

huangjiajun 7 个月前
共有 8 个文件被更改,包括 534 次插入51 次删除
  1. +76
  2. +15
  3. +128
  4. +120
  5. +85
  6. +108
  7. +1
  8. +1

+ 76
- 51
chain_transfer/svc/svc_turnchain.go 查看文件

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
@@ -132,8 +133,7 @@ func TBOrTmTurnChain(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg *xorm.Engine, dbName string, ar
func JDTurnChain(eg *xorm.Engine, dbName string, args map[string]string) (*md.ConvertedUrls, error) {
pid := args["acc_jd_share_id"]
urls, err := zhimeng.JDConvertUrl(
db.SysCfgGetWithDb(eg, dbName, md.KEY_CFG_ZM_AK),
urls, err := cps_jd.JdUrl(eg, dbName, args["uid"], "3", db.SysCfgGetWithDb(eg, dbName, md.KEY_CFG_ZM_AK),
db.SysCfgGetWithDb(eg, dbName, md.KEY_CFG_ZM_SK),
@@ -294,21 +294,14 @@ func ConvertUrl(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg *xorm.Engine, args map[string]string
postData["gid"] = args["gid"]
postData["appkey"] = thirdZmAppKeyData.Val
postData["secret_key"] = thirdZmAppSecretData.Val
jdData, err := zhimeng.NewZhiMengJingDongSDK().
mdData := &md.MoreDetailResponse{}
// to struct
couponUrl := ""
couponPrice := ""
err = jdData.ToStruct(mdData)
mdData, err := cps_jd.JdDetailGoods(eg, args["master_id"], postData)
if err == nil && mdData != nil && mdData.CouponURL != "" {
couponUrl = mdData.CouponURL
couponPrice = mdData.CouponPrice
urls, err = zhimeng.JDConvertUrl(
urls, err = cps_jd.JdUrl(eg, args["master_id"], args["uid"], "3", thirdZmAppKeyData.Val,
@@ -1260,54 +1253,86 @@ func JDByGoodsId(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg *xorm.Engine, tmp map[string]string
var err error
ClickUrl := ""
isNull := ""
if zhios_third_party_utils.StrToInt(goodsId) > 0 {
postData["gid"] = goodsId
jdData, err = jd.NewZhiMengJingDongSDK().
auth, _ := db.SysUnionByJdByUseByAuth(eg, tmp["master_id"])
if auth != nil {
postData["union_type"] = zhios_third_party_utils.IntToStr(auth.AuthType)
if postData["union_type"] == "2" {
if zhios_third_party_utils.StrToInt(goodsId) > 0 {
postData["gid"] = goodsId
mdData, err = cps_jd.JdDetailGoods(eg, tmp["master_id"], postData)
} else {
curls, _ := OfficialRecommendUrl(eg, tmp, "jd", 1, 0, 0, 0, "", "1", 0, url)
if curls != nil && curls.Url != "" {
fmt.Println("===zhe1", time.Since(now))
ClickUrl = curls.Url
//parse, _ = taoke.DaTaoKeContentParse(curls.Url)
postData["keyword"] = url
postData["size"] = "2"
postData["p"] = "1"
postData["is_url"] = "1"
mdData, err = cps_jd.JdSearchGoodsUrl(eg, tmp["master_id"], postData)
fmt.Println("===zhe2", time.Since(now))
} else {
isNull = "1"
if mdData == nil {
if ClickUrl != "" {
return &md.ProductDetailResponse{ClickUrl: ClickUrl}, md.PVD_JD, "", ""
return &md.ProductDetailResponse{IsNull: isNull}, md.PVD_JD, "", ""
} else {
curls, _ := OfficialRecommendUrl(eg, tmp, "jd", 1, 0, 0, 0, "", "1", 0, url)
if curls != nil && curls.Url != "" {
fmt.Println("===zhe1", time.Since(now))

ClickUrl = curls.Url
//parse, _ = taoke.DaTaoKeContentParse(curls.Url)
postData["keyword"] = url
postData["size"] = "2"
postData["p"] = "1"
postData["is_url"] = "1"
if zhios_third_party_utils.StrToInt(goodsId) > 0 {
postData["gid"] = goodsId
jdData, err = jd.NewZhiMengJingDongSDK().
fmt.Println("===zhe2", time.Since(now))

