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huangjiajun 4 månader sedan
6 ändrade filer med 301 tillägg och 15 borttagningar
  1. +2
  2. +162
  3. +6
  4. +10
  5. +68
  6. +53

+ 2
- 0
chain_transfer/chain_transfer.go Visa fil

@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ func ChainTransfer(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg, zhimengEg *xorm.Engine, args map
args["acc_jd_share_id"] = userProfile.AccJdCloudId
args["acc_pdd_self_id"] = userProfile.AccPddSelfId
args["acc_vip_self_id"] = userProfile.AccVipShareId

switch args["provider"] {
case md.PVD_TB, md.PVD_TM:

+ 162
- 15
chain_transfer/svc/svc_turnchain.go Visa fil

@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
zhios_third_party_utils ""
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ func TurnChainFeatures(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg, zhimengEg *xorm.Engine, tikT
tikTokBase["acc_jd_share_id"] = userProfile.AccJdCloudId
tikTokBase["acc_pdd_self_id"] = userProfile.AccPddSelfId
tikTokBase["acc_vip_self_id"] = userProfile.AccVipShareId
tikTokBase["uid"] = zhios_third_party_utils.IntToStr(user.Uid)
tikTokBase["gid"] = goodsId
@@ -74,6 +76,8 @@ func TurnChainFeatures(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg, zhimengEg *xorm.Engine, tikT

case md.PVD_PDD:
urls, err = PDDTurnChain(eg, dbName, tikTokBase)
case md.PVD_VIP:
urls, err = VipTurnChain(eg, dbName, tikTokBase)
return nil, errors.New("失败")
@@ -145,6 +149,40 @@ func JDTurnChain(eg *xorm.Engine, dbName string, args map[string]string) (*md.Co
return urls, nil
func VipTurnChain(eg *xorm.Engine, dbName string, args map[string]string) (*md.ConvertedUrls, error) {
// 初始化vip配置
pid := args["acc_vip_share_id"]
openId := pid
pidType := "cloud"
auth, _ := db.SysUnionByPVDByUse(eg, dbName, "vip")
unionType := ""
if auth != nil {
if auth.AuthType == 2 {
pid = zhimeng.GetWphPid(zhios_third_party_utils.StrToInt(args["uid"]), pidType, dbName)
openId = pid
unionType = zhios_third_party_utils.IntToStr(auth.AuthType)
var urls *md.ConvertedUrls
var err error
if unionType == "2" {
urls, err = zhimeng.OwnWphConvertUrl(auth,
"", "vendoapi", openId, "1")
} else {
urls, err = zhimeng.VipConvertUrl(
db.SysCfgGetWithDb(eg, dbName, md.KEY_CFG_ZM_AK),
db.SysCfgGetWithDb(eg, dbName, md.KEY_CFG_ZM_SK),
"", "vendoapi", openId, "1")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return urls, nil

// pdd转链
func PDDTurnChain(eg *xorm.Engine, dbName string, args map[string]string) (*md.ConvertedUrls, error) {
@@ -382,23 +420,38 @@ func ConvertUrl(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg, zhimengEg *xorm.Engine, args map[st

case md.PVD_VIP:
thirdZmAppKeyData, err := db.SysCfgGetOne(eg, "third_zm_app_key")
if thirdZmAppKeyData == nil || err != nil {
return urls, err
thirdZmAppSecretData, err := db.SysCfgGetOne(eg, "third_zm_app_secret")
if thirdZmAppSecretData == nil || err != nil {
return urls, err
// 初始化vip配置
pid := args["master_id"] + "_vip_cloud_" + args["uid"]
openId := args["master_id"] + "_vip_" + args["uid"]
urls, err = zhimeng.VipConvertUrl(
"", "vendoapi", openId, "1")
union, _ := db.SysUnionByPVDByUse(eg, args["master_id"], "vip")
authType := "0"
if union != nil && union.AuthType == 2 {
pid = "own_cloud_" + args["master_id"] + "_" + args["uid"]
authType = "2"
openId = pid
if authType == "2" {
urls, err = zhimeng.OwnWphConvertUrl(union, args["gid"],
"", "vendoapi", openId, "1")
} else {
thirdZmAppKeyData, err := db.SysCfgGetOne(eg, "third_zm_app_key")
if thirdZmAppKeyData == nil || err != nil {
return urls, err
thirdZmAppSecretData, err := db.SysCfgGetOne(eg, "third_zm_app_secret")
if thirdZmAppSecretData == nil || err != nil {
return urls, err

