@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ | |||||
package consume | |||||
import ( | |||||
"applet/app/db" | |||||
"applet/app/utils" | |||||
"applet/app/utils/cache" | |||||
"applet/app/utils/logx" | |||||
"applet/consume/md" | |||||
"code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_mq.git/rabbit" | |||||
db2 "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_model.git/src/models/official" | |||||
"code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_model.git/src/models/official/model" | |||||
"encoding/json" | |||||
"errors" | |||||
"fmt" | |||||
"github.com/shopspring/decimal" | |||||
"github.com/streadway/amqp" | |||||
"strings" | |||||
"time" | |||||
) | |||||
const ZhiOsB2cPlaceOrderNumOfPeopleHashMapCacheKey = "%s:zhiOs_b2c_place_order_num_of_people_hash_map_cache:%s" //下单人数缓存hashMap键 | |||||
func CanalB2cOrderForNumericalStatementConsume(queue md.MqQueue) { | |||||
ch, err := rabbit.Cfg.Pool.GetChannel() | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
logx.Error(err) | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
defer ch.Release() | |||||
//1、将自己绑定到交换机上 | |||||
ch.Bind(queue.Name, queue.ExchangeName, queue.RoutKey) | |||||
//2、取出数据进行消费 | |||||
ch.Qos(100) | |||||
delivery := ch.Consume(queue.Name, false) | |||||
var res amqp.Delivery | |||||
var ok bool | |||||
for { | |||||
res, ok = <-delivery | |||||
if ok == true { | |||||
//fmt.Println(string(res.Body)) | |||||
fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CanalB2cOrderForNumericalStatementConsume<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<") | |||||
err = handleCanalB2cOrderForNumericalStatementTable(res.Body) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
fmt.Println("err ::: ", err) | |||||
utils.FilePutContents("CanalB2cOrderForNumericalStatementConsume_ERR", "[err]:"+err.Error()) | |||||
_ = res.Reject(false) | |||||
////TODO::重新推回队列末尾,避免造成队列堵塞 | |||||
//var msg *md.OneCirclesStructForSignIn | |||||
//json.Unmarshal(res.Body, &msg) | |||||
//ch.Publish(queue.ExchangeName, msg, queue.RoutKey) | |||||
} else { | |||||
_ = res.Ack(true) | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
panic(errors.New("error getting message")) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
fmt.Println("get msg done") | |||||
} | |||||
func handleCanalB2cOrderForNumericalStatementTable(msg []byte) error { | |||||
//1、解析canal采集至mq中queue的数据结构体 | |||||
var canalMsg *md.CanalB2cOrderMessage[md.CanalB2cOrder] | |||||
err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &canalMsg) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
now := time.Now() | |||||
//2、获取masterId | |||||
masterId := utils.StrToInt(strings.Split(canalMsg.Database, "_")[1]) | |||||
//TODO::日志记录 | |||||
utils.FilePutContents("handleCanalB2cOrderForNumericalStatementTable_"+utils.IntToStr(masterId)+"_"+now.Format("2006-01-02"), string(msg)) | |||||
//2、判断操作(insert | update) | |||||
if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType || canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgUpdateSqlType { | |||||
var isUpdate bool | |||||
//3、查找是否有数据 | |||||
var ordDate string | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordDate = utils.TimeParseStd(item.CreateTime).Format("2006-01-02") | |||||
} | |||||
statistics, err := db2.GetMasterB2cOrderStatistics(db.Db, masterId, ordDate) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
if statistics == nil && canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType { | |||||
statistics = &model.MasterB2cOrderStatistics{ | |||||
MasterId: masterId, | |||||
PaymentTotal: "", | |||||
OrderCount: 0, | |||||
LoseOrderCount: 0, | |||||
PlaceOrderNumOfPeople: 0, | |||||
EffectiveOrderCount: 0, | |||||
EffectiveCommission: "", | |||||
ReceiveCommission: "", | |||||
LoseCommission: "", | |||||
AvgCommission: "", | |||||
CustomerUnitPrice: "", | |||||
Date: ordDate, | |||||
CreateAt: now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), | |||||
UpdateAt: now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), | |||||
} | |||||
_, err = db2.MasterB2cOrderStatisticsInsert(db.Db, statistics) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if statistics == nil { | |||||
return errors.New("过期订单数据不予处理") | |||||
} | |||||
paymentTotal := statistics.PaymentTotal | |||||
orderCount := statistics.OrderCount | |||||
loseOrderCount := statistics.LoseOrderCount | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeople := statistics.PlaceOrderNumOfPeople | |||||
effectiveOrderCount := statistics.EffectiveOrderCount | |||||
effectiveCommission := statistics.EffectiveCommission | |||||
loseCommission := statistics.LoseCommission | |||||
avgCommission := statistics.AvgCommission | |||||
customerUnitPrice := statistics.CustomerUnitPrice | |||||
effectivePaymentTotal := statistics.EffectivePaymentTotal | |||||
if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType { | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
orderCount++ | |||||
if item.State == "0" { | |||||
//未支付不统计 | |||||
return errors.New("未支付不统计") | |||||
} else if item.State == "6" { | |||||
//失效 | |||||
loseOrderCount++ | |||||
} else { | |||||
effectiveOrderCount++ | |||||
} | |||||
paymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(paymentTotal) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) //付款金额 | |||||
effectiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectiveCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) //有效佣金(元) | |||||
effectivePaymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectivePaymentTotal) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) //有效付款金额(元) | |||||
if item.State != "6" { | |||||
cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf(ZhiOsB2cPlaceOrderNumOfPeopleHashMapCacheKey, utils.IntToStr(masterId), ordDate) | |||||
get, _ := cache.HGetString(cacheKey, item.Uid) | |||||
if get == "" { | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeople++ //下单人数 | |||||
cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, "1") | |||||
} else { | |||||
cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, utils.IntToStr(utils.StrToInt(get)+1)) | |||||
} | |||||
cache.Expire(cacheKey, md.ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressHashMapCacheTime) | |||||
paymentTotalValue, _ := decimal.NewFromString(paymentTotal) | |||||
if placeOrderNumOfPeople == 0 { | |||||
return errors.New("divider cannot be 0 in division operation") | |||||
} | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(placeOrderNumOfPeople)) | |||||
customerUnitPrice = paymentTotalValue.Div(placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue).String() | |||||
} | |||||
//客单价 | |||||
isUpdate = true | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgUpdateSqlType { | |||||
judgeSate := JudgeB2cOrdSate(*canalMsg) | |||||
if judgeSate > 0 { | |||||
if judgeSate == 2 { | |||||
//TODO::未收货失效 | |||||
loseOrderCount++ | |||||
effectiveOrderCount-- | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
loseCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(loseCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
effectiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectiveCommission) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
effectivePaymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectivePaymentTotal) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) | |||||
isUpdate = true | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if judgeSate == 3 { | |||||
//TODO::已收货失效 | |||||
loseOrderCount++ | |||||
effectiveOrderCount-- | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
loseCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(loseCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
effectiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectiveCommission) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
effectivePaymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectivePaymentTotal) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) | |||||
isUpdate = true | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if judgeSate == 1 || judgeSate == 3 { | |||||
//TODO::收货额外处理 | |||||
//查找是否有数据 | |||||
var ordConfirmAt string | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordConfirmAt = utils.TimeParseStd(item.FinishTime).Format("2006-01-02") | |||||
} | |||||
ordConfirmStatistics, err := db2.GetMasterB2cOrderStatistics(db.Db, masterId, ordConfirmAt) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
if ordConfirmStatistics == nil { | |||||
return errors.New("过期收货订单数据不予处理") | |||||
} | |||||
if judgeSate == 1 { | |||||
//TODO::收货 | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if judgeSate == 3 { | |||||
//TODO::已收货失效 | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
ordConfirmStatistics.UpdateAt = now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") | |||||
_, err = db2.MasterB2cOrderStatisticsUpdate(db.Db, ordConfirmStatistics.Id, ordConfirmStatistics, | |||||
"receive_commission", "update_at") | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if isUpdate { | |||||
statistics.PaymentTotal = paymentTotal | |||||
statistics.OrderCount = orderCount | |||||
statistics.LoseOrderCount = loseOrderCount | |||||
statistics.PlaceOrderNumOfPeople = placeOrderNumOfPeople | |||||
statistics.EffectiveOrderCount = effectiveOrderCount | |||||
statistics.EffectiveCommission = effectiveCommission | |||||
statistics.LoseCommission = loseCommission | |||||
statistics.AvgCommission = avgCommission | |||||
statistics.CustomerUnitPrice = customerUnitPrice | |||||
statistics.EffectivePaymentTotal = effectivePaymentTotal | |||||
statistics.UpdateAt = now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") | |||||
_, err = db2.MasterB2cOrderStatisticsUpdate(db.Db, statistics.Id, statistics, | |||||
"payment_total", "order_count", "estimated_profit", "lose_order_count", | |||||
"place_order_num_of_people", "effective_order_count", "effective_commission", "lose_commission", | |||||
"avg_commission", "customer_unit_price", "effective_payment_total", "update_at") | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return nil | |||||
} | |||||
