# Conflicts: # db/model/pay_channel_master.gotags/v1.2.4
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func InitDB(c *md.DBCfg) error { | |||||
if c.ShowLog { //根据配置文件设置日志 | if c.ShowLog { //根据配置文件设置日志 | ||||
Db.ShowSQL(true) //设置是否打印sql | Db.ShowSQL(true) //设置是否打印sql | ||||
Db.Logger().SetLevel(0) //设置日志等级 | Db.Logger().SetLevel(0) //设置日志等级 | ||||
//修改日志文件存放路径文件名是%s.log | |||||
//修改日志文件存放路径文件名是%s.logs | |||||
path := fmt.Sprintf(c.Path, c.Name) | path := fmt.Sprintf(c.Path, c.Name) | ||||
f, err = os.OpenFile(path, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0777) | f, err = os.OpenFile(path, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0777) | ||||
if err != nil { | if err != nil { | ||||
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ module code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_pay.git | |||||
go 1.15 | go 1.15 | ||||
require ( | require ( | ||||
github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.8.0 // indirect | |||||
github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.8.0 | |||||
github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.6.0 | github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.6.0 | ||||
github.com/iGoogle-ink/gopay v1.5.36 | github.com/iGoogle-ink/gopay v1.5.36 | ||||
github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.1 // indirect | |||||
gopkg.in/go-playground/assert.v1 v1.2.1 // indirect | |||||
gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v9 v9.29.1 // indirect | |||||
github.com/iGoogle-ink/gotil v1.0.20 | |||||
github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 | |||||
github.com/shopspring/decimal v1.2.0 | |||||
xorm.io/builder v0.3.10 // indirect | xorm.io/builder v0.3.10 // indirect | ||||
xorm.io/xorm v1.3.0 | xorm.io/xorm v1.3.0 | ||||
) | ) |
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ | |||||
package local_wxpay | |||||
import ( | |||||
zhios_pay_utils "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_pay.git/utils" | |||||
"code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_pay.git/utils/logx" | |||||
"fmt" | |||||
"github.com/iGoogle-ink/gopay" | |||||
"github.com/iGoogle-ink/gopay/pkg/util" | |||||
"github.com/iGoogle-ink/gopay/wechat" | |||||
v3 "github.com/iGoogle-ink/gopay/wechat/v3" | |||||
"strconv" | |||||
"time" | |||||
) | |||||
func NewClient(appId, mchId, apiKey string, isProd bool) *wechat.Client { | |||||
// 初始化微信客户端 | |||||
// appId:应用ID | |||||
// mchId:商户ID | |||||
// apiKey:API秘钥值 | |||||
// isProd:是否是正式环境 | |||||
client := wechat.NewClient(appId, mchId, apiKey, isProd) | |||||
// 打开Debug开关,输出请求日志,默认关闭 | |||||
client.DebugSwitch = gopay.DebugOn | |||||
// 设置国家:不设置默认 中国国内 | |||||
// wechat.China:中国国内 | |||||
// wechat.China2:中国国内备用 | |||||
// wechat.SoutheastAsia:东南亚 | |||||
// wechat.Other:其他国家 | |||||
client.SetCountry(wechat.China) | |||||
// 添加微信证书 Path 路径 | |||||
// certFilePath:apiclient_cert.pem 路径 | |||||
// keyFilePath:apiclient_key.pem 路径 | |||||
// pkcs12FilePath:apiclient_cert.p12 路径 | |||||
// 返回err | |||||
//client.AddCertFilePath() | |||||
// 添加微信证书内容 Content | |||||
// certFileContent:apiclient_cert.pem 内容 | |||||
