huangjiajun 3 months ago
5 changed files with 215 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +48
  2. +114
  3. +12
  4. +40
  5. +1

+ 48
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app/db/db_user_virtual_amount.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package db

import (

func GetUserVirtualAmountOne(session *xorm.Session, uid int, coinId int) (*model.UserVirtualAmount, error) {

var m model.UserVirtualAmount
isExist, err := session.Table("user_virtual_amount").Where("uid = ? AND coin_id = ?", uid, coinId).Get(&m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !isExist {
return nil, nil
return &m, nil


func GetUserVirtualAmountOneEg(eg *xorm.Engine, uid int, coinId int) (*model.UserVirtualAmount, error) {

var m model.UserVirtualAmount
isExist, err := eg.Table("user_virtual_amount").Where("uid = ? AND coin_id = ?", uid, coinId).Get(&m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !isExist {
return nil, nil
return &m, nil

func GetUserVirtualAmountSum(eg *xorm.Engine, uid int) (string, error) {
var m model.UserVirtualAmount
sum, err := eg.Table("user_virtual_amount").Where("uid = ? ", uid).Sum(&m, "amount")
if err != nil {
return "0", err
return utils.Float64ToStr(sum), nil


/*func UserVirtualAmountUpdateWithSession(session *xorm.Session, m *model.UserVirtualAmount) bool {


+ 114
- 0
app/db/db_virtaul_coin_cfg.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
package db

import (

func GetVirtualCoinList(eg *xorm.Engine) ([]*model.VirtualCoin, error) {
var m []*model.VirtualCoin
err := eg.Find(&m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

return m, nil
func GetVirtualCoinIsUseList(eg *xorm.Engine) ([]*model.VirtualCoin, error) {
var m []*model.VirtualCoin
err := eg.Where("is_use = ?", 1).Find(&m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

return m, nil

// VirtualCoinListInUse 查询正在使用中的虚拟币
func VirtualCoinListInUse(Db *xorm.Engine, masterId string) ([]*model.VirtualCoin, error) {
var m []*model.VirtualCoin
cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf(md.VirtualCoinCfgCacheKey, masterId)

err := cache.GetJson(cacheKey, &m)
if err != nil || len(m) == 0 {
err := Db.Where("is_use=1").Find(&m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cache.SetJson(cacheKey, m, md.CfgCacheTime)

return m, nil

// VirtualCoinGetOneByParams 通过参数查询数据(单条)
func VirtualCoinGetOneByParams(Db *xorm.Engine, params map[string]interface{}) (*model.VirtualCoin, error) {
var m model.VirtualCoin
var query = fmt.Sprintf("%s =?", params["key"])
if has, err := Db.Where(query, params["value"]).Get(&m); err != nil || has == false {
return nil, logx.Error(err)
return &m, nil

// VirtualCoinFindByParams 通过传入的参数查询数据(多条)
func VirtualCoinFindByParams(Db *xorm.Engine, params map[string]interface{}) (*[]model.VirtualCoin, error) {
var m []model.VirtualCoin
if params["key"] == nil {
err := Db.Find(&m)
if err != nil {
return nil, logx.Error(err)
return &m, nil
} else {
if reflect.TypeOf(params["value"]).Kind() == reflect.Slice {
if err := Db.In(utils.AnyToString(params["key"]), params["value"]).Find(&m); err != nil {
return nil, logx.Warn(err)
return &m, nil
} else {
var query = fmt.Sprintf("%s =?", params["key"])
err := Db.Where(query, params["value"]).Find(&m)
if err != nil {
return nil, logx.Error(err)
return &m, nil

func VirtualCoinGetOneById(Db *xorm.Engine, coinId string) (*model.VirtualCoin, error) {
var m model.VirtualCoin
if has, err := Db.ID(coinId).Get(&m); err != nil || has == false {
return nil, logx.Error(err)
return &m, nil

func VirtualCoinOrderRelateDeleteByOid(Db *xorm.Engine, oid int64, pvd string) (int64, error) {
_, err := Db.Where("oid=? and pvd=?", oid, pvd).Delete(model.VirtualCoinRelate{})
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return 1, nil

func VirtualCoinMapInUse(Db *xorm.Engine, masterId string) (map[string]model.VirtualCoin, error) {
virtualCoinMap := make(map[string]model.VirtualCoin)
listInUse, err := VirtualCoinListInUse(Db, masterId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, coin := range listInUse {
virtualCoinMap[utils.AnyToString(coin.Id)] = *coin
return virtualCoinMap, nil

+ 12
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app/db/model/user_virtual_amount.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package model

type UserVirtualAmount struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" xorm:"pk autoincr BIGINT(20)"`
Uid int `json:"uid" xorm:"index INT(11)"`
CoinId int `json:"coin_id" xorm:"INT(11)"`
Amount string `json:"amount" xorm:"DECIMAL(16,6)"`
FreezeAmount string `json:"freeze_amount" xorm:"DECIMAL(16,6)"`
WaitAmount string `json:"wait_amount" xorm:"DECIMAL(16,6)"`
TeamFreezeAmount string `json:"team_freeze_amount" xorm:"DECIMAL(16,6)"`
UseAmount string `json:"use_amount" xorm:"DECIMAL(16,6)"`

+ 40
- 0
app/hdl/hdl_store.go View File

@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@ package hdl

import (

func City(c *gin.Context) {
@@ -52,3 +56,39 @@ func StoreAddLike(c *gin.Context) {
func StoreCancelLike(c *gin.Context) {
func User(c *gin.Context) {
user, _ := svc.GetDefaultUser(c, c.GetHeader("Authorization"))
res := map[string]string{
"head_img": "",
"nickname": "",
"coupon_str": "优惠券:",
"coupon": "0",
"integral_str": "积分:",
"integral": "0",
if user != nil && user.Info.Uid > 0 {
res["head_img"] = user.Profile.AvatarUrl
res["nickname"] = user.Info.Nickname
now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
count, _ := svc.MasterDb(c).Table("act_coupon_user").
Where("store_type=? and uid = ? AND is_use = ? AND (valid_time_start < ? AND valid_time_end > ?)", 0,
user.Info.Uid, 0, now, now).Count(&model.CommunityTeamCouponUser{})
res["coupon"] = utils.Int64ToStr(count)
mod, _ := db.SysModFindBySkipIdentifier(c, svc.MasterDb(c), "pub.flutter.community_team_store_index")
if mod != nil {
integralCoinId := gjson.Get(mod.Data, "integralCoinId").String()
if utils.StrToInt(integralCoinId) > 0 {
coin, _ := db.VirtualCoinGetOneById(svc.MasterDb(c), integralCoinId)
if coin != nil {
amount, _ := db.GetUserVirtualAmountOneEg(svc.MasterDb(c), user.Info.Uid, utils.StrToInt(integralCoinId))
res["integral_str"] = coin.Name + ":"
if amount != nil {
res["integral"] = svc.GetCommissionPrec(c, amount.Amount, svc.SysCfgGet(c, "integral_prec"), "0")
e.OutSuc(c, res, nil)

+ 1
- 0
app/router/router.go View File

@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ func routeCommunityTeam(r *gin.RouterGroup) {
r.GET("/goods/cate", hdl.Cate)
r.POST("/goods", hdl.Goods)
r.POST("/goods/sku", hdl.GoodsSku)
r.GET("/user", hdl.User)
// 用户授权后调用的接口
r.POST("/store/addLike", hdl.StoreAddLike)