} else {
isNull = "1"
curls, _ := OfficialRecommendUrl(eg, tmp, "jd", 1, 0, 0, 0, "", "1", 0, url)
if curls != nil && curls.Url != "" {
fmt.Println("===zhe1", time.Since(now))

ClickUrl = curls.Url
//parse, _ = taoke.DaTaoKeContentParse(curls.Url)
postData["keyword"] = url
postData["size"] = "2"
postData["p"] = "1"
postData["is_url"] = "1"
jdData, err = jd.NewZhiMengJingDongSDK().
fmt.Println("===zhe2", time.Since(now))

} else {
isNull = "1"
if jdData == nil {
if ClickUrl != "" {
return &md.ProductDetailResponse{ClickUrl: ClickUrl}, md.PVD_JD, "", ""
if jdData == nil {
if ClickUrl != "" {
return &md.ProductDetailResponse{ClickUrl: ClickUrl}, md.PVD_JD, "", ""
return &md.ProductDetailResponse{IsNull: isNull}, md.PVD_JD, "", ""
// scrap detail image
if zhios_third_party_utils.StrToInt(goodsId) > 0 {
return &md.ProductDetailResponse{IsNull: isNull}, md.PVD_JD, "", ""
// scrap detail image
if zhios_third_party_utils.StrToInt(goodsId) > 0 {
if err != nil {
//e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_API_RESPONSE, e.NewErr(400, "商品已下架"))
return nil, "", "", ""
// to struct
err = jdData.ToStruct(mdData)
if err != nil {
//e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_INVALID_ARGS, err)
return nil, "", "", ""

if err != nil {
//e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_API_RESPONSE, e.NewErr(400, "商品已下架"))
return nil, "", "", ""
// to struct
err = jdData.ToStruct(mdData)
if err != nil {
//e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_INVALID_ARGS, err)
return nil, "", "", ""
if mdData != nil {
if mdData.GID == "100038437991" || strings.Contains(mdData.GoodsTitle, "Apple iPhone") {
return nil, "", "", ""

+ 15
- 0
db/db_sys_union.go 查看文件

@@ -6,6 +6,21 @@ import (

func SysUnionByJdByUseByAuth(Db *xorm.Engine, masterId string) (*model.SysUnionSet, error) {
var (
m model.SysUnionSet
has, err := Db.Where("provider = 'jd' AND is_use = 1 ").Get(&m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !has {
return nil, errors.New("找不到联盟设置")

return &m, nil

// SysUnionByTaobaoByUseByAuth is 正在使用Taobao且已授权的设置
func SysUnionByTaobaoByUseByAuth(Db *xorm.Engine, masterId string) (*model.SysUnionSet, error) {
var (

+ 128
- 0
lib/cps_jd/svc_detail.go 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
package cps_jd

import (
zhios_third_party_utils "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_third_party_api.git/utils"

func JdUnionComm() map[string]string {
keyArr := map[string]string{
"app_key": "444ab671c4d095122916453d09af27fc",
"access_token": "",
"app_secret": "aef3c2745cc44194816d0c89c65b3847",
return keyArr
func JdDetailGoods(eg *xorm.Engine, dbName string, postData map[string]interface{}) (*md.MoreDetailResponse, error) {
auth, _ := db.SysUnionByJdByUseByAuth(eg, dbName)
if auth != nil {
postData["union_type"] = zhios_third_party_utils.IntToStr(auth.AuthType)
var r md.MoreDetailResponse
if postData["union_type"] == "2" {
param := map[string]interface{}{}
if php2go.IsNumeric(postData["gid"]) {
param["skuIds"] = []string{zhios_third_party_utils.AnyToString(postData["gid"])}
} else {
param["itemIds"] = []string{zhios_third_party_utils.AnyToString(postData["gid"])}
keyArr := JdUnionComm()