// keyFileContent:apiclient_key.pem 内容 | |||||
// pkcs12FileContent:apiclient_cert.p12 内容 | |||||
// 返回err | |||||
//client.AddCertFileContent() | |||||
return client | |||||
} | |||||
// TradeAppPay is 微信APP支付 | |||||
func TradeAppPay(client *wechat.Client, subject, orderID, amount, notifyUrl string) (map[string]string, error) { | |||||
// 初始化 BodyMap | |||||
bm := make(gopay.BodyMap) | |||||
bm.Set("nonce_str", util.GetRandomString(32)). | |||||
Set("body", subject). | |||||
Set("out_trade_no", orderID). | |||||
Set("total_fee", amount). | |||||
Set("spbill_create_ip", ""). | |||||
Set("notify_url", notifyUrl). | |||||
Set("trade_type", wechat.TradeType_App). | |||||
Set("sign_type", wechat.SignType_MD5) | |||||
/*.Set("openid", "o0Df70H2Q0fY8JXh1aFPIRyOBgu8")*/ | |||||
// 预下单 | |||||
wxRsp, err := client.UnifiedOrder(bm) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
_ = zhios_pay_logx.Warn(err) | |||||
return nil, err | |||||
} | |||||
_, err = wechat.VerifySign(client.ApiKey, wechat.SignType_MD5, wxRsp) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
_ = zhios_pay_logx.Warn(err) | |||||
return nil, err | |||||
} | |||||
//if !ok { | |||||
// return nil, errors.New("验签失败") | |||||
//} | |||||
timeStamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10) | |||||
paySign := wechat.GetAppPaySign(client.AppId, client.MchId, wxRsp.NonceStr, wxRsp.PrepayId, wechat.SignType_MD5, timeStamp, client.ApiKey) | |||||
res := map[string]string{ | |||||
"appid": client.AppId, | |||||
"partnerid": client.MchId, | |||||
"prepayid": wxRsp.PrepayId, | |||||
"sign": paySign, | |||||
"package": "Sign=WXPay", | |||||
"noncestr": wxRsp.NonceStr, | |||||
"timestamp": timeStamp, | |||||
} | |||||
return res, nil | |||||
} | |||||
// TradeAppPay is 微信H5支付 | |||||
func TradeH5Pay(client *wechat.Client, subject, orderID, amount, notifyUrl string) (map[string]string, error) { | |||||
// 初始化 BodyMap | |||||
bm := make(gopay.BodyMap) | |||||
bm.Set("nonce_str", util.GetRandomString(32)). | |||||
Set("body", subject). | |||||
Set("out_trade_no", orderID). | |||||
Set("total_fee", amount). | |||||
Set("spbill_create_ip", ""). | |||||
Set("notify_url", notifyUrl). | |||||
Set("trade_type", wechat.TradeType_H5). | |||||
Set("sign_type", wechat.SignType_MD5). | |||||
SetBodyMap("scene_info", func(bm gopay.BodyMap) { | |||||
bm.SetBodyMap("h5_info", func(bm gopay.BodyMap) { | |||||
bm.Set("type", "Wap") | |||||
bm.Set("wap_url", "https://www.fumm.cc") | |||||
bm.Set("wap_name", "zyos") | |||||
}) | |||||
}) | |||||
/*.Set("openid", "o0Df70H2Q0fY8JXh1aFPIRyOBgu8")*/ | |||||
// 预下单 | |||||
wxRsp, err := client.UnifiedOrder(bm) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
_ = zhios_pay_logx.Warn(err) | |||||
return nil, err | |||||
} | |||||
_, err = wechat.VerifySign(client.ApiKey, wechat.SignType_MD5, wxRsp) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
_ = zhios_pay_logx.Warn(err) | |||||
return nil, err | |||||
} | |||||
timeStamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10) | |||||
packages := "prepay_id=" + wxRsp.PrepayId | |||||