// JudgeB2cOrdSate 处理订单状态(judgeSate[0:不需要处理 1:收货 2:未收货失效 3:已收货失效]) | |||||
func JudgeB2cOrdSate(message md.CanalB2cOrderMessage[md.CanalB2cOrder]) (judgeSate int) { | |||||
oldData := message.Old | |||||
//1、获取 旧的订单状态 | |||||
var oldOrdState string | |||||
for _, item := range oldData { | |||||
if item.State != "" { | |||||
oldOrdState = item.State | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if oldOrdState == "" { | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
//2、获取 新的订单状态 | |||||
var nowOrdState string | |||||
for _, item := range message.Data { | |||||
if item.State != "" { | |||||
nowOrdState = item.State | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if nowOrdState == "" { | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
if oldOrdState == nowOrdState { | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
//3、进行状态比较判断 | |||||
if oldOrdState == "3" || oldOrdState == "4" || oldOrdState == "5" { | |||||
if nowOrdState == "6" { | |||||
//已收货失效 | |||||
return 3 | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
if nowOrdState == "6" { | |||||
//未收货失效 | |||||
return 2 | |||||
} | |||||
if nowOrdState == "3" || nowOrdState == "4" || nowOrdState == "5" { | |||||
//收货 | |||||
return 1 | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return | |||||
} |
@@ -135,8 +135,6 @@ func handleCanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementTable(msg []byte) error { | |||||
effectiveOrderCount++ | effectiveOrderCount++ | ||||
} | } | ||||
cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf(ZhiOsGuidePlaceOrderNumOfPeopleHashMapCacheKey, utils.IntToStr(masterId), ordDate) | |||||
get, _ := cache.HGetString(cacheKey, item.Uid) | |||||
paymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(paymentTotal) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.PaidPrice)) //付款金额 | paymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(paymentTotal) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.PaidPrice)) //付款金额 | ||||
estimatedCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(estimatedCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.BenefitAll)) //预估佣金(元) | estimatedCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(estimatedCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.BenefitAll)) //预估佣金(元) | ||||
estimatedProfit = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(estimatedProfit) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.SysCommission)) //预估利润(元) | estimatedProfit = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(estimatedProfit) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.SysCommission)) //预估利润(元) | ||||
@@ -147,19 +145,23 @@ func handleCanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementTable(msg []byte) error { | |||||
orderCountValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(orderCount)) | orderCountValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(orderCount)) | ||||
avgCommission = estimatedCommissionValue.Div(orderCountValue).String() //平均佣金 | avgCommission = estimatedCommissionValue.Div(orderCountValue).String() //平均佣金 | ||||
if get == "" { | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeople++ //下单人数 | |||||
cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, "1") | |||||
} else { | |||||
cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, utils.IntToStr(utils.StrToInt(get)+1)) | |||||
} | |||||
cache.Expire(cacheKey, md.ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressHashMapCacheTime) | |||||
paymentTotalValue, _ := decimal.NewFromString(paymentTotal) | |||||
if placeOrderNumOfPeople == 0 { | |||||
return errors.New("divider cannot be 0 in division operation") | |||||
if item.State != "4" { | |||||
cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf(ZhiOsGuidePlaceOrderNumOfPeopleHashMapCacheKey, utils.IntToStr(masterId), ordDate) | |||||
get, _ := cache.HGetString(cacheKey, item.Uid) | |||||
if get == "" { | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeople++ //下单人数 | |||||
cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, "1") | |||||
} else { | |||||
cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, utils.IntToStr(utils.StrToInt(get)+1)) | |||||
} | |||||
cache.Expire(cacheKey, md.ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressHashMapCacheTime) | |||||
paymentTotalValue, _ := decimal.NewFromString(paymentTotal) | |||||
if placeOrderNumOfPeople == 0 { | |||||
return errors.New("divider cannot be 0 in division operation") | |||||
} | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(placeOrderNumOfPeople)) | |||||
customerUnitPrice = paymentTotalValue.Div(placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue).String() //客单价 | |||||
} | } | ||||
placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(placeOrderNumOfPeople)) | |||||
customerUnitPrice = paymentTotalValue.Div(placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue).String() //客单价 | |||||
isUpdate = true | isUpdate = true | ||||
} | } | ||||
} | } | ||||
@@ -1,282 +1,307 @@ | |||||
package consume | package consume | ||||
import ( | |||||
"applet/app/db" | |||||
"applet/app/utils" | |||||
"applet/app/utils/cache" | |||||
"applet/app/utils/logx" | |||||
"applet/consume/md" | |||||
"code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_mq.git/rabbit" | |||||
db2 "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_model.git/src/models/official" | |||||
"code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_model.git/src/models/official/model" | |||||
"encoding/json" | |||||
"errors" | |||||
"fmt" | |||||
"github.com/shopspring/decimal" | |||||
"github.com/streadway/amqp" | |||||
"strings" | |||||
"time" | |||||
) | |||||
const ZhiOsMallPlaceOrderNumOfPeopleHashMapCacheKey = "%s:zhiOs_mall_place_order_num_of_people_hash_map_cache:%s" //下单人数缓存hashMap键 | const ZhiOsMallPlaceOrderNumOfPeopleHashMapCacheKey = "%s:zhiOs_mall_place_order_num_of_people_hash_map_cache:%s" //下单人数缓存hashMap键 | ||||
//func CanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementConsume(queue md.MqQueue) { | |||||
// ch, err := rabbit.Cfg.Pool.GetChannel() | |||||
// if err != nil { | |||||
// logx.Error(err) | |||||
// return | |||||
// } | |||||
// defer ch.Release() | |||||
// //1、将自己绑定到交换机上 | |||||
// ch.Bind(queue.Name, queue.ExchangeName, queue.RoutKey) | |||||
// //2、取出数据进行消费 | |||||
// ch.Qos(100) | |||||
// delivery := ch.Consume(queue.Name, false) | |||||
// | |||||
// var res amqp.Delivery | |||||
// var ok bool | |||||
// for { | |||||
// res, ok = <-delivery | |||||
// if ok == true { | |||||
// //fmt.Println(string(res.Body)) | |||||
// fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementConsume<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<") | |||||
// err = handleCanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementTable(res.Body) | |||||
// if err != nil { | |||||
// fmt.Println("err ::: ", err) | |||||
// utils.FilePutContents("CanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementConsume_ERR", "[err]:"+err.Error()) | |||||
// _ = res.Reject(false) | |||||
// ////TODO::重新推回队列末尾,避免造成队列堵塞 | |||||
// //var msg *md.OneCirclesStructForSignIn | |||||
// //json.Unmarshal(res.Body, &msg) | |||||
// //ch.Publish(queue.ExchangeName, msg, queue.RoutKey) | |||||
// } else { | |||||
// _ = res.Ack(true) | |||||
// } | |||||
// } else { | |||||
// panic(errors.New("error getting message")) | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// fmt.Println("get msg done") | |||||
//} | |||||
// | |||||
//func handleCanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementTable(msg []byte) error { | |||||
// //1、解析canal采集至mq中queue的数据结构体 | |||||
// var canalMsg *md.CanalMallOrder | |||||
// err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &canalMsg) | |||||
// if err != nil { | |||||
// return err | |||||
// } | |||||
// now := time.Now() | |||||
// | |||||
// //2、获取masterId | |||||
// masterId := utils.StrToInt(strings.Split(canalMsg.Database, "_")[1]) | |||||
// | |||||
// //TODO::日志记录 | |||||
// utils.FilePutContents("handleCanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementTable_"+utils.IntToStr(masterId)+"_"+now.Format("2006-01-02"), string(msg)) | |||||
// | |||||
// //2、判断操作(insert | update) | |||||
// if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType || canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgUpdateSqlType { | |||||
// var isUpdate bool | |||||
// //3、查找是否有数据 | |||||
// var ordDate string | |||||
// for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
// ordDate = time.Unix(utils.StrToInt64(item.CreateAt), 0).Format("2006-01-02") | |||||
// } | |||||
// statistics, err := db2.GetMasterGuideOrderStatistics(db.Db, masterId, ordDate) | |||||
// if err != nil { | |||||
// return err | |||||
// } | |||||
// if statistics == nil && canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType { | |||||
// statistics = &model.MasterGuideOrderStatistics{ | |||||
// MasterId: masterId, | |||||
// PaymentTotal: "", | |||||
// OrderCount: 0, | |||||
// EstimatedCommission: "", | |||||
// EstimatedProfit: "", | |||||
// LoseOrderCount: 0, | |||||
// PlaceOrderNumOfPeople: 0, | |||||
// EffectiveOrderCount: 0, | |||||
// EffectiveCommission: "", | |||||
// ReceiveCommission: "", | |||||
// LoseCommission: "", | |||||
// AvgCommission: "", | |||||
// CustomerUnitPrice: "", | |||||
// Date: ordDate, | |||||
// CreateAt: now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), | |||||
// UpdateAt: now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), | |||||
// } | |||||
// _, err = db2.MasterGuideOrderStatisticsInsert(db.Db, statistics) | |||||
// if err != nil { | |||||
// return err | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// if statistics == nil { | |||||
// return errors.New("过期订单数据不予处理") | |||||
// } | |||||
// | |||||
// paymentTotal := statistics.PaymentTotal | |||||
// orderCount := statistics.OrderCount | |||||
// estimatedCommission := statistics.EstimatedCommission | |||||
// estimatedProfit := statistics.EstimatedProfit | |||||
// loseOrderCount := statistics.LoseOrderCount | |||||
// placeOrderNumOfPeople := statistics.PlaceOrderNumOfPeople | |||||