urls, err = zhimeng.VipConvertUrl(
"", "vendoapi", openId, "1")

case md.PVD_PDD:
pid := args["acc_pdd_self_id"]
union, _ := db.SysUnionByPVDByUse(eg, args["master_id"], "pdd")
@@ -843,6 +896,8 @@ func FindTaobaoWord(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg, zhimengEg *xorm.Engine, tmp map
goodsParam["acc_jd_share_id"] = userProfile.AccJdCloudId
goodsParam["acc_pdd_self_id"] = userProfile.AccPddSelfId
goodsParam["acc_vip_self_id"] = userProfile.AccVipShareId

//判断如果是有纯字母 字母+数字的内容 并且没有链接的 都调淘宝接口
split := regexp.MustCompile("[a-zA-Z0-9]{9,14}").FindAllString(reqCount, -1)
@@ -1165,6 +1220,8 @@ func CheckKuaishouWord(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg, zhimengEg *xorm.Engine, dbNa
args["acc_jd_share_id"] = userProfile.AccJdCloudId
args["acc_pdd_self_id"] = userProfile.AccPddSelfId
args["acc_vip_self_id"] = userProfile.AccVipShareId

args["gid"] = itemData.GoodsID
args["master_id"] = dbName
@@ -1225,7 +1282,13 @@ func ProcessTurnChainByGoodsId(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg *xorm.Engine, tmp map
} else {

case md.PVD_VIP:
vipResponse, vipProvider := VIPByGoodsID(eg, officialEg, tmp, goodsId, url, mdData)
if vipResponse != nil && vipProvider != "" {
return vipResponse, vipProvider, "", "", "", "", "", mdData
} else {
case md.PVD_PDD:
pddResponse, pddProvider := PDDByGoodsId(eg, officialEg, tmp, goodsId, url, mdData)
if pddResponse != nil && pddProvider != "" {
@@ -1458,6 +1521,90 @@ func PDDByGoodsId(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg *xorm.Engine, tmp map[string]strin

return nil, ""
func VIPByGoodsID(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg *xorm.Engine, tmp map[string]string, goodsId, url string, mdData *md.MoreDetailResponse) (*md.ProductDetailResponse, string) {
postData := make(map[string]interface{})
union, _ := db.SysUnionByPVDByUse(eg, tmp["master_id"], "vip")
if zhios_third_party_utils.StrToInt(goodsId) > 0 {
postData["gid"] = goodsId
} else {
postData1 := make(map[string]interface{})
postData1["url"] = url
postData["appkey"] = db.SysCfgGetWithDb(eg, tmp["master_id"], md.KEY_CFG_ZM_AK)
postData["secret_key"] = db.SysCfgGetWithDb(eg, tmp["master_id"], md.KEY_CFG_ZM_SK)