paySign := wechat.GetH5PaySign(client.AppId, wxRsp.NonceStr, packages, wechat.SignType_MD5, timeStamp, client.ApiKey) | |||||
fmt.Println("paySign===", paySign) | |||||
r := map[string]string{ | |||||
"redirect_url": wxRsp.MwebUrl, | |||||
} | |||||
return r, nil | |||||
} | |||||
// TradeMiniProgPay is 微信小程序支付 ☑️ | |||||
func TradeMiniProgPay(client *wechat.Client, subject, orderID, amount, notifyUrl, openid string) (map[string]string, error) { | |||||
// 初始化 BodyMap | |||||
bm := make(gopay.BodyMap) | |||||
bm.Set("nonce_str", util.GetRandomString(32)). | |||||
Set("body", subject). | |||||
Set("openid", openid). | |||||
Set("out_trade_no", orderID). | |||||
Set("total_fee", amount). | |||||
Set("spbill_create_ip", ""). | |||||
Set("notify_url", notifyUrl). | |||||
Set("trade_type", wechat.TradeType_Mini). | |||||
Set("sign_type", wechat.SignType_MD5) | |||||
// 预下单 | |||||
wxRsp, err := client.UnifiedOrder(bm) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
_ = zhios_pay_logx.Warn(err) | |||||
return nil, err | |||||
} | |||||
fmt.Println(wxRsp) | |||||
timeStamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10) | |||||
packages := "prepay_id=" + wxRsp.PrepayId | |||||
paySign := wechat.GetMiniPaySign(client.AppId, wxRsp.NonceStr, packages, wechat.SignType_MD5, timeStamp, client.ApiKey) | |||||
res := map[string]string{ | |||||
"appId": client.AppId, | |||||
"paySign": paySign, | |||||
"signType": wechat.SignType_MD5, | |||||
"package": packages, | |||||
"nonceStr": wxRsp.NonceStr, | |||||
"timeStamp": timeStamp, | |||||
} | |||||
return res, nil | |||||
} | |||||
// TradeAppPayV3 is 微信APP支付v3 | |||||
func TradeAppPayV3(client *v3.ClientV3, subject, orderID, amount, notifyUrl string) (map[string]string, error) { | |||||
// 初始化 BodyMap | |||||
amountNew := zhios_pay_utils.AnyToFloat64(amount) * 100 | |||||
bm := make(gopay.BodyMap) | |||||
bm.Set("nonce_str", util.GetRandomString(32)). | |||||
Set("body", subject). | |||||
Set("out_trade_no", orderID). | |||||
Set("total_fee", amountNew). | |||||
Set("spbill_create_ip", ""). | |||||
Set("notify_url", notifyUrl). | |||||
Set("trade_type", wechat.TradeType_App). | |||||
Set("sign_type", wechat.SignType_MD5) | |||||
/*.Set("openid", "o0Df70H2Q0fY8JXh1aFPIRyOBgu8")*/ | |||||
//// 预下单 | |||||
//wxRsp, err := v3.UnifiedOrder(bm) | |||||
//if err != nil { | |||||
// _ = zhios_pay_logx.Warn(err) | |||||
// return nil, err | |||||
//} | |||||
//_, err = wechat.VerifySign(client.ApiKey, wechat.SignType_MD5, wxRsp) | |||||
//if err != nil { | |||||
// _ = zhios_pay_logx.Warn(err) | |||||
// return nil, err | |||||
//} | |||||
////if !ok { | |||||
//// return nil, errors.New("验签失败") | |||||
////} | |||||
//timeStamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10) | |||||
//paySign := wechat.GetAppPaySign(client.AppId, client.MchId, wxRsp.NonceStr, wxRsp.PrepayId, wechat.SignType_MD5, timeStamp, client.ApiKey) | |||||
//res := map[string]string{ | |||||
// "appid": client.AppId, | |||||
// "partnerid": client.MchId, | |||||
// "prepayid": wxRsp.PrepayId, | |||||
// "sign": paySign, | |||||
// "package": "Sign=WXPay", | |||||
// "noncestr": wxRsp.NonceStr, | |||||
// "timestamp": timeStamp, | |||||
//} | |||||