goods, err := jd_union.SearchGoods(keyArr, param)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp := gjson.Get(goods, "jd_union_open_goods_query_responce.queryResult").String()
var data cps_jd.JdSearchGoods
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(resp), &data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(data.Data) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("商品下架")
var tmpData md.JDZhimengItem
for _, v := range data.Data {
imgList := make([]string, 0)
img := ""
for k1, v1 := range v.ImageInfo.ImageList {
imgList = append(imgList, v1.Url)
if k1 == 0 {
img = v1.Url
var tmp = md.JDZhimengItem{
SkuId: zhios_third_party_utils.Int64ToStr(v.SkuId),
Cid1: v.CategoryInfo.Cid1,
Cid1Name: v.CategoryInfo.Cid1Name,
Cid2: v.CategoryInfo.Cid2,
Cid2Name: v.CategoryInfo.Cid2Name,
Cid3: v.CategoryInfo.Cid3,
Cid3Name: v.CategoryInfo.Cid3Name,
CommissionRate: v.CommissionInfo.CommissionShare,
CouponURL: "",
EndTime: int(time.Now().Unix()) + 86400*365,
Gid: v.ItemId,
GoodsImg: img,
GoodsTitle: strings.ReplaceAll(v.SkuName, "\t", ""),
ImgList: imgList,
InOrderCount: v.InOrderCount30Days,
IsFreeFreightRisk: 1,
IsFreeShipping: 1,
IsJdSale: v.IsJdSale,
LowerPrice: v.PriceInfo.LowestPrice,
LowerPriceType: v.PriceInfo.LowestPriceType,
LowestCouponPrice: v.PriceInfo.LowestCouponPrice,
PcGoodsPrice: v.PriceInfo.Price,
ShopID: v.ShopInfo.ShopId,
ShopName: v.ShopInfo.ShopName,
StartTime: int(time.Now().Unix()),
StoreID: "0",
WlGoodsPrice: v.PriceInfo.Price,
if tmp.LowerPrice > 0 {
tmp.PcGoodsPrice = tmp.LowerPrice
tmp.WlGoodsPrice = tmp.LowerPrice
if len(v.CouponInfo.CouponList) > 0 {
var max float64 = 0
for _, v1 := range v.CouponInfo.CouponList {
if v1.Discount > max && v1.IsBest == 1 {
tmp.CouponPrice = int(v1.Discount)
tmp.CouponURL = v1.Link
max = v1.Discount
tmpData = tmp
copier.Copy(&r, &tmpData)
} else {
jdData, err := jd.NewZhiMengJingDongSDK().
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("商品下架")
// to struct
err = jdData.ToStruct(&r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

return &r, nil

+ 120
- 0
lib/cps_jd/svc_search.go 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
package cps_jd

import (
zhios_third_party_utils "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_third_party_api.git/utils"

func JdSearchGoodsUrl(eg *xorm.Engine, dbName string, postData map[string]interface{}) (*md.MoreDetailResponse, error) {
auth, _ := db.SysUnionByJdByUseByAuth(eg, dbName)
if auth != nil {
postData["union_type"] = zhios_third_party_utils.IntToStr(auth.AuthType)
var r md.MoreDetailResponse
if postData["union_type"] == "2" {
param := map[string]interface{}{
"pageIndex": postData["p"],
"pageSize": postData["size"],
"keyword": postData["keyword"],
keyArr := JdUnionComm()
goods, err := jd_union.SearchGoods(keyArr, param)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp := gjson.Get(goods, "jd_union_open_goods_query_responce.queryResult").String()
var data cps_jd.JdSearchGoods
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(resp), &data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(data.Data) == 0 || len(data.Data) > 1 {
return nil, nil
var tmpData md.JDZhimengItem
for _, v := range data.Data {
imgList := make([]string, 0)
img := ""
for k1, v1 := range v.ImageInfo.ImageList {
imgList = append(imgList, v1.Url)
if k1 == 0 {
img = v1.Url
var tmp = md.JDZhimengItem{
Cid1: v.CategoryInfo.Cid1,
Cid1Name: v.CategoryInfo.Cid1Name,
Cid2: v.CategoryInfo.Cid2,
Cid2Name: v.CategoryInfo.Cid2Name,
Cid3: v.CategoryInfo.Cid3,
Cid3Name: v.CategoryInfo.Cid3Name,
CommissionRate: v.CommissionInfo.CommissionShare,
CouponURL: "",
EndTime: int(time.Now().Unix()) + 86400*365,
Gid: v.ItemId,
GoodsImg: img,
GoodsTitle: strings.ReplaceAll(v.SkuName, "\t", ""),
ImgList: imgList,
InOrderCount: v.InOrderCount30Days,
IsFreeFreightRisk: 1,
IsFreeShipping: 1,
IsJdSale: v.IsJdSale,
LowerPrice: v.PriceInfo.LowestPrice,
LowerPriceType: v.PriceInfo.LowestPriceType,
LowestCouponPrice: v.PriceInfo.LowestCouponPrice,
PcGoodsPrice: v.PriceInfo.Price,
ShopID: v.ShopInfo.ShopId,
ShopName: v.ShopInfo.ShopName,
StartTime: int(time.Now().Unix()),
StoreID: "0",
WlGoodsPrice: v.PriceInfo.Price,
if tmp.LowerPrice > 0 {
tmp.PcGoodsPrice = tmp.LowerPrice
tmp.WlGoodsPrice = tmp.LowerPrice
if len(v.CouponInfo.CouponList) > 0 {
var max float64 = 0
for _, v1 := range v.CouponInfo.CouponList {
if v1.Discount > max && v1.IsBest == 1 {
tmp.CouponPrice = int(v1.Discount)
tmp.CouponURL = v1.Link
max = v1.Discount
tmpData = tmp
copier.Copy(&r, &tmpData)
return &r, nil
} else {
jdData, err := jd.NewZhiMengJingDongSDK().
if jdData == nil {
return nil, errors.New("商品已下架")
if err == nil {
itemInfo := &md.MoreDetailResponse{}
if err := jdData.ToStruct(itemInfo); err != nil {
return nil, err
return itemInfo, nil
} else {
return nil, errors.New("商品已下架")
return nil, nil

