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  1. name: zhiying_comm
  2. description: A new Flutter plugin.
  3. version: 0.0.1
  4. author:
  5. homepage:
  6. environment:
  7. sdk: ">=2.1.0 <3.0.0"
  8. dependencies:
  9. flutter:
  10. sdk: flutter
  11. dio: ^3.0.9
  12. provider: ^4.0.0
  13. package_info: ^0.4.0+17
  14. device_info: ^0.4.0+1
  15. flutter_native_image: ^0.0.5
  16. # toast提示
  17. fluttertoast: 4.0.1
  18. # 图片缓存
  19. cached_network_image: ^2.2.0+1
  20. equatable: ^1.2.0
  21. # 屏幕适配
  22. flutter_screenutil: ^1.1.0
  23. # 缓存
  24. shared_preferences: ^0.5.10
  25. # bloc
  26. flutter_bloc: ^4.0.1
  27. # 骨架屏
  28. shimmer: ^1.1.1
  29. webview_flutter: ^1.0.7
  30. # 京东sdk
  31. jdsdk: ^0.0.1
  32. # Android app更新
  33. flutter_xupdate:
  34. git:
  35. ref: 1.0.1
  36. url:
  37. # app更新dialogUI(用于IOS,以便统一样式)
  38. flutter_update_dialog: 1.0.0
  39. flutter_alibc:
  40. # path: ../zhiying_flutter_alibc
  41. git:
  42. ref: 0.0.5
  43. url:
  44. url_launcher: ^5.6.0
  45. #图片预览控件
  46. photo_view: ^0.10.3
  47. imei_plugin: 1.2.0
  48. # mob 分享sdk
  49. sharesdk_plugin: ^1.2.9
  50. #秒验
  51. secverify:
  52. git:
  53. url: ''
  54. ref: '0.0.1'
  55. #短信
  56. mobsms: ^1.1.0
  57. #锁粉
  58. moblink:
  59. git:
  60. url: ''
  61. ref: '0.0.2'
  62. # 苹果登录
  63. ali_auth_wbq:
  64. # path: ../zhiying_ali_auth_wbq
  65. git:
  66. url: ''
  67. ref: '0.0.5'
  68. # loading 动画
  69. loading_indicator: ^1.2.0
  70. #权限授权
  71. permission_handler:
  72. git:
  73. url: ''
  74. ref: '0.0.1'
  75. #文件夹路径管理
  76. path_provider: ^1.4.0
  77. #保存文件到相册
  78. save_image:
  79. git:
  80. url: ''
  81. ref: '0.0.1'
  82. dio_cookie_manager: ^1.0.0
  83. #支付宝支付flutterSDK
  84. tobias:
  85. # path: ../tobias
  86. git:
  87. url: ''
  88. ref: '0.0.2'
  89. event_bus: 1.1.1
  90. dev_dependencies:
  91. flutter_test:
  92. sdk: flutter
  93. # For information on the generic Dart part of this file, see the
  94. # following page: https://dart.dev/tools/pub/pubspec
  95. # The following section is specific to Flutter.
  96. flutter:
  97. # This section identifies this Flutter project as a plugin project.
  98. # The androidPackage and pluginClass identifiers should not ordinarily
  99. # be modified. They are used by the tooling to maintain consistency when
  100. # adding or updating assets for this project.
  101. plugin:
  102. androidPackage: cn.zhios.zhiying_comm
  103. pluginClass: ZhiyingCommPlugin
  104. # To add assets to your plugin package, add an assets section, like this:
  105. assets:
  106. - assets/images/icon_taobao.png
  107. #
  108. # For details regarding assets in packages, see
  109. # https://flutter.dev/assets-and-images/#from-packages
  110. #
  111. # An image asset can refer to one or more resolution-specific "variants", see
  112. # https://flutter.dev/assets-and-images/#resolution-aware.
  113. # To add custom fonts to your plugin package, add a fonts section here,
  114. # in this "flutter" section. Each entry in this list should have a
  115. # "family" key with the font family name, and a "fonts" key with a
  116. # list giving the asset and other descriptors for the font. For
  117. # example:
  118. fonts:
  119. - family: Din-Bold
  120. fonts:
  121. - asset: assets/fonts/DIN-Bold.otf
  122. - family: Din-Medium
  123. fonts:
  124. - asset: assets/fonts/DIN-Medium.otf
  125. - family: Din
  126. fonts:
  127. - asset: assets/fonts/DIN-Regular.otf
  128. #
  129. # For details regarding fonts in packages, see
  130. # https://flutter.dev/custom-fonts/#from-packages