Money: DirectSuccess,
CreatedAt: int(time.Now().Unix()),
State: 0,
CoinId: utils.StrToInt(cfg.RewardRule.RewardCoinId),
RewardType: utils.StrToInt(cfg.RewardRule.RewardType),
InviteTime: int(userInfo.CreateAt.Unix()),
Lv: lv,
db.InsertNewRewardLog(eg, extendRewardLog)
if extendRewardLog.GivenAt == 0 {

extendRewardLog.CompleteCon = str
extendRewardLog.IsFull = isFull
if extendRewardLog.FullTime == 0 {
extendRewardLog.FullTime = fullTime
if extendRewardLog.ToRewardTime == 0 {
extendRewardLog.ToRewardTime = toRewardTime
eg.Where("id=?", extendRewardLog.Id).Update(extendRewardLog)
db.InsertNewRewardLog(eg, IndirectRewardLog)
if IndirectRewardLog.GivenAt == 0 {
IndirectRewardLog.CompleteCon = str
IndirectRewardLog.IsFull = isFull
if IndirectRewardLog.FullTime == 0 {
IndirectRewardLog.FullTime = fullTime
if utils.StrToFloat64(IndirectSuccess) > 0 {
if nextUserProfile != nil && nextUserProfile.ParentUid > 0 {
IndirectRewardLog, IndirectHas, _ := db.GetNewAcquisitionRewardLogWhere(eg, nextUserProfile.ParentUid, userProfile.Uid, lv)
if !IndirectHas {
IndirectRewardLog = &model.NewAcquisitionRewardLog{
Uid: nextUserProfile.ParentUid,
ToUid: user.Profile.Uid,
Title: user.Info.Nickname,
Source: IndirectSource,
SourceText: IndirectSourceStr,
Money: IndirectSuccess,
CreatedAt: int(time.Now().Unix()),
State: 0,
CoinId: utils.StrToInt(cfg.RewardRule.RewardCoinId),
RewardType: utils.StrToInt(cfg.RewardRule.RewardType),
InviteTime: int(userInfo.CreateAt.Unix()),
Lv: lv,
db.InsertNewRewardLog(eg, IndirectRewardLog)
if IndirectRewardLog.ToRewardTime == 0 {
IndirectRewardLog.ToRewardTime = toRewardTime
if IndirectRewardLog.GivenAt == 0 {
IndirectRewardLog.CompleteCon = str
IndirectRewardLog.IsFull = isFull
if IndirectRewardLog.FullTime == 0 {
IndirectRewardLog.FullTime = fullTime
if IndirectRewardLog.ToRewardTime == 0 {
IndirectRewardLog.ToRewardTime = toRewardTime
eg.Where("id=?", IndirectRewardLog.Id).Update(IndirectRewardLog)
eg.Where("id=?", IndirectRewardLog.Id).Update(IndirectRewardLog)

} else {
InvitedReward := cfg.RewardRule.InvitedReward
