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md_advertising.go 6.7 KiB

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  1. package md
  2. var AdvertisingPlatform = []map[string]string{
  3. {"name": "穿山甲", "value": "chuanshanjia"},
  4. {"name": "优量汇", "value": "youlianghui"},
  5. }
  6. var AdvertisingType = []map[string]string{
  7. {"name": "APP开屏(开屏广告)", "value": "open_advertisement"},
  8. {"name": "(新版弃用)蛋蛋主题砸蛋(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_eggSmash"},
  9. {"name": "蛋蛋主题砸蛋一(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_eggSmash_1"},
  10. {"name": "蛋蛋主题砸蛋二(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_eggSmash_2"},
  11. {"name": "蛋蛋主题砸蛋三(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_eggSmash_3"},
  12. {"name": "蛋蛋主题砸蛋四(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_eggSmash_4"},
  13. {"name": "蛋蛋主题砸蛋五(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_eggSmash_5"},
  14. {"name": "蛋蛋主题砸蛋六(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_eggSmash_6"},
  15. {"name": "蛋蛋主题签到(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_eggSign"},
  16. {"name": "提现(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_withdraw"},
  17. {"name": "积分兑换(插屏)", "value": "interstitial_integralExchange"},
  18. {"name": "动态IM(信息流)", "value": "information_im"},
  19. {"name": "蛋蛋主题底部(信息流)", "value": "information_eggTheme"},
  20. {"name": "会员中心底部(信息流)", "value": "information_member"},
  21. {"name": "首页介绍底部(信息流)", "value": "information_index"},
  22. {"name": "提现底部(信息流)", "value": "information_withdraw"},
  23. {"name": "我的导师(信息流)", "value": "information_mentor"},
  24. {"name": "积分兑换(信息流)", "value": "information_exchange"},
  25. {"name": "短剧解锁广告一(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_shortVideo_1"},
  26. {"name": "短剧解锁广告二(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_shortVideo_2"},
  27. {"name": "短剧解锁广告三(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_shortVideo_3"},
  28. {"name": "短剧解锁广告四(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_shortVideo_4"},
  29. {"name": "短剧解锁广告五(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_shortVideo_5"},
  30. {"name": "短剧解锁广告六(激励视频)", "value": "incentive_shortVideo_6"},
  31. }
  32. type AdvertisingBase struct {
  33. AndroidAdIsOpen string `json:"android_ad_is_open" example:"安卓广告是否开启(1:开启 0:不开启)"`
  34. IosAdIsOpen string `json:"ios_ad_is_open" example:"ios广告是否开启(1:开启 0:不开启)"`
  35. AndroidOpenAdIsOpen string `json:"android_open_ad_is_open" example:"安卓开屏广告是否开启(1:开启 0:不开启)"`
  36. IosOpenAdIsOpen string `json:"ios_open_ad_is_open" example:"ios开屏广告是否开启(1:开启 0:不开启)"`
  37. Voice string `json:"voice" example:"领取奖励声音"`
  38. VoiceUrl string `json:"voice_url"`
  39. Info string `json:"info" example:"广告商配置 {\"chuanshanjia\":{\"android_app_key\":\"\"}}"`
  40. AdvIsClose string `json:"adv_is_close"`
  41. }
  42. type AdvertisingBaseResp struct {
  43. SelectData []map[string]string `json:"select_data"`
  44. AdvertisingBase AdvertisingBase `json:"advertising_base"`
  45. }
  46. type AdvertisingListReq struct {
  47. Page string `json:"page"`
  48. Limit string `json:"limit"`
  49. Name string `json:"name"`
  50. Kind string `json:"kind"`
  51. }
  52. type AdvertisingListResp struct {
  53. AdvData []map[string]string `json:"adv_data"`
  54. SelectData []map[string]string `json:"select_data"`