// effectiveOrderCount := statistics.EffectiveOrderCount | |||||
// effectiveCommission := statistics.EffectiveCommission | |||||
// loseCommission := statistics.LoseCommission | |||||
// avgCommission := statistics.AvgCommission | |||||
// customerUnitPrice := statistics.CustomerUnitPrice | |||||
// effectivePaymentTotal := statistics.EffectivePaymentTotal | |||||
// if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType { | |||||
// for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
// orderCount++ | |||||
// if item.State == "4" { | |||||
// loseOrderCount++ | |||||
// } else { | |||||
// effectiveOrderCount++ | |||||
// } | |||||
// | |||||
// cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf(ZhiOsGuidePlaceOrderNumOfPeopleHashMapCacheKey, utils.IntToStr(masterId), ordDate) | |||||
// get, _ := cache.HGetString(cacheKey, item.Uid) | |||||
// paymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(paymentTotal) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.PaidPrice)) //付款金额 | |||||
// estimatedCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(estimatedCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.BenefitAll)) //预估佣金(元) | |||||
// estimatedProfit = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(estimatedProfit) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.SysCommission)) //预估利润(元) | |||||
// effectiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectiveCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.BenefitAll)) //有效佣金(元) | |||||
// effectivePaymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectivePaymentTotal) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.PaidPrice)) //有效付款金额(元) | |||||
// | |||||
// estimatedCommissionValue, _ := decimal.NewFromString(estimatedCommission) | |||||
// orderCountValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(orderCount)) | |||||
// avgCommission = estimatedCommissionValue.Div(orderCountValue).String() //平均佣金 | |||||
// | |||||
// if get == "" { | |||||
// placeOrderNumOfPeople++ //下单人数 | |||||
// cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, "1") | |||||
// } else { | |||||
// cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, utils.IntToStr(utils.StrToInt(get)+1)) | |||||
// } | |||||
// cache.Expire(cacheKey, md.ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressHashMapCacheTime) | |||||
// paymentTotalValue, _ := decimal.NewFromString(paymentTotal) | |||||
// if placeOrderNumOfPeople == 0 { | |||||
// return errors.New("divider cannot be 0 in division operation") | |||||
// } | |||||
// placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(placeOrderNumOfPeople)) | |||||
// customerUnitPrice = paymentTotalValue.Div(placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue).String() //客单价 | |||||
// isUpdate = true | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// | |||||
// if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgUpdateSqlType { | |||||
// judgeSate := JudgeSate(*canalMsg) | |||||
// if judgeSate > 0 { | |||||
// if judgeSate == 2 { | |||||
// //TODO::未收货失效 | |||||
// loseOrderCount++ | |||||
// effectiveOrderCount-- | |||||
// for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
// loseCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(loseCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.BenefitAll)) | |||||
// effectiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectiveCommission) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.BenefitAll)) | |||||
// effectivePaymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectivePaymentTotal) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.PaidPrice)) | |||||
// isUpdate = true | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// if judgeSate == 3 { | |||||
// //TODO::已收货失效 | |||||
// loseOrderCount++ | |||||
// effectiveOrderCount-- | |||||
// for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
// loseCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(loseCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.BenefitAll)) | |||||
// effectiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectiveCommission) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.BenefitAll)) | |||||
// effectivePaymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectivePaymentTotal) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.PaidPrice)) | |||||
// isUpdate = true | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// | |||||
// if judgeSate == 1 || judgeSate == 3 { | |||||
// //TODO::收货额外处理 | |||||
// | |||||
// //查找是否有数据 | |||||
// var ordConfirmAt string | |||||
// for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
// ordConfirmAt = time.Unix(utils.StrToInt64(item.ConfirmAt), 0).Format("2006-01-02") | |||||
// } | |||||
// ordConfirmStatistics, err := db2.GetMasterGuideOrderStatistics(db.Db, masterId, ordConfirmAt) | |||||
// if err != nil { | |||||
// return err | |||||
// } | |||||
// if ordConfirmStatistics == nil { | |||||
// return errors.New("过期收货订单数据不予处理") | |||||
// } | |||||
// | |||||
// if judgeSate == 1 { | |||||
// //TODO::收货 | |||||
// for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
// ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.BenefitAll)) | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// if judgeSate == 3 { | |||||
// //TODO::已收货失效 | |||||
// for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
// ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.BenefitAll)) | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// ordConfirmStatistics.UpdateAt = now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") | |||||
// _, err = db2.MasterGuideOrderStatisticsUpdate(db.Db, ordConfirmStatistics.Id, ordConfirmStatistics, | |||||
// "receive_commission", "update_at") | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// | |||||
// if isUpdate { | |||||
// statistics.PaymentTotal = paymentTotal | |||||
// statistics.OrderCount = orderCount | |||||
// statistics.EstimatedCommission = estimatedCommission | |||||
// statistics.EstimatedProfit = estimatedProfit | |||||
// statistics.LoseOrderCount = loseOrderCount | |||||
// statistics.PlaceOrderNumOfPeople = placeOrderNumOfPeople | |||||
// statistics.EffectiveOrderCount = effectiveOrderCount | |||||
// statistics.EffectiveCommission = effectiveCommission | |||||
// statistics.LoseCommission = loseCommission | |||||
// statistics.AvgCommission = avgCommission | |||||
// statistics.CustomerUnitPrice = customerUnitPrice | |||||
// statistics.EffectivePaymentTotal = effectivePaymentTotal | |||||
// statistics.UpdateAt = now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") | |||||
// _, err = db2.MasterGuideOrderStatisticsUpdate(db.Db, statistics.Id, statistics, | |||||
// "payment_total", "order_count", "estimated_commission", "estimated_profit", "lose_order_count", | |||||
// "place_order_num_of_people", "effective_order_count", "effective_commission", "lose_commission", | |||||
// "avg_commission", "customer_unit_price", "effective_payment_total", "update_at") | |||||
// if err != nil { | |||||
// return err | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// | |||||
// } | |||||
// return nil | |||||
//} | |||||
// | |||||
// | |||||
//// JudgeSate 处理订单状态(judgeSate[0:不需要处理 1:收货 2:未收货失效 3:已收货失效]) | |||||
//func JudgeSate(message md.CanalGuideOrderMessage[md.CanalGuideOrder]) (judgeSate int) { | |||||
// oldData := message.Old | |||||
// | |||||
// //1、获取 旧的订单状态 | |||||
// var oldOrdState string | |||||
// for _, item := range oldData { | |||||
// if item.State != "" { | |||||
// oldOrdState = item.State | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// if oldOrdState == "" { | |||||
// return | |||||
// } | |||||
// | |||||
// //2、获取 新的订单状态 | |||||
// var nowOrdState string | |||||
// for _, item := range message.Data { | |||||
// if item.State != "" { | |||||
// nowOrdState = item.State | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// if nowOrdState == "" { | |||||
// return | |||||
// } | |||||
// | |||||
// if oldOrdState == nowOrdState { | |||||
// return | |||||
// } | |||||
// | |||||
// //3、进行状态比较判断 | |||||
// if oldOrdState == "0" { | |||||
// if nowOrdState == "4" { //未收货失效 | |||||
// return 2 | |||||
// } | |||||
// if nowOrdState == "1" || nowOrdState == "2" || nowOrdState == "3" || nowOrdState == "5" { //收货 | |||||
// return 1 | |||||
// } | |||||
// } else { | |||||
// if nowOrdState == "4" { //已收货失效 | |||||
// return 3 | |||||
// } | |||||
// } | |||||
// return | |||||
//} | |||||
func CanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementConsume(queue md.MqQueue) { | |||||
ch, err := rabbit.Cfg.Pool.GetChannel() | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
logx.Error(err) | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
defer ch.Release() | |||||
//1、将自己绑定到交换机上 | |||||
ch.Bind(queue.Name, queue.ExchangeName, queue.RoutKey) | |||||
//2、取出数据进行消费 | |||||
ch.Qos(1) | |||||
delivery := ch.Consume(queue.Name, false) | |||||
var res amqp.Delivery | |||||
var ok bool | |||||
for { | |||||
res, ok = <-delivery | |||||
if ok == true { | |||||
//fmt.Println(string(res.Body)) | |||||
fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementConsume<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<") | |||||
err = handleCanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementTable(res.Body) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
fmt.Println("err ::: ", err) | |||||
utils.FilePutContents("CanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementConsume_ERR", "[err]:"+err.Error()) | |||||
_ = res.Reject(false) | |||||
////TODO::重新推回队列末尾,避免造成队列堵塞 | |||||
//var msg *md.OneCirclesStructForSignIn | |||||
//json.Unmarshal(res.Body, &msg) | |||||
//ch.Publish(queue.ExchangeName, msg, queue.RoutKey) | |||||
} else { | |||||
_ = res.Ack(true) | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
panic(errors.New("error getting message")) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
fmt.Println("get msg done") | |||||
} | |||||
func handleCanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementTable(msg []byte) error { | |||||