if union != nil {
if union.AuthType == 2 {
uid := zhios_third_party_utils.StrToInt(tmp["uid"])
postData["pid"] = zhimeng.GetWphPid(uid, "self", tmp["master_id"])
postData["openId"] = postData["pid"]
postData["union_type"] = zhios_third_party_utils.IntToStr(union.AuthType)
if postData["union_type"] == "2" {
gid := zhimeng.OwnWphParseUrl(union, url)
postData["gid"] = gid
} else {
vipData1, err1 := vip.NewZhiMengVIPSDK().
if err1 != nil || vipData1 == nil {
//e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_API_RESPONSE, e.NewErr(400, "商品已下架"))
return nil, ""
stringInterface := vipData1.VipToMapStringInterface()
postData["gid"] = stringInterface["gid"]
postData["appkey"] = db.SysCfgGetWithDb(eg, tmp["master_id"], md.KEY_CFG_ZM_AK)
postData["secret_key"] = db.SysCfgGetWithDb(eg, tmp["master_id"], md.KEY_CFG_ZM_SK)
postData["realCall"] = "1"
postData["openId"] = "default_open_id"
postData["pid"] = "default_pid"
if tmp["acc_vip_self_id"] != "" {
postData["openId"] = strings.ReplaceAll(tmp["acc_vip_self_id"], "self_", "")
postData["pid"] = tmp["acc_vip_self_id"]
if union != nil {
if union.AuthType == 2 {
uid := zhios_third_party_utils.StrToInt(tmp["uid"])
postData["pid"] = zhimeng.GetWphPid(uid, "self", tmp["master_id"])
postData["openId"] = postData["pid"]
postData["union_type"] = zhios_third_party_utils.IntToStr(union.AuthType)
if postData["union_type"] == "2" {
slist := zhimeng.OwnWphDetail(union, postData)
err := zhimeng.OwnPddToStruct(slist, mdData)
if err != nil {
return nil, ""
} else {
vipData, err := vip.NewZhiMengVIPSDK().
if err != nil || vipData == nil {
//e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_API_RESPONSE, e.NewErr(400, "商品已下架"))
return nil, ""
// to struct
err = vipData.ToObject().ToStruct(mdData)
if err != nil {
//e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_INVALID_ARGS, err)
return nil, ""
if mdData != nil {
// to response
r := &md.ProductDetailResponse{}
r.GoodID = mdData.GID
return r, md.PVD_VIP
return nil, ""

func OfficialRecommendUrl(eg *xorm.Engine, tmp map[string]string, sourceType string, isShare int, isWxMini int, lat float64, lng float64, ActivityId, linkType string, isShowMiniUrl int, activityPlatformUrl string) (*md.OfficialRecommendUrl, error) {
var (

+ 6
- 0
chain_transfer/turn_chain.go Visa fil

@@ -45,12 +45,17 @@ func TurnChain(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg, zhimengEg *xorm.Engine, args map[str
args["acc_jd_share_id"] = userProfile.AccJdCloudId
args["acc_pdd_self_id"] = userProfile.AccPddSelfId
args["acc_vip_self_id"] = userProfile.AccVipShareId

reqCount := args["content"]
if reqCount == "" {
return tcPrase
if strings.Contains(reqCount, "http") == false {
reqCount = strings.ReplaceAll(reqCount, "", "")
reqCount = strings.ReplaceAll(reqCount, "\n¥", "¥")
reqCount = strings.ReplaceAll(reqCount, "http", "\nhttp")
reqCounts := reqCount
@@ -68,6 +73,7 @@ func TurnChain(eg *xorm.Engine, officialEg, zhimengEg *xorm.Engine, args map[str
reqCount = reqCounts

findAllUrl := xurls.Strict.FindAllString(reqCount, -1)
var pvd, goodsId, tklWord string
reg1 := regexp.MustCompile(`¥.*?¥`)

+ 10
- 0
vip/vip_zhimeng.go Visa fil

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package vip

import ""

// NewZhiMengVIPSDK is constructor
func NewZhiMengVIPSDK() *zhimeng.SDK {
vip := &zhimeng.SDK{}
return vip