  55. Total int64 `json:"total"`
  56. List []AdvertisingList `json:"list"`
  57. }
  58. type AdvertisingList struct {
  59. Id string `json:"id" `
  60. Name string `json:"name" example:"名称"`
  61. Kind string `json:"kind" example:"广告类型(1:开屏广告 2:插屏广告 3:激励视频 4:信息流广告 5:全屏视频)"`
  62. Info string `json:"info" example:"广告位配置 {\"chuanshanjia\":{\"android_ad_id\":[{\"id\":\"\",\"key\":\"\"}],\"ios_ad_id\":[{\"id\":\"\",\"key\":\"\"}}}"`
  63. CountingDown string `json:"counting_down" example:"倒计时 单位秒"`
  64. }
  65. type AdvertisingVisitListReq struct {
  66. Page string `json:"page"`
  67. Limit string `json:"limit"`
  68. Uid string `json:"uid"`
  69. Phone string `json:"phone"`
  70. Amount string `json:"amount" example:"ecpm "`
  71. StartTime string `json:"start_time"`
  72. EndTime string `json:"end_time"`
  73. Platform string `json:"platform" example:"广告平台 "`
  74. Type string `json:"type" example:"广告类型 "`
  75. }
  76. type AdvertisingVisitListResp struct {
  77. PlatformData []map[string]string `json:"platform_data"`
  78. TypeData []map[string]string `json:"type_data"`
  79. Total int64 `json:"total"`
  80. List []AdvertisingVisitList `json:"list"`
  81. }
  82. type AdvertisingVisitList struct {
  83. Id string `json:"id" `
  84. Uid string `json:"uid" example:"用户id"`
  85. Phone string `json:"phone" example:"手机号"`
  86. Ecpm string `json:"ecpm" example:"ecpm"`
  87. CustomEcpm string `json:"custom_ecpm" example:"ecpm"`
  88. Integral string `json:"integral" example:"活跃值"`
  89. Platform string `json:"platform" example:"广告平台"`
  90. PhonePlatform string `json:"phone_platform" example:"手机平台"`
  91. Type string `json:"type" example:"广告位置"`
  92. Time string `json:"time" example:"时间"`
  93. }
  94. type AdvertisingDelReq struct {
  95. Id []string `json:"id"`
  96. }
  97. type AdvertisingSaveReq struct {
  98. Id string `json:"id"`
  99. Name string `json:"name" example:"名称"`
  100. Kind string `json:"kind" example:"广告类型(1:开屏广告 2:插屏广告 3:激励视频 4:信息流广告 5:全屏视频)"`
  101. Info string `json:"info" example:"广告位配置 {\"chuanshanjia\":{\"android_ad_id\":[{\"id\":\"\",\"key\":\"\"}],\"ios_ad_id\":[{\"id\":\"\",\"key\":\"\"}}}"`
  102. CountingDown string `json:"counting_down" example:"倒计时 单位秒"`
  103. }
  104. type AdvertisingLimit struct {
  105. Minute string `json:"minute" example:"分钟"`
  106. ImeiNum string `json:"imei_num" example:"设备数量"`
  107. Tip string `json:"tip" example:"限制提示"`
  108. PublicImg string `json:"public_img" example:"公共弹窗图"`
  109. PublicImgUrl string `json:"public_img_url" example:"公共弹窗图"`
  110. PublicStr string `json:"public_str" example:"公共弹窗文字"`
  111. WithdrawImg string `json:"withdraw_img" example:"提现弹窗图"`
  112. WithdrawImgUrl string `json:"withdraw_img_url" example:"提现弹窗图"`
  113. WithdrawStr string `json:"withdraw_str" example:"提现弹窗文字"`
  114. }
  115. type AdvertisingFunctionListReq struct {
  116. Page string `json:"page"`
  117. Limit string `json:"limit"`
  118. }
  119. type AdvertisingFunctionListResp struct {
  120. SelectData []map[string]string `json:"select_data"`
  121. AdvData []map[string]string `json:"adv_data"`
  122. Total int64 `json:"total"`
  123. List []AdvertisingFunctionList `json:"list"`
  124. }
  125. type AdvertisingFunctionList struct {
  126. Id string `json:"id" `
  127. Type string `json:"type" example:"类型"`
  128. AdId string `json:"ad_id" example:"广告id"`
  129. }