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- # JPush GO SDK
- [中文文档](README-CN.md)
- JPush GO SDK is the official Golang SDK for JPush, a push notification service. Since the official Go SDK only provides a project without any files, this SDK was developed to fill in the gap. Please refer to the unit test code for usage instructions.
- ## Feature List
- + Push API v3
- + Report API v3
- + Device API v3
- + Schedule API v3
- ## Unit Testing
- 1. Add APP_KEY, MASTER_SECRET, and REGISTRATION_ID to the environment variables.
- 2. Run `go test .`
- ## How to Use
- Please refer to the unit test code for usage instructions.
- ## Note
- The VIP class interfaces and Admin API v1 are not implemented due to lack of permission. If needed, you can submit a pull request.