+ 85
- 0
lib/cps_jd/url.go 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
package cps_jd

import (
zhios_third_party_utils "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_third_party_api.git/utils"

func JdUrl(eg *xorm.Engine, dbName string, uid string, buyType string, appkey, appsecret, itemId, promoId, couponUrl, couponPrice, activityUrl string) (*md.ConvertedUrls, error) {
auth, _ := db.SysUnionByJdByUseByAuth(eg, dbName)
var urls *md.ConvertedUrls
var err error
unionType := 0
if auth != nil {
unionType = auth.AuthType
if unionType == 2 {
url := itemId
if activityUrl != "" {
url = activityUrl
req := map[string]interface{}{
"materialId": url,
"unionId": gjson.Get(auth.KeyData, "apiAppId").String(),
"positionId": uid + "0" + dbName + "0" + buyType,
"chainType": "3",
if couponUrl != "" {
req["couponUrl"] = couponUrl
urls, err = JdUnionUrl(req)
if urls != nil {
urls.HasCoupon = false
if couponUrl != "" {
urls.HasCoupon = true
urls.CommissionRate = couponPrice
urls.ItemId = itemId
} else {
urls, err = zhimeng.JDConvertUrl(

return urls, err
func JdUnionUrl(goodsReq map[string]interface{}) (*md.ConvertedUrls, error) {
param := map[string]interface{}{
"promotionCodeReq": goodsReq,
keyArr := JdUnionComm()
paramJson := zhios_third_party_utils.SerializeStr(param)
send, err := jd_union.SendGet(keyArr, "jd.union.open.promotion.byunionid.get", paramJson, "1.0")
var urls md.ConvertedUrls
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if send == "" {
return nil, errors.New("转链失败")
resp := gjson.Get(send, "jd_union_open_promotion_byunionid_get_responce.getResult").String()
code := gjson.Get(resp, "code").Int()
if code != 200 {
return nil, errors.New(gjson.Get(resp, "message").String())
urls = md.ConvertedUrls{
URL: gjson.Get(resp, "data.shortURL").String(),
ShortenURL: gjson.Get(resp, "data.shortURL").String(),
NoOpenAppURL: gjson.Get(resp, "data.shortURL").String(),
AppURL: gjson.Get(resp, "data.shortURL").String(),
ClickUrl: gjson.Get(resp, "data.url").String(),
return &urls, nil

+ 108
- 0
md/cps_jd/search_goods.go 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
package cps_jd