//return res, nil | |||||
return nil, nil | |||||
} | |||||
//// TradeJSAPIPay is 微信JSAPI支付 | |||||
func TradeJSAPIPay(client *wechat.Client, subject, orderID, amount, notifyUrl, openid string) (map[string]string, error) { | |||||
// 初始化 BodyMap | |||||
bm := make(gopay.BodyMap) | |||||
bm.Set("nonce_str", util.GetRandomString(32)). | |||||
Set("body", subject). | |||||
Set("out_trade_no", orderID). | |||||
Set("total_fee", amount). | |||||
Set("spbill_create_ip", ""). | |||||
Set("notify_url", notifyUrl). | |||||
Set("trade_type", wechat.TradeType_JsApi). | |||||
Set("sign_type", wechat.SignType_MD5). | |||||
Set("openid", openid). | |||||
SetBodyMap("scene_info", func(bm gopay.BodyMap) { | |||||
bm.SetBodyMap("h5_info", func(bm gopay.BodyMap) { | |||||
bm.Set("type", "Wap") | |||||
bm.Set("wap_url", "https://www.fumm.cc") | |||||
bm.Set("wap_name", "zyos") | |||||
}) | |||||
}) | |||||
// 预下单 | |||||
wxRsp, err := client.UnifiedOrder(bm) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
_ = zhios_pay_logx.Warn(err) | |||||
return nil, err | |||||
} | |||||
_, err = wechat.VerifySign(client.ApiKey, wechat.SignType_MD5, wxRsp) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
_ = zhios_pay_logx.Warn(err) | |||||
return nil, err | |||||
} | |||||
//if !ok { | |||||
// return nil, errors.New("验签失败") | |||||
//} | |||||
timeStamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10) | |||||
//paySign := wechat.GetAppPaySign(client.AppId, client.MchId, wxRsp.NonceStr, wxRsp.PrepayId, wechat.SignType_MD5, timeStamp, client.ApiKey) | |||||
packages := "prepay_id=" + wxRsp.PrepayId | |||||
paySign := wechat.GetJsapiPaySign(client.AppId, wxRsp.NonceStr, packages, wechat.SignType_MD5, timeStamp, client.ApiKey) | |||||
zhios_pay_logx.Info("wxRsp.PrepayId:" + wxRsp.PrepayId) | |||||
zhios_pay_logx.Info("wxRsp.PrepayId:" + wxRsp.PrepayId) | |||||
zhios_pay_logx.Info("wxRsp.PrepayId:" + openid) | |||||
res := map[string]string{ | |||||
"appid": client.AppId, | |||||
"partnerid": client.MchId, | |||||
"prepayid": wxRsp.PrepayId, | |||||
"sign": paySign, | |||||
"package": "prepay_id=" + wxRsp.PrepayId, | |||||
"noncestr": wxRsp.NonceStr, | |||||
"timestamp": timeStamp, | |||||
} | |||||
return res, nil | |||||
} | |||||
// TradeH5PayV3 is 微信H5支付v3 | |||||
func TradeH5PayV3(client *wechat.Client, subject, orderID, amount, notifyUrl string) (string, error) { | |||||
// 初始化 BodyMap | |||||
bm := make(gopay.BodyMap) | |||||
bm.Set("nonce_str", util.GetRandomString(32)). | |||||
Set("body", subject). | |||||
Set("out_trade_no", orderID). | |||||
Set("total_fee", amount). | |||||
Set("spbill_create_ip", ""). | |||||
Set("notify_url", notifyUrl). | |||||
Set("trade_type", wechat.TradeType_App). | |||||
Set("device_info", "WEB"). | |||||
Set("sign_type", wechat.SignType_MD5). | |||||
SetBodyMap("scene_info", func(bm gopay.BodyMap) { | |||||
bm.SetBodyMap("h5_info", func(bm gopay.BodyMap) { | |||||
bm.Set("type", "Wap") | |||||
bm.Set("wap_url", "https://www.fumm.cc") | |||||
bm.Set("wap_name", "H5测试支付") | |||||
}) | |||||
}) /*.Set("openid", "o0Df70H2Q0fY8JXh1aFPIRyOBgu8")*/ | |||||
// 预下单 | |||||