//1、解析canal采集至mq中queue的数据结构体 | |||||
var canalMsg *md.CanalMallOrder | |||||
err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &canalMsg) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
now := time.Now() | |||||
//2、获取masterId | |||||
masterId := utils.StrToInt(strings.Split(canalMsg.Database, "_")[1]) | |||||
//TODO::日志记录 | |||||
utils.FilePutContents("handleCanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementTable_"+utils.IntToStr(masterId)+"_"+now.Format("2006-01-02"), string(msg)) | |||||
//2、判断操作(insert | update) | |||||
if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType || canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgUpdateSqlType { | |||||
var isUpdate bool | |||||
//3、查找是否有数据 | |||||
var ordDate string | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordDate = utils.TimeParseStd(item.CreateTime).Format("2006-01-02") | |||||
} | |||||
statistics, err := db2.GetMasterMallOrderStatistics(db.Db, masterId, ordDate) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
if statistics == nil && canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType { | |||||
statistics = &model.MasterMallOrderStatistics{ | |||||
MasterId: masterId, | |||||
PaymentTotal: "", | |||||
OrderCount: 0, | |||||
EstimatedCommission: "", | |||||
LoseOrderCount: 0, | |||||
PlaceOrderNumOfPeople: 0, | |||||
EffectiveOrderCount: 0, | |||||
EffectiveCommission: "", | |||||
ReceiveCommission: "", | |||||
LoseCommission: "", | |||||
AvgCommission: "", | |||||
CustomerUnitPrice: "", | |||||
Date: ordDate, | |||||
CreateAt: now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), | |||||
UpdateAt: now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), | |||||
} | |||||
_, err = db2.MasterMallOrderStatisticsInsert(db.Db, statistics) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if statistics == nil { | |||||
return errors.New("过期订单数据不予处理") | |||||
} | |||||
paymentTotal := statistics.PaymentTotal | |||||
orderCount := statistics.OrderCount | |||||
estimatedCommission := statistics.EstimatedCommission | |||||
loseOrderCount := statistics.LoseOrderCount | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeople := statistics.PlaceOrderNumOfPeople | |||||
effectiveOrderCount := statistics.EffectiveOrderCount | |||||
effectiveCommission := statistics.EffectiveCommission | |||||
loseCommission := statistics.LoseCommission | |||||
avgCommission := statistics.AvgCommission | |||||
customerUnitPrice := statistics.CustomerUnitPrice | |||||
effectivePaymentTotal := statistics.EffectivePaymentTotal | |||||
if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType { | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
orderCount++ | |||||
if item.State == "0" { | |||||
//未支付不统计 | |||||
return errors.New("未支付不统计") | |||||
} else if item.State == "6" { | |||||
//失效 | |||||
loseOrderCount++ | |||||
} else { | |||||
effectiveOrderCount++ | |||||
} | |||||
paymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(paymentTotal) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) //付款金额 | |||||
estimatedCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(estimatedCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) //预估佣金(元) | |||||
effectiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectiveCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) //有效佣金(元) | |||||
effectivePaymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectivePaymentTotal) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) //有效付款金额(元) | |||||
estimatedCommissionValue, _ := decimal.NewFromString(estimatedCommission) | |||||
orderCountValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(orderCount)) | |||||
avgCommission = estimatedCommissionValue.Div(orderCountValue).String() //平均佣金 | |||||
if item.State != "6" { | |||||
cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf(ZhiOsMallPlaceOrderNumOfPeopleHashMapCacheKey, utils.IntToStr(masterId), ordDate) | |||||
get, _ := cache.HGetString(cacheKey, item.Uid) | |||||
if get == "" { | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeople++ //下单人数 | |||||
cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, "1") | |||||
} else { | |||||
cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, utils.IntToStr(utils.StrToInt(get)+1)) | |||||
} | |||||
cache.Expire(cacheKey, md.ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressHashMapCacheTime) | |||||
paymentTotalValue, _ := decimal.NewFromString(paymentTotal) | |||||
if placeOrderNumOfPeople == 0 { | |||||
return errors.New("divider cannot be 0 in division operation") | |||||
} | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(placeOrderNumOfPeople)) | |||||
customerUnitPrice = paymentTotalValue.Div(placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue).String() | |||||
} | |||||
//客单价 | |||||
isUpdate = true | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgUpdateSqlType { | |||||
judgeSate := JudgeMallOrdSate(*canalMsg) | |||||
if judgeSate > 0 { | |||||
if judgeSate == 2 { | |||||
//TODO::未收货失效 | |||||
loseOrderCount++ | |||||
effectiveOrderCount-- | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
loseCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(loseCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
effectiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectiveCommission) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
effectivePaymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectivePaymentTotal) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) | |||||
isUpdate = true | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if judgeSate == 3 { | |||||
//TODO::已收货失效 | |||||
loseOrderCount++ | |||||
effectiveOrderCount-- | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
loseCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(loseCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
effectiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectiveCommission) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
effectivePaymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectivePaymentTotal) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) | |||||
isUpdate = true | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if judgeSate == 1 || judgeSate == 3 { | |||||
//TODO::收货额外处理 | |||||
//查找是否有数据 | |||||
var ordConfirmAt string | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordConfirmAt = utils.TimeParseStd(item.ConfirmTime).Format("2006-01-02") | |||||
} | |||||
ordConfirmStatistics, err := db2.GetMasterMallOrderStatistics(db.Db, masterId, ordConfirmAt) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
if ordConfirmStatistics == nil { | |||||
return errors.New("过期收货订单数据不予处理") | |||||
} | |||||
if judgeSate == 1 { | |||||
//TODO::收货 | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if judgeSate == 3 { | |||||
//TODO::已收货失效 | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
ordConfirmStatistics.UpdateAt = now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") | |||||
_, err = db2.MasterMallOrderStatisticsUpdate(db.Db, ordConfirmStatistics.Id, ordConfirmStatistics, | |||||
"receive_commission", "update_at") | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if isUpdate { | |||||
statistics.PaymentTotal = paymentTotal | |||||
statistics.OrderCount = orderCount | |||||
statistics.EstimatedCommission = estimatedCommission | |||||
statistics.LoseOrderCount = loseOrderCount | |||||
statistics.PlaceOrderNumOfPeople = placeOrderNumOfPeople | |||||
statistics.EffectiveOrderCount = effectiveOrderCount | |||||
statistics.EffectiveCommission = effectiveCommission | |||||
statistics.LoseCommission = loseCommission | |||||
statistics.AvgCommission = avgCommission | |||||
statistics.CustomerUnitPrice = customerUnitPrice | |||||
statistics.EffectivePaymentTotal = effectivePaymentTotal | |||||
statistics.UpdateAt = now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") | |||||
_, err = db2.MasterMallOrderStatisticsUpdate(db.Db, statistics.Id, statistics, | |||||
"payment_total", "order_count", "estimated_commission", "lose_order_count", | |||||
"place_order_num_of_people", "effective_order_count", "effective_commission", "lose_commission", | |||||
"avg_commission", "customer_unit_price", "effective_payment_total", "update_at") | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return nil | |||||
} | |||||
// JudgeMallOrdSate 处理订单状态(judgeSate[0:不需要处理 1:收货 2:未收货失效 3:已收货失效]) | |||||
func JudgeMallOrdSate(message md.CanalMallOrder) (judgeSate int) { | |||||
oldData := message.Old | |||||
//1、获取 旧的订单状态 | |||||
var oldOrdState string | |||||
for _, item := range oldData { | |||||
if item.State != "" { | |||||
oldOrdState = item.State | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if oldOrdState == "" { | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
//2、获取 新的订单状态 | |||||
var nowOrdState string | |||||
for _, item := range message.Data { | |||||
if item.State != "" { | |||||
nowOrdState = item.State | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if nowOrdState == "" { | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
if oldOrdState == nowOrdState { | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
//3、进行状态比较判断 | |||||
if oldOrdState == "3" || oldOrdState == "4" || oldOrdState == "5" { | |||||
if nowOrdState == "6" { | |||||
//已收货失效 | |||||
return 3 | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
if nowOrdState == "6" { | |||||
//未收货失效 | |||||
return 2 | |||||
} | |||||
if nowOrdState == "3" || nowOrdState == "4" || nowOrdState == "5" { | |||||
//收货 | |||||
return 1 | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ | |||||
package consume | |||||
import ( | |||||
"applet/app/db" | |||||
"applet/app/utils" | |||||
"applet/app/utils/cache" | |||||
"applet/app/utils/logx" | |||||
"applet/consume/md" | |||||
"code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_mq.git/rabbit" | |||||
db2 "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_model.git/src/models/official" | |||||
"code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_model.git/src/models/official/model" | |||||
"encoding/json" | |||||
"errors" | |||||
"fmt" | |||||