type JdSearchGoods struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Data []struct {
BrandCode string `json:"brandCode"`
BrandName string `json:"brandName"`
CategoryInfo struct {
Cid1 int `json:"cid1"`
Cid1Name string `json:"cid1Name"`
Cid2 int `json:"cid2"`
Cid2Name string `json:"cid2Name"`
Cid3 int `json:"cid3"`
Cid3Name string `json:"cid3Name"`
} `json:"categoryInfo"`
Comments int `json:"comments"`
CommissionInfo struct {
Commission float64 `json:"commission"`
CommissionShare float64 `json:"commissionShare"`
CouponCommission float64 `json:"couponCommission"`
EndTime int64 `json:"endTime"`
IsLock int `json:"isLock"`
PlusCommissionShare float64 `json:"plusCommissionShare"`
StartTime int64 `json:"startTime"`
} `json:"commissionInfo"`
CouponInfo struct {
CouponList []struct {
BindType int `json:"bindType"`
CouponStyle int `json:"couponStyle"`
Discount float64 `json:"discount"`
GetEndTime int64 `json:"getEndTime"`
GetStartTime int64 `json:"getStartTime"`
IsBest int `json:"isBest"`
IsInputCoupon int `json:"isInputCoupon"`
Link string `json:"link"`
PlatformType int `json:"platformType"`
Quota float64 `json:"quota"`
UseEndTime int64 `json:"useEndTime"`
UseStartTime int64 `json:"useStartTime"`
HotValue int `json:"hotValue,omitempty"`
} `json:"couponList"`
} `json:"couponInfo"`
DeliveryType int `json:"deliveryType"`
EliteType []int `json:"eliteType,omitempty"`
ForbidTypes []int `json:"forbidTypes"`
GoodCommentsShare float64 `json:"goodCommentsShare"`
ImageInfo struct {
ImageList []struct {
Url string `json:"url"`
} `json:"imageList"`
WhiteImage string `json:"whiteImage,omitempty"`
} `json:"imageInfo"`
InOrderComm30Days float64 `json:"inOrderComm30Days"`
InOrderCount30Days int `json:"inOrderCount30Days"`
IsHot int `json:"isHot"`
IsJdSale int `json:"isJdSale"`
IsOversea int `json:"isOversea"`
ItemId string `json:"itemId"`
MaterialUrl string `json:"materialUrl"`
Owner string `json:"owner"`
PinGouInfo struct {
} `json:"pinGouInfo"`
PingGouInfo struct {
} `json:"pingGouInfo"`
PriceInfo struct {
HistoryPriceDay int `json:"historyPriceDay,omitempty"`
LowestCouponPrice float64 `json:"lowestCouponPrice"`
LowestPrice float64 `json:"lowestPrice"`
LowestPriceType int `json:"lowestPriceType"`
Price float64 `json:"price"`
} `json:"priceInfo"`
ShopInfo struct {
AfsFactorScoreRankGrade string `json:"afsFactorScoreRankGrade,omitempty"`
AfterServiceScore string `json:"afterServiceScore,omitempty"`
CommentFactorScoreRankGrade string `json:"commentFactorScoreRankGrade,omitempty"`
LogisticsFactorScoreRankGrade string `json:"logisticsFactorScoreRankGrade,omitempty"`
LogisticsLvyueScore string `json:"logisticsLvyueScore,omitempty"`
ScoreRankRate string `json:"scoreRankRate,omitempty"`
ShopId int `json:"shopId"`
ShopLabel string `json:"shopLabel"`
ShopLevel float64 `json:"shopLevel"`
ShopName string `json:"shopName"`
UserEvaluateScore string `json:"userEvaluateScore,omitempty"`
} `json:"shopInfo"`
SkuId int64 `json:"skuId"`
SkuName string `json:"skuName"`
Spuid int64 `json:"spuid"`
VideoInfo struct {
VideoList []struct {
Duration int `json:"duration"`
High int `json:"high"`
ImageUrl string `json:"imageUrl"`
PlayType string `json:"playType"`
PlayUrl string `json:"playUrl"`
VideoType int `json:"videoType"`
Width int `json:"width"`
} `json:"videoList,omitempty"`
} `json:"videoInfo"`
JxFlags []int `json:"jxFlags,omitempty"`
SecondPriceInfoList []struct {
SecondPrice float64 `json:"secondPrice"`
SecondPriceType int `json:"secondPriceType"`
} `json:"secondPriceInfoList,omitempty"`
} `json:"data"`
Message string `json:"message"`
RequestId string `json:"requestId"`
TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"`

+ 1
- 0
md/zhimeng.go 查看文件

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package md

type JDZhimengItem struct {
SkuId interface{} `json:"sku_id"`
Cid1 int `json:"cid1"`
Cid1Name string `json:"cid1_name"`
Cid2 int `json:"cid2"`

+ 1
- 0
pdd_union/api.go 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
package pdd_union