wxRsp, err := client.UnifiedOrder(bm) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
_ = zhios_pay_logx.Warn(err) | |||||
return "", err | |||||
} | |||||
// ====APP支付 paySign==== | |||||
timeStamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10) | |||||
// 获取APP支付的 paySign | |||||
// 注意:package 参数因为是固定值,无需开发者再传入 | |||||
// appId:AppID | |||||
// partnerid:partnerid | |||||
// nonceStr:随机字符串 | |||||
// prepayId:统一下单成功后得到的值 | |||||
// signType:签名方式,务必与统一下单时用的签名方式一致 | |||||
// timeStamp:时间 | |||||
// apiKey:API秘钥值 | |||||
paySign := wechat.GetAppPaySign(client.AppId, client.MchId, wxRsp.NonceStr, wxRsp.PrepayId, wechat.SignType_MD5, timeStamp, client.ApiKey) | |||||
return paySign, nil | |||||
} | |||||
// TradeMiniProgPayV3 is 微信小程序支付v3 | |||||
func TradeMiniProgPayV3(client *v3.ClientV3, subject, orderID, amount, notifyUrl string) (string, error) { | |||||
return "", nil | |||||
} |
@@ -2,8 +2,39 @@ package md | |||||
const ( | const ( | ||||
/*********** DEVICE ***********/ | /*********** DEVICE ***********/ | ||||
PLATFORM_ALIPAY_APPLET = "alipay_applet" | |||||
PLATFORM_WAP = "wap" //h5 | |||||
PLATFORM_ANDROID = "android" | |||||
PLATFORM_IOS = "ios" | |||||
PLATFORM_WX_APPLET = "wx_applet" // 小程序 | |||||
PLATFORM_TOUTIAO_APPLET = "toutiao_applet" | |||||
PLATFORM_TIKTOK_APPLET = "tiktok_applet" | |||||
PLATFORM_BAIDU_APPLET = "baidu_applet" | |||||
PLATFORM_ALIPAY_APPLET = "alipay_applet" | |||||
PLATFORM_WAP = "wap" //h5 | |||||
PLATFORM_ANDROID = "android" | |||||
PLATFORM_IOS = "ios" | |||||
PLATFORM_PC = "pc" | |||||
PLATFORM_JSAPI = "jsapi" // 公众号 | |||||
) | ) | ||||
const WX_PAY_BROWSER = "wx_pay_browser" // 用于判断显示支付方式 | |||||
var PlatformList = map[string]struct{}{ | |||||
PLATFORM_WAP: {}, | |||||
PLATFORM_IOS: {}, | |||||
PLATFORM_PC: {}, | |||||
} | |||||
var PlatformMap = map[string]string{ | |||||
"android": "2", | |||||
"ios": "2", | |||||
"wap": "4", // 和小程序公用模板 | |||||
"wx_applet": "4", //微信小程序 | |||||
"tiktok_applet": "4", | |||||
"baidu_applet": "4", | |||||
"alipay_applet": "4", | |||||
"toutiao_applet": "4", | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ | |||||
package md | |||||
type WxPayParams struct { | |||||
Subject string `json:"subject" binding:"required"` | |||||
Amount string `json:"amount" binding:"required"` | |||||
OrderType string `json:"order_type" binding:"required"` | |||||
OrdId string `json:"ord_id"` | |||||
PayWxAppid string `json:"pay_wx_appid"` | |||||
PayWxMchId string `json:"pay_wx_mch_id"` | |||||
PayWxApiKey string `json:"pay_wx_api_key"` | |||||
NotifyUrl string `json:"notify_url"` | |||||
ThirdPartyWechatOpenid string `json:"third_party_wechat_openid"` | |||||
} | |||||
type WxPayCallback struct { | |||||
AppId string `json:"appid"` | |||||
BankType string `json:"bank_type"` | |||||
CashFee string `json:"cash_fee"` | |||||
FeeType string `json:"fee_type"` | |||||
IsSubscribe string `json:"is_subscribe"` | |||||
MasterID string `json:"master_id"` | |||||
MchID string `json:"mch_id"` | |||||
NonceStr string `json:"nonce_str"` | |||||
Openid string `json:"openid"` | |||||
OrderType string `json:"order_type"` | |||||
OutTradeNo string `json:"out_trade_no"` | |||||