"github.com/shopspring/decimal" | |||||
"github.com/streadway/amqp" | |||||
"strings" | |||||
"time" | |||||
) | |||||
const ZhiOsO2oPlaceOrderNumOfPeopleHashMapCacheKey = "%s:zhiOs_o2o_place_order_num_of_people_hash_map_cache:%s" //下单人数缓存hashMap键 | |||||
func CanalO2oOrderForNumericalStatementConsume(queue md.MqQueue) { | |||||
ch, err := rabbit.Cfg.Pool.GetChannel() | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
logx.Error(err) | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
defer ch.Release() | |||||
//1、将自己绑定到交换机上 | |||||
ch.Bind(queue.Name, queue.ExchangeName, queue.RoutKey) | |||||
//2、取出数据进行消费 | |||||
ch.Qos(100) | |||||
delivery := ch.Consume(queue.Name, false) | |||||
var res amqp.Delivery | |||||
var ok bool | |||||
for { | |||||
res, ok = <-delivery | |||||
if ok == true { | |||||
//fmt.Println(string(res.Body)) | |||||
fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CanalO2oOrderForNumericalStatementConsume<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<") | |||||
err = handleCanalO2oOrderForNumericalStatementTable(res.Body) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
fmt.Println("err ::: ", err) | |||||
utils.FilePutContents("CanalO2oOrderForNumericalStatementConsume_ERR", "[err]:"+err.Error()) | |||||
_ = res.Reject(false) | |||||
////TODO::重新推回队列末尾,避免造成队列堵塞 | |||||
//var msg *md.OneCirclesStructForSignIn | |||||
//json.Unmarshal(res.Body, &msg) | |||||
//ch.Publish(queue.ExchangeName, msg, queue.RoutKey) | |||||
} else { | |||||
_ = res.Ack(true) | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
panic(errors.New("error getting message")) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
fmt.Println("get msg done") | |||||
} | |||||
func handleCanalO2oOrderForNumericalStatementTable(msg []byte) error { | |||||
//1、解析canal采集至mq中queue的数据结构体 | |||||
var canalMsg *md.CanalO2oOrderMessage[md.CanalO2oOrder] | |||||
err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &canalMsg) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
now := time.Now() | |||||
//2、获取masterId | |||||
masterId := utils.StrToInt(strings.Split(canalMsg.Database, "_")[1]) | |||||
//TODO::日志记录 | |||||
utils.FilePutContents("handleCanalO2oOrderForNumericalStatementTable_"+utils.IntToStr(masterId)+"_"+now.Format("2006-01-02"), string(msg)) | |||||
//2、判断操作(insert | update) | |||||
if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType || canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgUpdateSqlType { | |||||
var isUpdate bool | |||||
//3、查找是否有数据 | |||||
var ordDate string | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordDate = utils.TimeParseStd(item.CreateTime).Format("2006-01-02") | |||||
} | |||||
statistics, err := db2.GetMasterO2oOrderStatistics(db.Db, masterId, ordDate) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
if statistics == nil && canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType { | |||||
statistics = &model.MasterO2oOrderStatistics{ | |||||
MasterId: masterId, | |||||
PaymentTotal: "", | |||||
OrderCount: 0, | |||||
EstimatedCommission: "", | |||||
LoseOrderCount: 0, | |||||
PlaceOrderNumOfPeople: 0, | |||||
EffectiveOrderCount: 0, | |||||
EffectiveCommission: "", | |||||
ReceiveCommission: "", | |||||
LoseCommission: "", | |||||
AvgCommission: "", | |||||
CustomerUnitPrice: "", | |||||
Date: ordDate, | |||||
CreateAt: now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), | |||||
UpdateAt: now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), | |||||
} | |||||
_, err = db2.MasterO2oOrderStatisticsInsert(db.Db, statistics) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if statistics == nil { | |||||
return errors.New("过期订单数据不予处理") | |||||
} | |||||
paymentTotal := statistics.PaymentTotal | |||||
orderCount := statistics.OrderCount | |||||
estimatedCommission := statistics.EstimatedCommission | |||||
loseOrderCount := statistics.LoseOrderCount | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeople := statistics.PlaceOrderNumOfPeople | |||||
effectiveOrderCount := statistics.EffectiveOrderCount | |||||
effectiveCommission := statistics.EffectiveCommission | |||||
loseCommission := statistics.LoseCommission | |||||
avgCommission := statistics.AvgCommission | |||||
customerUnitPrice := statistics.CustomerUnitPrice | |||||
effectivePaymentTotal := statistics.EffectivePaymentTotal | |||||
if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType { | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
orderCount++ | |||||
if item.State == "0" { | |||||
//未支付不统计 | |||||
return errors.New("未支付不统计") | |||||
} else if item.State == "6" { | |||||
//失效 | |||||
loseOrderCount++ | |||||
} else { | |||||
effectiveOrderCount++ | |||||
} | |||||
paymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(paymentTotal) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) //付款金额 | |||||
estimatedCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(estimatedCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) //预估佣金(元) | |||||
effectiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectiveCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) //有效佣金(元) | |||||
effectivePaymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectivePaymentTotal) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) //有效付款金额(元) | |||||
estimatedCommissionValue, _ := decimal.NewFromString(estimatedCommission) | |||||
orderCountValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(orderCount)) | |||||
avgCommission = estimatedCommissionValue.Div(orderCountValue).String() //平均佣金 | |||||
if item.State != "6" && item.State != "5" { | |||||
cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf(ZhiOsO2oPlaceOrderNumOfPeopleHashMapCacheKey, utils.IntToStr(masterId), ordDate) | |||||
get, _ := cache.HGetString(cacheKey, item.Uid) | |||||
if get == "" { | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeople++ //下单人数 | |||||
cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, "1") | |||||
} else { | |||||
cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, utils.IntToStr(utils.StrToInt(get)+1)) | |||||
} | |||||
cache.Expire(cacheKey, md.ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressHashMapCacheTime) | |||||
paymentTotalValue, _ := decimal.NewFromString(paymentTotal) | |||||
if placeOrderNumOfPeople == 0 { | |||||
return errors.New("divider cannot be 0 in division operation") | |||||
} | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(placeOrderNumOfPeople)) | |||||
customerUnitPrice = paymentTotalValue.Div(placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue).String() | |||||
} | |||||
//客单价 | |||||
isUpdate = true | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgUpdateSqlType { | |||||
judgeSate := JudgeO2oOrdSate(*canalMsg) | |||||
if judgeSate > 0 { | |||||
if judgeSate == 2 { | |||||
//TODO::未收货失效 | |||||
loseOrderCount++ | |||||
effectiveOrderCount-- | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
loseCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(loseCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
effectiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectiveCommission) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
effectivePaymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectivePaymentTotal) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) | |||||
isUpdate = true | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if judgeSate == 3 { | |||||
//TODO::已收货失效 | |||||
loseOrderCount++ | |||||
effectiveOrderCount-- | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
loseCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(loseCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
effectiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectiveCommission) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
effectivePaymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(effectivePaymentTotal) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) | |||||
isUpdate = true | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if judgeSate == 1 || judgeSate == 3 { | |||||
//TODO::收货额外处理 | |||||
//查找是否有数据 | |||||
var ordConfirmAt string | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordConfirmAt = utils.TimeParseStd(item.FinishTime).Format("2006-01-02") | |||||
} | |||||
ordConfirmStatistics, err := db2.GetMasterO2oOrderStatistics(db.Db, masterId, ordConfirmAt) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
if ordConfirmStatistics == nil { | |||||
return errors.New("过期收货订单数据不予处理") | |||||
} | |||||
if judgeSate == 1 { | |||||
//TODO::收货 | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if judgeSate == 3 { | |||||
//TODO::已收货失效 | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(ordConfirmStatistics.ReceiveCommission) - utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
ordConfirmStatistics.UpdateAt = now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") | |||||
_, err = db2.MasterO2oOrderStatisticsUpdate(db.Db, ordConfirmStatistics.Id, ordConfirmStatistics, | |||||
"receive_commission", "update_at") | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if isUpdate { | |||||
statistics.PaymentTotal = paymentTotal | |||||
statistics.OrderCount = orderCount | |||||
statistics.EstimatedCommission = estimatedCommission | |||||
statistics.LoseOrderCount = loseOrderCount | |||||
statistics.PlaceOrderNumOfPeople = placeOrderNumOfPeople | |||||
statistics.EffectiveOrderCount = effectiveOrderCount | |||||
statistics.EffectiveCommission = effectiveCommission | |||||
statistics.LoseCommission = loseCommission | |||||
statistics.AvgCommission = avgCommission | |||||
statistics.CustomerUnitPrice = customerUnitPrice | |||||
statistics.EffectivePaymentTotal = effectivePaymentTotal | |||||
statistics.UpdateAt = now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") | |||||
_, err = db2.MasterO2oOrderStatisticsUpdate(db.Db, statistics.Id, statistics, | |||||
"payment_total", "order_count", "estimated_commission", "lose_order_count", | |||||
"place_order_num_of_people", "effective_order_count", "effective_commission", "lose_commission", | |||||