+ 68
- 0
zhimeng/own_wph_goods.go Visa fil

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package zhimeng

import (
zhios_third_party_utils ""

func GetWphPid(uid int, shareType, dbName string) string {
newpid := "own_" + shareType + "_" + dbName + "_0"
if uid > 0 {
newpid = "own_" + shareType + "_" + dbName + "_" + zhios_third_party_utils.IntToStr(uid)
return newpid

func OwnWphToStruct(data string, r *md.MoreDetailResponse) error {

if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), r); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func OwnWphDetail(auth *model.SysUnionSet, postData map[string]interface{}) string {
serviceParam := CommWph(auth)
realCall := "false"
if postData["realCall"] == "1" {
realCall = "true"
serviceParam["token"] = gjson.Get(auth.KeyData, "accessToken").String()
paramData := map[string]interface{}{
"goodsIdList": []string{zhios_third_party_utils.AnyToString(postData["gid"])},
"requestId": serviceParam["uuid"] + zhios_third_party_utils.Int64ToStr(time.Now().Unix()) + zhios_third_party_utils.IntToStr(php2go.Rand(1000, 9999)),
"request": map[string]string{
"realCall": realCall,
"openId": zhios_third_party_utils.AnyToString(postData["openId"]),
"chanTag": zhios_third_party_utils.AnyToString(postData["pid"]),
param := zhios_third_party_utils.SerializeStr(paramData)
res1 := wph.GetByGoodsIdsWithOauth(serviceParam, param)
if len(res1) > 0 {
return zhios_third_party_utils.SerializeStr(res1[0])

return ""


func OwnWphParseUrl(auth *model.SysUnionSet, content string) string {
serviceParam := CommWph(auth)
serviceParam["token"] = gjson.Get(auth.KeyData, "accessToken").String()
paramData := map[string]interface{}{
"vipLinkCheckReq": map[string]string{
"source": "唯品会",
"content": content,
param := zhios_third_party_utils.SerializeStr(paramData)
res1 := wph.GetParseUrl(serviceParam, param)
return zhios_third_party_utils.AnyToString(res1["goodsId"])


+ 53
- 0
zhimeng/vip_convert_url.go Visa fil

@@ -1,10 +1,63 @@
package zhimeng

import (
zhios_third_party_utils ""

func CommWph(auth *model.SysUnionSet) map[string]string {
serviceParam := map[string]string{
"token": "",
"uuid": "353543142",
"key": "8f8c427e",
"secret": "DB9C5A92480618101A15835DD9E8AF69",
if auth != nil {
serviceParam["token"] = gjson.Get(auth.KeyData, "accessToken").String()
return serviceParam

func OwnWphConvertUrl(auth *model.SysUnionSet, itemId, pid, couponPrice, adCode, openId, realCall string) (*md.ConvertedUrls, error) {
urlGenByGoodsIdRequest := map[string]string{
"realCall": "false",
"openId": openId,
"adCode": adCode,
if realCall == "1" {
urlGenByGoodsIdRequest["realCall"] = "true"
serviceParam := CommWph(auth)
paramData := map[string]interface{}{
"goodsIdList": []string{itemId},
"requestId": serviceParam["uuid"] + zhios_third_party_utils.Int64ToStr(time.Now().Unix()) + zhios_third_party_utils.IntToStr(php2go.Rand(1000, 9999)),
"urlGenByGoodsIdRequest": urlGenByGoodsIdRequest,
"chanTag": pid,
param := zhios_third_party_utils.SerializeStr(paramData)
url := wph.GetUrl(serviceParam, param)
if url.Url == "" {
return nil, errors.New("转链失败")
return &md.ConvertedUrls{
ItemId: itemId,
URL: url.Url,
ShortenURL: url.Url,
NoOpenAppURL: url.Url,
AppURL: url.DeeplinkUrl,
HasCoupon: false,
CommissionRate: couponPrice,
WeChatMiniURL: url.VipWxUrl,
}, nil

// todo
func VipConvertUrl(ak, sk, itemId, pid, couponPrice, adCode, openId, realCall string) (*md.ConvertedUrls, error) {
args := map[string]interface{}{
