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md_set_center.go 5.6 KiB

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  1. package md
  2. type SetOssReq struct {
  3. FileAccessKey string `json:"file_access_key" binding:"required" example:"对象存储AccessToken"`
  4. FileSecretKey string `json:"file_secret_key" binding:"required" example:"对象存储SecretToken"`
  5. FileBucketHost string `json:"file_bucket_host" binding:"required" example:"对象存储域名"`
  6. FileBucketRegion string `json:"file_bucket_region" binding:"required" example:"文件所属区域"`
  7. FileBucket string `json:"file_bucket" binding:"required" example:"对象存储bucket(空间)"`
  8. }
  9. type SetOssResp struct {
  10. Data SetOssReq `json:"data"` // 数据内容
  11. QiNiuBucketRegionList []QiNiuBucketRegion `json:"qi_niu_bucket_region_list"` // 七牛云存储区域列表
  12. }
  13. type WxOpenSetReq struct {
  14. Token string `json:"token" binding:"required" example:"消息校验Token"`
  15. AesKey string `json:"aes_key" binding:"required" example:"消息加解密Key"`
  16. Appid string `json:"appid" binding:"required" example:"appid"`
  17. AppSecret string `json:"app_secret" binding:"required" example:"appSecret"`
  18. }
  19. type WxOpenGetResp struct {
  20. Token string `json:"token" example:"消息校验Token"`
  21. AesKey string `json:"aes_key" example:"消息加解密Key"`
  22. Appid string `json:"appid" example:"appid"`
  23. AppSecret string `json:"app_secret" example:"appSecret"`
  24. WxOpenAppletServerDomain string `json:"wx_open_applet_server_domain" example:"微信开放平台-小程序服务器域名"`
  25. WxOpenAuthorizationEventReceivingConfiguration string `json:"wx_open_authorization_event_receiving_configuration" example:"微信开放平台-授权事件接收配置"`
  26. WxOpenDomainOfTheInitiatingPageForLoginAuthorization string `json:"wx_open_domain_of_the_initiating_page_for_login_authorization" example:"微信开放平台-登录授权的发起页域名"`
  27. WxOpenMessageAndEventReceptionConfiguration string `json:"wx_open_message_and_event_reception_configuration" example:"微信开放平台-消息与事件接收配置"`
  28. WxOpenWhiteListIp string `json:"wx_open_white_list_ip" example:"微信开放平台-白名单ip"`
  29. }
  30. type AppletAddReq struct {
  31. Name string `json:"name" binding:"required" example:"小程序名称"`
  32. Logo string `json:"logo" binding:"required" example:"小程序logo"`
  33. Appid string `json:"appid" binding:"required" example:"授权小程序appid"`
  34. OriginalId string `json:"original_id" binding:"required" example:"授权小程序原始id"`
  35. }
  36. type AppletUpdateReq struct {
  37. Id int `json:"id" binding:"required"`
  38. Name string `json:"name" binding:"required" example:"小程序名称"`
  39. Logo string `json:"logo" binding:"required" example:"小程序logo"`
  40. }
  41. type ShareIndexResp struct {
  42. MasterId string `json:"master_id"`
  43. AgentDomain string `json:"agent_domain" example:"代理分享地址"`
  44. MediumDomain string `json:"medium_domain" example:"媒体分享地址"`
  45. }
  46. type SetMobReq struct {
  47. MobAppKey string `json:"mob_app_key"`
  48. MobAppSecret string `json:"mob_app_secret"`
  49. }
  50. type SetMobResp struct {
  51. Data SetMobReq `json:"data"` // 数据内容
  52. }
  53. type SetLogoReq struct {
  54. MediumLogo string `json:"medium_logo"`
  55. AgentLogo string `json:"agent_logo"`
  56. MediumLoginLogo string `json:"medium_login_logo"`
  57. AgentLoginLogo string `json:"agent_login_logo"`
  58. }
  59. type SetLogoResp struct {
  60. Data SetLogoReq `json:"data"` // 数据内容
  61. }
  62. type AppletGetBlackListReq struct {
  63. Appid string `json:"appid" binding:"required" example:"授权小程序appid"`
  64. }
  65. type AppletAddBlackListReq struct {
  66. Appid string `json:"appid" binding:"required" example:"授权小程序appid"`
  67. Kind int `json:"Kind" binding:"required"` // 类型(1:公众号 2:IOS应用 3:安卓应用 4:小程序/小游戏)
  68. Id string `json:"id" binding:"required" example:"微信公众号id | IOS应用APPID | 安卓应用的应用宝包名 | 小程序/小游戏原始ID"`
  69. }
  70. type AppletDelBlackListReq struct {
  71. Appid string `json:"appid" binding:"required" example:"授权小程序appid"`
  72. Kind int `json:"Kind" binding:"required"` // 类型(1:公众号 2:IOS应用 3:安卓应用 4:小程序/小游戏)
  73. Id string `json:"id" binding:"required" example:"微信公众号id | IOS应用APPID | 安卓应用的应用宝包名 | 小程序/小游戏原始ID"`
  74. }
  75. type AppletGetAmsCategoryBlackListReq struct {
  76. Appid string `json:"appid" binding:"required" example:"授权小程序appid"`
  77. }
  78. type AppletGetAmsCategoryBlackListResp struct {
  79. CheckedAmsCategory []struct {
  80. Value string `json:"value" example:"行业标识符"`
  81. Name string `json:"name" example:"行业名称"`
  82. } `json:"checked_ams_category"` // 选中的行业列表
  83. AllAmsCategory []struct {
  84. Value string `json:"value" example:"行业标识符"`
  85. Name string `json:"name" example:"行业名称"`
  86. } `json:"ams_category"` // 行业列表
  87. }
  88. type AppletSetAmsCategoryBlackListReq struct {
  89. Appid string `json:"appid" binding:"required" example:"授权小程序appid"`
  90. CheckedAmsCategory []string `json:"checked_ams_category"` // 选中的行业列表
  91. }
  92. type SetSeoReq struct {
  93. SeoPlatformTitle string `json:"seo_platform_title"`
  94. SeoAgentTitle string `json:"seo_agent_title"`
  95. SeoMediumTitle string `json:"seo_medium_title"`
  96. SeoPlatformLogo string `json:"seo_platform_logo"`
  97. SeoAgentLogo string `json:"seo_agent_logo"`
  98. SeoMediumLogo string `json:"seo_medium_logo"`
  99. }
  100. type SetSeoResp struct {
  101. Data SetSeoReq `json:"data"` //数据内容
  102. }