"avg_commission", "customer_unit_price", "effective_payment_total", "update_at") | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return nil | |||||
} | |||||
// JudgeO2oOrdSate 处理订单状态(judgeSate[0:不需要处理 1:收货 2:未收货失效 3:已收货失效]) | |||||
func JudgeO2oOrdSate(message md.CanalO2oOrderMessage[md.CanalO2oOrder]) (judgeSate int) { | |||||
oldData := message.Old | |||||
//1、获取 旧的订单状态 | |||||
var oldOrdState string | |||||
for _, item := range oldData { | |||||
if item.State != "" { | |||||
oldOrdState = item.State | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if oldOrdState == "" { | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
//2、获取 新的订单状态 | |||||
var nowOrdState string | |||||
for _, item := range message.Data { | |||||
if item.State != "" { | |||||
nowOrdState = item.State | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if nowOrdState == "" { | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
if oldOrdState == nowOrdState { | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
//3、进行状态比较判断 | |||||
if oldOrdState == "3" || oldOrdState == "4" { | |||||
if nowOrdState == "5" || nowOrdState == "6" { | |||||
//已收货失效 | |||||
return 3 | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
if nowOrdState == "5" || nowOrdState == "6" { | |||||
//未收货失效 | |||||
return 2 | |||||
} | |||||
if nowOrdState == "3" || nowOrdState == "4" { | |||||
//收货 | |||||
return 1 | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ | |||||
package consume | |||||
import ( | |||||
"applet/app/db" | |||||
"applet/app/utils" | |||||
"applet/app/utils/cache" | |||||
"applet/app/utils/logx" | |||||
"applet/consume/md" | |||||
"code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_mq.git/rabbit" | |||||
db2 "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_model.git/src/models/official" | |||||
"code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_model.git/src/models/official/model" | |||||
"encoding/json" | |||||
"errors" | |||||
"fmt" | |||||
"github.com/shopspring/decimal" | |||||
"github.com/streadway/amqp" | |||||
"strings" | |||||
"time" | |||||
) | |||||
const ZhiOsO2oPayPlaceOrderNumOfPeopleHashMapCacheKey = "%s:zhiOs_o2o_pay_place_order_num_of_people_hash_map_cache:%s" //下单人数缓存hashMap键 | |||||
func CanalO2oPayOrderForNumericalStatementConsume(queue md.MqQueue) { | |||||
ch, err := rabbit.Cfg.Pool.GetChannel() | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
logx.Error(err) | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
defer ch.Release() | |||||
//1、将自己绑定到交换机上 | |||||
ch.Bind(queue.Name, queue.ExchangeName, queue.RoutKey) | |||||
//2、取出数据进行消费 | |||||
ch.Qos(100) | |||||
delivery := ch.Consume(queue.Name, false) | |||||
var res amqp.Delivery | |||||
var ok bool | |||||
for { | |||||
res, ok = <-delivery | |||||
if ok == true { | |||||
//fmt.Println(string(res.Body)) | |||||
fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CanalO2oPayOrderForNumericalStatementConsume<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<") | |||||
err = handleCanalO2oPayOrderForNumericalStatementTable(res.Body) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
fmt.Println("err ::: ", err) | |||||
utils.FilePutContents("CanalO2oPayOrderForNumericalStatementConsume_ERR", "[err]:"+err.Error()) | |||||
_ = res.Reject(false) | |||||
////TODO::重新推回队列末尾,避免造成队列堵塞 | |||||
//var msg *md.OneCirclesStructForSignIn | |||||
//json.Unmarshal(res.Body, &msg) | |||||
//ch.Publish(queue.ExchangeName, msg, queue.RoutKey) | |||||
} else { | |||||
_ = res.Ack(true) | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
panic(errors.New("error getting message")) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
fmt.Println("get msg done") | |||||
} | |||||
func handleCanalO2oPayOrderForNumericalStatementTable(msg []byte) error { | |||||
//1、解析canal采集至mq中queue的数据结构体 | |||||
var canalMsg *md.CanalMallOrder | |||||
err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &canalMsg) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
now := time.Now() | |||||
//2、获取masterId | |||||
masterId := utils.StrToInt(strings.Split(canalMsg.Database, "_")[1]) | |||||
//TODO::日志记录 | |||||
utils.FilePutContents("handleCanalO2oPayOrderForNumericalStatementTable_"+utils.IntToStr(masterId)+"_"+now.Format("2006-01-02"), string(msg)) | |||||
//2、判断操作(insert | update) | |||||
if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType || canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgUpdateSqlType { | |||||
var isUpdate bool | |||||
//3、查找是否有数据 | |||||
var ordDate string | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
ordDate = utils.TimeParseStd(item.CreateTime).Format("2006-01-02") | |||||
} | |||||
statistics, err := db2.GetMasterO2oPayOrderStatistics(db.Db, masterId, ordDate) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
if statistics == nil && canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType { | |||||
statistics = &model.MasterO2oPayOrderStatistics{ | |||||
MasterId: masterId, | |||||
PaymentTotal: "", | |||||
OrderCount: 0, | |||||
EstimatedCommission: "", | |||||
PlaceOrderNumOfPeople: 0, | |||||
AvgCommission: "", | |||||
CustomerUnitPrice: "", | |||||
Date: ordDate, | |||||
CreateAt: now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), | |||||
UpdateAt: now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), | |||||
} | |||||
_, err = db2.MasterO2oPayOrderStatisticsInsert(db.Db, statistics) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if statistics == nil { | |||||
return errors.New("过期订单数据不予处理") | |||||
} | |||||
paymentTotal := statistics.PaymentTotal | |||||
orderCount := statistics.OrderCount | |||||
estimatedCommission := statistics.EstimatedCommission | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeople := statistics.PlaceOrderNumOfPeople | |||||
avgCommission := statistics.AvgCommission | |||||
customerUnitPrice := statistics.CustomerUnitPrice | |||||
if canalMsg.Type == md.CanalMsgInsertSqlType { | |||||
for _, item := range canalMsg.Data { | |||||
orderCount++ | |||||
if item.State == "0" { | |||||
//未支付不统计 | |||||
return errors.New("未支付不统计") | |||||
} | |||||
if item.State == "1" || item.State == "4" { | |||||
paymentTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(paymentTotal) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.CostPrice)) //付款金额 | |||||
estimatedCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(estimatedCommission) + utils.StrToFloat64(item.EstimateCommission)) //预估佣金(元) | |||||
estimatedCommissionValue, _ := decimal.NewFromString(estimatedCommission) | |||||
orderCountValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(orderCount)) | |||||
avgCommission = estimatedCommissionValue.Div(orderCountValue).String() //平均佣金 | |||||
cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf(ZhiOsO2oPayPlaceOrderNumOfPeopleHashMapCacheKey, utils.IntToStr(masterId), ordDate) | |||||
get, _ := cache.HGetString(cacheKey, item.Uid) | |||||
if get == "" { | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeople++ //下单人数 | |||||
cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, "1") | |||||
} else { | |||||
cache.HSet(cacheKey, item.Uid, utils.IntToStr(utils.StrToInt(get)+1)) | |||||
} | |||||
cache.Expire(cacheKey, md.ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressHashMapCacheTime) | |||||
paymentTotalValue, _ := decimal.NewFromString(paymentTotal) | |||||
if placeOrderNumOfPeople == 0 { | |||||
return errors.New("divider cannot be 0 in division operation") | |||||
} | |||||
placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue := decimal.NewFromInt(int64(placeOrderNumOfPeople)) | |||||
customerUnitPrice = paymentTotalValue.Div(placeOrderNumOfPeopleValue).String() //客单价 | |||||
isUpdate = true | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if isUpdate { | |||||
statistics.PaymentTotal = paymentTotal | |||||
statistics.OrderCount = orderCount | |||||
statistics.EstimatedCommission = estimatedCommission | |||||
statistics.PlaceOrderNumOfPeople = placeOrderNumOfPeople | |||||
statistics.AvgCommission = avgCommission | |||||
statistics.CustomerUnitPrice = customerUnitPrice | |||||
statistics.UpdateAt = now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") | |||||
_, err = db2.MasterO2oPayOrderStatisticsUpdate(db.Db, statistics.Id, statistics, | |||||
"payment_total", "order_count", "estimated_commission", | |||||
"place_order_num_of_people", | |||||
"avg_commission", "customer_unit_price", "update_at") | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return nil | |||||
} |
@@ -80,15 +80,19 @@ func initConsumes() { | |||||
//jobs[consumeMd.ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressConsumeFunName] = ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressConsume | //jobs[consumeMd.ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressConsumeFunName] = ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressConsume | ||||
//jobs[consumeMd.CanalUserVirtualCcoinFlowFunName] = CanalUserVirtualCoinFlowConsume | //jobs[consumeMd.CanalUserVirtualCcoinFlowFunName] = CanalUserVirtualCoinFlowConsume | ||||
//jobs[consumeMd.CanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementConsumeFunName] = CanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementConsume | //jobs[consumeMd.CanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementConsumeFunName] = CanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementConsume | ||||
jobs[consumeMd.CanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementConsumeFunName] = CanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementConsume | |||||
//jobs[consumeMd.CanalO2oOrderForNumericalStatementConsumeFunName] = CanalO2oOrderForNumericalStatementConsume | |||||
//jobs[consumeMd.CanalO2oPayOrderForNumericalStatementConsumeFunName] = CanalO2oPayOrderForNumericalStatementConsume | |||||
//jobs[consumeMd.CanalB2cOrderForNumericalStatementConsumeFunName] = CanalB2cOrderForNumericalStatementConsume | |||||
//////////////////////////////////////// oneCircles ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// | //////////////////////////////////////// oneCircles ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// | ||||
jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesSignInGreenEnergyFunName] = OneCirclesSignInGreenEnergyConsume | |||||
jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesStartLevelDividendFunName] = OneCirclesStartLevelDividendConsume | |||||
jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesActivityCoinAutoExchangeGreenEnergyFunName] = OneCirclesActivityCoinAutoExchangeGreenEnergyConsume | |||||
jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesActivityCoinAutoExchangeGreenEnergyForTeamFunName] = OneCirclesActivityCoinAutoExchangeGreenEnergyForTeamConsume | |||||
jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesSettlementPublicGiveActivityCoinFunName] = OneCirclesSettlementPublicGiveActivityCoinConsume | |||||
jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesAddPublicPlatoonUserRelationCommissionFunName] = OneCirclesAddPublicPlatoonUserRelationCommissionConsume | |||||
//jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesSignInGreenEnergyFunName] = OneCirclesSignInGreenEnergyConsume | |||||
//jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesStartLevelDividendFunName] = OneCirclesStartLevelDividendConsume | |||||
//jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesActivityCoinAutoExchangeGreenEnergyFunName] = OneCirclesActivityCoinAutoExchangeGreenEnergyConsume | |||||
//jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesActivityCoinAutoExchangeGreenEnergyForTeamFunName] = OneCirclesActivityCoinAutoExchangeGreenEnergyForTeamConsume | |||||
//jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesSettlementPublicGiveActivityCoinFunName] = OneCirclesSettlementPublicGiveActivityCoinConsume | |||||
//jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesAddPublicPlatoonUserRelationCommissionFunName] = OneCirclesAddPublicPlatoonUserRelationCommissionConsume | |||||
//jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesSignInCopyGreenEnergyFunName] = OneCirclesSignInCopyGreenEnergyConsume | //jobs[consumeMd.OneCirclesSignInCopyGreenEnergyFunName] = OneCirclesSignInCopyGreenEnergyConsume | ||||
@@ -83,6 +83,42 @@ var RabbitMqQueueKeyList = []*MqQueue{ | |||||
BindKey: "", | BindKey: "", | ||||
ConsumeFunName: "CanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementConsume", | ConsumeFunName: "CanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementConsume", | ||||
}, | }, | ||||
{ | |||||
ExchangeName: "canal.topic", | |||||
Name: "canal_mall_order_for_numerical_statement", | |||||
Type: TopicQueueType, | |||||
IsPersistent: false, | |||||
RoutKey: "canal_mall_order", | |||||
BindKey: "", | |||||
ConsumeFunName: "CanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementConsume", | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
ExchangeName: "canal.topic", | |||||
Name: "canal_b2c_order_for_numerical_statement", | |||||
Type: TopicQueueType, | |||||
IsPersistent: false, | |||||
RoutKey: "canal_b2c_order", | |||||
BindKey: "", | |||||
ConsumeFunName: "CanalB2cOrderForNumericalStatementConsume", | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
ExchangeName: "canal.topic", | |||||
Name: "canal_o2o_order_for_numerical_statement", | |||||
Type: TopicQueueType, | |||||
IsPersistent: false, | |||||
RoutKey: "canal_o2o_order", | |||||
BindKey: "", | |||||
ConsumeFunName: "CanalO2oOrderForNumericalStatementConsume", | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
ExchangeName: "canal.topic", | |||||
Name: "canal_o2o_pay_order_for_numerical_statement", | |||||
Type: TopicQueueType, | |||||
IsPersistent: false, | |||||
RoutKey: "canal_o2o_pay_to_merchant", | |||||
BindKey: "", | |||||
ConsumeFunName: "CanalO2oPayOrderForNumericalStatementConsume", | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | { | ||||
ExchangeName: "canal.topic", | ExchangeName: "canal.topic", | ||||
Name: "canal_gim_message", | Name: "canal_gim_message", | ||||
@@ -587,6 +623,10 @@ const ( | |||||
ZhiosSupplierAfterOrderFunName = "ZhiosSupplierAfterOrder" | ZhiosSupplierAfterOrderFunName = "ZhiosSupplierAfterOrder" | ||||
CanalOrderConsumeFunName = "CanalOrderConsume" | CanalOrderConsumeFunName = "CanalOrderConsume" | ||||
CanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementConsumeFunName = "CanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementConsume" | CanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementConsumeFunName = "CanalGuideOrderForNumericalStatementConsume" | ||||
CanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementConsumeFunName = "CanalMallOrderForNumericalStatementConsume" | |||||
CanalO2oOrderForNumericalStatementConsumeFunName = "CanalO2oOrderForNumericalStatementConsume" | |||||
CanalO2oPayOrderForNumericalStatementConsumeFunName = "CanalO2oPayOrderForNumericalStatementConsume" | |||||
CanalB2cOrderForNumericalStatementConsumeFunName = "CanalB2cOrderForNumericalStatementConsume" | |||||
CanalGuideOrderConsumeFunName = "CanalGuideOrderConsume" | CanalGuideOrderConsumeFunName = "CanalGuideOrderConsume" | ||||
ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressConsumeFunName = "ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressConsume" | ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressConsumeFunName = "ZhiOsUserVisitIpAddressConsume" | ||||
DouShenUserRegisterConsumeForOfficialFunName = "DouShenUserRegisterConsumeForOfficial" | DouShenUserRegisterConsumeForOfficialFunName = "DouShenUserRegisterConsumeForOfficial" | ||||
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ | |||||
package md | |||||
type CanalB2cOrder struct { | |||||
OrdId string `json:"ord_id" xorm:"not null pk BIGINT(20)"` | |||||
MainOrdId string `json:"main_ord_id" xorm:"not null comment('主订单号') index BIGINT(20)"` | |||||
Uid string `json:"uid" xorm:"comment('用户id') index INT(11)"` | |||||
BelongStoreId string `json:"belong_store_id" xorm:"comment('归属店铺id') INT(11)"` | |||||
BuyerName string `json:"buyer_name" xorm:"comment('购买人') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
BuyerPhone string `json:"buyer_phone" xorm:"comment('购买人手机号') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
CostPrice string `json:"cost_price" xorm:"comment('价格') DECIMAL(12,2)"` | |||||
CostVirtualCoin string `json:"cost_virtual_coin" xorm:"comment('消耗的虚拟币') DECIMAL(12,2)"` | |||||
VirtualCoinId string `json:"virtual_coin_id" xorm:"comment('使用的虚拟币id') INT(11)"` | |||||
State string `json:"state" xorm:"comment('订单状态:0未支付 1已支付 ...(其余状态根据订单类型不同)') TINYINT(1)"` | |||||
PayTime string `json:"pay_time" xorm:"comment('支付时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
PickUp string `json:"pick_up" xorm:"not null comment('取货方式:1堂食 2打包带走') TINYINT(1)"` | |||||
PayChannel string `json:"pay_channel" xorm:"not null comment('支付方式:1balance 2alipay 3wx_pay 4zhios_pay_alipay') TINYINT(1)"` | |||||
ShippingTime string `json:"shipping_time" xorm:"comment('发货时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
DeliveryWay string `json:"delivery_way" xorm:"default 1 comment('发货方式(1:自己联系)') TINYINT(1)"` | |||||
LogisticCompany string `json:"logistic_company" xorm:"not null default '' comment('物流公司') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
LogisticNum string `json:"logistic_num" xorm:"not null default '' comment('物流单号') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
ReceiverPhone string `json:"receiver_phone" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收货人手机号') VARCHAR(20)"` | |||||
ReceiverName string `json:"receiver_name" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收货人名字') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
ReceiverAddressDetail string `json:"receiver_address_detail" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收货人地址') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
ShippingType string `json:"shipping_type" xorm:"not null default 1 comment('运送方式:1快递送货') TINYINT(1)"` | |||||
CouponDiscount string `json:"coupon_discount" xorm:"not null default 0.00 comment('优惠券折扣额') DECIMAL(12,2)"` | |||||
DiscountPrice string `json:"discount_price" xorm:"not null default 0.00 comment('立减') DECIMAL(12,2)"` | |||||
UserCouponId string `json:"user_coupon_id" xorm:"comment('使用的优惠券id') BIGINT(20)"` | |||||
ReturnInsuranceFee string `json:"return_insurance_fee" xorm:"not null default 0.00 comment('退货无忧费用') DECIMAL(12,2)"` | |||||
IsReceipt string `json:"is_receipt" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('是否开具发票 0否 1是') TINYINT(255)"` | |||||
ShippingFee string `json:"shipping_fee" xorm:"not null default 0.00 comment('运费') DECIMAL(12,2)"` | |||||
Comment string `json:"comment" xorm:"not null comment('备注') VARCHAR(2048)"` | |||||
ProvinceName string `json:"province_name" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收货省份') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
CityName string `json:"city_name" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收货城市') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
CountyName string `json:"county_name" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收货区域') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
PayNum string `json:"pay_num" xorm:"not null default '' comment('交易流水') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
ConfirmTime string `json:"confirm_time" xorm:"comment('确认时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
EstimateCommission string `json:"estimate_commission" xorm:"not null default 0.0000 comment('预计佣金(三方分账完之后站长的佣金)') DECIMAL(12,4)"` | |||||
CreateTime string `json:"create_time" xorm:"not null default 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' comment('创建时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
UpdateTime string `json:"update_time" xorm:"not null default 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' comment('更新时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
DeletedTime string `json:"deleted_time" xorm:"comment('删除时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
FinishTime string `json:"finish_time" xorm:"comment('完成时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
OrderType string `json:"order_type" xorm:"not null default 1 comment('订单类型:1(小店订单)') TINYINT(3)"` | |||||
Data string `json:"data" xorm:"not null comment('订单相关的数据') TEXT"` | |||||