PayMethod string `json:"pay_method"` | |||||
ResultCode string `json:"result_code"` | |||||
ReturnCode string `json:"return_code"` | |||||
Sign string `json:"sign"` | |||||
TimeEnd string `json:"time_end"` | |||||
TotalFee string `json:"total_fee"` | |||||
TradeType string `json:"trade_type"` | |||||
TransactionID string `json:"transaction_id"` | |||||
} |
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ func Init(host, name, user, psw string) error { | |||||
cfg.MaxLifetime = 30 | cfg.MaxLifetime = 30 | ||||
cfg.MaxOpenConns = 100 | cfg.MaxOpenConns = 100 | ||||
cfg.MaxIdleConns = 100 | cfg.MaxIdleConns = 100 | ||||
cfg.Path = "logs/%s.log" | |||||
cfg.Path = "./tmp/%s.logs" | |||||
if err := db.InitDB(&cfg); err != nil { | if err := db.InitDB(&cfg); err != nil { | ||||
return err | return err | ||||
} | } | ||||
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ | |||||
[xorm] [info] 2022/05/31 10:40:31.829104 [SQL] SELECT `id`, `channel_id`, `identifier`, `master_id`, `master_nickname`, `app_id` FROM `pay_channel_master` WHERE (app_id = ?) AND (identifier = ?) LIMIT 1 [35618318 mall] - 28.9565ms | |||||
[xorm] [info] 2022/05/31 10:41:41.231871 [SQL] SELECT `id`, `channel_id`, `identifier`, `master_id`, `master_nickname`, `app_id` FROM `pay_channel_master` WHERE (app_id = ?) AND (identifier = ?) LIMIT 1 [35618318 mall] - 24.9118ms |
@@ -2,15 +2,18 @@ package pay | |||||
import ( | import ( | ||||
"code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_pay.git/lib/local_alipay" | "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_pay.git/lib/local_alipay" | ||||
local_wxpay "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_pay.git/lib/local_wechat" | |||||
"code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_pay.git/md" | "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_pay.git/md" | ||||
zhios_pay_utils "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_pay.git/utils" | zhios_pay_utils "code.fnuoos.com/go_rely_warehouse/zyos_go_pay.git/utils" | ||||
"fmt" | "fmt" | ||||
"github.com/iGoogle-ink/gopay" | |||||
v3 "github.com/iGoogle-ink/gopay/wechat/v3" | |||||
"github.com/iGoogle-ink/gotil/xlog" | |||||
"github.com/pkg/errors" | "github.com/pkg/errors" | ||||
) | ) | ||||
//自有支付 支付宝 | //自有支付 支付宝 | ||||
func Alipay(args map[string]string) (string, error) { | func Alipay(args map[string]string) (string, error) { | ||||
var paySet = &md.PayData{ | var paySet = &md.PayData{ | ||||
PayAppCertSn: args["pay_app_cert_sn"], | PayAppCertSn: args["pay_app_cert_sn"], | ||||
PayAlipayRootCertSn: args["pay_alipay_root_cert_sn"], | PayAlipayRootCertSn: args["pay_alipay_root_cert_sn"], | ||||
@@ -41,3 +44,166 @@ func Alipay(args map[string]string) (string, error) { | |||||
} | } | ||||
return zhios_pay_utils.AnyToString(param), nil | return zhios_pay_utils.AnyToString(param), nil | ||||
} | } | ||||
func AlipayApp(args map[string]string) (string, error) { | |||||
var paySet = &md.PayData{ | |||||
PayAppCertSn: args["pay_app_cert_sn"], | |||||
PayAlipayRootCertSn: args["pay_alipay_root_cert_sn"], | |||||
PayAlipayrsaPublicKey: args["pay_alipayrsa_public_key"], | |||||
