
.gitignore 615 B

há 4 anos
  1. # Miscellaneous
  2. *.class
  3. *.log
  4. *.pyc
  5. *.swp
  6. .DS_Store
  7. .atom/
  8. .buildlog/
  9. .history
  10. .svn/
  11. # IntelliJ related
  12. *.iml
  13. *.ipr
  14. *.iws
  15. .idea/
  16. # The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in
  17. # VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line
  18. # is commented out by default.
  19. #.vscode/
  20. # Flutter/Dart/Pub related
  21. **/doc/api/
  22. .dart_tool/
  23. .flutter-plugins
  24. .flutter-plugins-dependencies
  25. .packages
  26. .pub-cache/
  27. .pub/
  28. /build/
  29. # Web related
  30. lib/generated_plugin_registrant.dart
  31. # Exceptions to above rules.
  32. !/packages/flutter_tools/test/data/dart_dependencies_test/**/.packages