SettleTime string `json:"settle_time" xorm:"comment('结算时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
CommissionTime string `json:"commission_time" xorm:"comment('分佣时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
ShareUid string `json:"share_uid" xorm:"comment('分享人') INT(11)"` | |||||
TotalPrice float32 `json:"total_price" xorm:"comment('订单总金额') FLOAT(8,2)"` | |||||
PickUpNum string `json:"pick_up_num" xorm:"comment('取餐号') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
TradeNo string `json:"trade_no" xorm:"comment('支付平台的订单号') VARCHAR(50)"` | |||||
PayTradeNo string `json:"pay_trade_no" xorm:"comment('支付联盟支付的订单号') VARCHAR(50)"` | |||||
ConsumptionType string `json:"consumption_type" xorm:"default 1 comment('消费类型:1到店消费2立即制作') TINYINT(1)"` | |||||
TableNum string `json:"table_num" xorm:"default '' comment('桌号') VARCHAR(12)"` | |||||
IsThreePartySplit string `json:"is_three_party_split" xorm:"comment('是否进行了三方分账,0:否,1:是') TINYINT(1)"` | |||||
MainCommission string `json:"main_commission" xorm:"not null default 0.0000 comment('总佣金') DECIMAL(12,4)"` | |||||
SkuPriceInfo string `json:"sku_price_info" xorm:"comment('新版本支付规则(规则计算信息)') VARCHAR(500)"` | |||||
PlatformCommission string `json:"platform_commission" xorm:"comment('平台所得的佣金(平台不是站长)') DECIMAL(12,4)"` | |||||
MealFee string `json:"meal_fee" xorm:"comment('餐位费') VARCHAR(50)"` | |||||
SupplierMerchantId string `json:"supplier_merchant_id" xorm:"comment('供应商id') INT(11)"` | |||||
SupplierOrdId string `json:"supplier_ord_id" xorm:"comment('供应商订单id') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
IsSetOutAch string `xorm:"not null default 0 INT(1)" json:"is_set_out_ach"` | |||||
} | |||||
type CanalB2cOrderMessage[T any] struct { | |||||
Data []T `json:"data"` | |||||
Database string `json:"database"` | |||||
ES int64 `json:"es"` | |||||
ID int64 `json:"id"` | |||||
IsDdl bool `json:"isDdl"` | |||||
Old []T `json:"old"` | |||||
PkNames []string `json:"pkNames"` | |||||
Table string `json:"table"` | |||||
TS int64 `json:"ts"` | |||||
Type string `json:"type"` | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ | |||||
package md | |||||
type CanalO2oOrder struct { | |||||
OrdId string `json:"ord_id" xorm:"not null pk BIGstring(20)"` | |||||
MainOrdId string `json:"main_ord_id" xorm:"not null comment('主订单号') index BIGstring(20)"` | |||||
Uid string `json:"uid" xorm:"comment('用户id') index string(11)"` | |||||
BelongStoreId string `json:"belong_store_id" xorm:"comment('归属店铺id') string(11)"` | |||||
BuyerName string `json:"buyer_name" xorm:"comment('购买人') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
BuyerPhone string `json:"buyer_phone" xorm:"comment('购买人手机号') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
CostPrice string `json:"cost_price" xorm:"comment('价格') DECIMAL(12,2)"` | |||||
CostVirtualCoin string `json:"cost_virtual_coin" xorm:"comment('消耗的虚拟币') DECIMAL(12,2)"` | |||||
VirtualCoinId string `json:"virtual_coin_id" xorm:"comment('使用的虚拟币id') string(11)"` | |||||
State string `json:"state" xorm:"comment('订单状态:0未支付 1已支付 ...(其余状态根据订单类型不同)') TINYstring(1)"` | |||||
PayTime string `json:"pay_time" xorm:"comment('支付时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
PickUp string `json:"pick_up" xorm:"not null comment('取货方式:1堂食 2打包带走') TINYstring(1)"` | |||||
PayChannel string `json:"pay_channel" xorm:"not null comment('支付方式:1balance 2alipay 3wx_pay 4zhios_pay_alipay') TINYstring(1)"` | |||||
ShippingTime string `json:"shipping_time" xorm:"comment('发货时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
LogisticCompany string `json:"logistic_company" xorm:"not null default '' comment('物流公司') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
LogisticNum string `json:"logistic_num" xorm:"not null default '' comment('物流单号') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
ReceiverPhone string `json:"receiver_phone" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收货人手机号') VARCHAR(20)"` | |||||
ReceiverName string `json:"receiver_name" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收货人名字') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
ReceiverAddressDetail string `json:"receiver_address_detail" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收货人地址') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
ShippingType string `json:"shipping_type" xorm:"not null default 1 comment('运送方式:1快递送货') TINYstring(1)"` | |||||
CouponDiscount string `json:"coupon_discount" xorm:"not null default 0.00 comment('优惠券折扣额') DECIMAL(12,2)"` | |||||
DiscountPrice string `json:"discount_price" xorm:"not null default 0.00 comment('立减') DECIMAL(12,2)"` | |||||
UserCouponId string `json:"user_coupon_id" xorm:"comment('使用的优惠券id') BIGstring(20)"` | |||||
ReturnInsuranceFee string `json:"return_insurance_fee" xorm:"not null default 0.00 comment('退货无忧费用') DECIMAL(12,2)"` | |||||
IsReceipt string `json:"is_receipt" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('是否开具发票 0否 1是') TINYstring(255)"` | |||||
ShippingFee string `json:"shipping_fee" xorm:"not null default 0.00 comment('运费') DECIMAL(12,2)"` | |||||
Comment string `json:"comment" xorm:"not null comment('备注') VARCHAR(2048)"` | |||||
ProvinceName string `json:"province_name" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收货省份') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
CityName string `json:"city_name" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收货城市') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
CountyName string `json:"county_name" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收货区域') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
PayNum string `json:"pay_num" xorm:"not null default '' comment('交易流水') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
ConfirmTime string `json:"confirm_time" xorm:"comment('确认时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
EstimateCommission string `json:"estimate_commission" xorm:"not null default 0.0000 comment('预计佣金(三方分账完之后站长的佣金)') DECIMAL(12,4)"` | |||||
CreateTime string `json:"create_time" xorm:"not null default 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' comment('创建时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
UpdateTime string `json:"update_time" xorm:"not null default 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' comment('更新时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
DeletedTime string `json:"deleted_time" xorm:"comment('删除时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
FinishTime string `json:"finish_time" xorm:"comment('完成时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
OrderType string `json:"order_type" xorm:"not null default 1 comment('订单类型:1(小店订单)') TINYstring(3)"` | |||||
Data string `json:"data" xorm:"not null comment('订单相关的数据') TEXT"` | |||||
SettleTime string `json:"settle_time" xorm:"comment('结算时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
CommissionTime string `json:"commission_time" xorm:"comment('分佣时间') DATETIME"` | |||||
ShareUid string `json:"share_uid" xorm:"comment('分享人') string(11)"` | |||||
TotalPrice string `json:"total_price" xorm:"comment('订单总金额') FLOAT(8,2)"` | |||||
PickUpNum string `json:"pick_up_num" xorm:"comment('取餐号') VARCHAR(255)"` | |||||
TradeNo string `json:"trade_no" xorm:"comment('支付平台的订单号') VARCHAR(50)"` | |||||
PayTradeNo string `json:"pay_trade_no" xorm:"comment('支付联盟支付的订单号') VARCHAR(50)"` | |||||
ConsumptionType string `json:"consumption_type" xorm:"not null default 1 comment('消费类型:1到店消费2立即制作') TINYstring(1)"` | |||||
TableNum string `json:"table_num" xorm:"default '' comment('桌号') VARCHAR(12)"` | |||||
IsThreePartySplit string `json:"is_three_party_split" xorm:"comment('是否进行了三方分账,0:否,1:是') TINYstring(1)"` | |||||
MainCommission string `json:"main_commission" xorm:"not null default 0.0000 comment('总佣金') DECIMAL(12,4)"` | |||||
SkuPriceInfo string `json:"sku_price_info" xorm:"comment('新版本支付规则(规则计算信息)') VARCHAR(500)"` | |||||
PlatformCommission string `json:"platform_commission" xorm:"comment('平台所得的佣金(平台不是站长)') DECIMAL(12,4)"` | |||||
MealFee string `json:"meal_fee" xorm:"comment('餐位费') VARCHAR(50)"` | |||||
ReturnMoneySettleAt string `json:"return_money_settle_at" xorm:"default 0 comment('小口袋定制返现时间') string(11)"` | |||||
IsSetReduce string `json:"is_set_reduce" xorm:"default 0 comment('小口袋定制设置退回 0否 1是') string(1)"` | |||||
IsSetOutAch string `xorm:"not null default 0 string(1)" json:"is_set_out_ach"` | |||||
} | |||||
type CanalO2oOrderMessage[T any] struct { | |||||
Data []T `json:"data"` | |||||
Database string `json:"database"` | |||||
ES string `json:"es"` | |||||
ID string `json:"id"` | |||||
IsDdl bool `json:"isDdl"` | |||||
Old []T `json:"old"` | |||||
PkNames []string `json:"pkNames"` | |||||
Table string `json:"table"` | |||||
TS string `json:"ts"` | |||||
Type string `json:"type"` | |||||
} |
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ require ( | |||||
code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_order_relate_rule.git v1.9.10-0.20240719082936-c249de79edce | code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_order_relate_rule.git v1.9.10-0.20240719082936-c249de79edce | ||||
code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_pay.git v1.6.2-0.20231116085701-9ba6e19f877b | code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_pay.git v1.6.2-0.20231116085701-9ba6e19f877b | ||||
code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_third_party_api.git v1.1.21-0.20240611024753-7cd929a03014 | code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_third_party_api.git v1.1.21-0.20240611024753-7cd929a03014 | ||||
code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_model.git v0.0.4-0.20240717064604-5e4000e89365 | |||||
code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_model.git v0.0.4-0.20240722120838-b9d594f8a46d | |||||
github.com/afex/hystrix-go v0.0.0-20180502004556-fa1af6a1f4f5 | github.com/afex/hystrix-go v0.0.0-20180502004556-fa1af6a1f4f5 | ||||
github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20190718012654-fb15b899a751 | github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20190718012654-fb15b899a751 | ||||
github.com/boombuler/barcode v1.0.1 | github.com/boombuler/barcode v1.0.1 | ||||