PayAliUseType: args["pay_ali_use_type"], | |||||
WxAppletFilepathUrl: args["wx_applet_filepath_url"], | |||||
} | |||||
if args["private_key"] == "" || args["app_id"] == "" { | |||||
return "", errors.New("请在后台正确配置支付宝") | |||||
} | |||||
param, err := local_alipay.TradeAppPay(args["app_id"], args["private_key"], args["subject"], args["ord_id"], args["amount"], args["notify_url"], args["rsa"], args["pkcs"], paySet) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
fmt.Println("支付宝错误日志") | |||||
fmt.Println(param) | |||||
fmt.Println(err) | |||||
return "", errors.New("支付宝订单创建失败") | |||||
} | |||||
return zhios_pay_utils.AnyToString(param), nil | |||||
} | |||||
func AlipayWap(args map[string]string) (string, error) { | |||||
var paySet = &md.PayData{ | |||||
PayAppCertSn: args["pay_app_cert_sn"], | |||||
PayAlipayRootCertSn: args["pay_alipay_root_cert_sn"], | |||||
PayAlipayrsaPublicKey: args["pay_alipayrsa_public_key"], | |||||
PayAliUseType: args["pay_ali_use_type"], | |||||
WxAppletFilepathUrl: args["wx_applet_filepath_url"], | |||||
} | |||||
if args["private_key"] == "" || args["app_id"] == "" { | |||||
return "", errors.New("请在后台正确配置支付宝") | |||||
} | |||||
param, err := local_alipay.TradeWapPay(args["app_id"], args["private_key"], args["subject"], args["ord_id"], args["amount"], args["notify_url"], args["rsa"], args["pkcs"], args["page_url"], paySet) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
fmt.Println("支付宝错误日志") | |||||
fmt.Println(param) | |||||
fmt.Println(err) | |||||
return "", errors.New("支付宝订单创建失败") | |||||
} | |||||
return zhios_pay_utils.AnyToString(param), nil | |||||
} | |||||
func AlipayApplet(args map[string]string) (string, error) { | |||||
var paySet = &md.PayData{ | |||||
PayAppCertSn: args["pay_app_cert_sn"], | |||||
PayAlipayRootCertSn: args["pay_alipay_root_cert_sn"], | |||||
PayAlipayrsaPublicKey: args["pay_alipayrsa_public_key"], | |||||
PayAliUseType: args["pay_ali_use_type"], | |||||
WxAppletFilepathUrl: args["wx_applet_filepath_url"], | |||||
} | |||||
if args["private_key"] == "" || args["app_id"] == "" { | |||||
return "", errors.New("请在后台正确配置支付宝") | |||||
} | |||||
param, err := local_alipay.TradeCreate(args["app_id"], args["private_key"], args["subject"], args["ord_id"], args["amount"], args["notify_url"], args["rsa"], args["pkcs"], paySet) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
fmt.Println("支付宝错误日志") | |||||
fmt.Println(param) | |||||
fmt.Println(err) | |||||
return "", errors.New("支付宝订单创建失败") | |||||
} | |||||
return zhios_pay_utils.AnyToString(param), nil | |||||
} | |||||
//自有支付 微信支付 | |||||
// app支付v2 | |||||
func WxAppPay(params *md.WxPayParams) (map[string]string, error) { | |||||
appId := params.PayWxAppid | |||||
mchId := params.PayWxMchId | |||||
apiKey := params.PayWxApiKey | |||||
notifyUrl := params.NotifyUrl | |||||
client := local_wxpay.NewClient(appId, mchId, apiKey, true) | |||||
r, err := local_wxpay.TradeAppPay(client, params.Subject, params.OrdId, params.Amount, notifyUrl) | |||||
return r, err | |||||
} | |||||
// H5支付v2 | |||||
func WxH5Pay(params *md.WxPayParams) (map[string]string, error) { | |||||
appId := params.PayWxAppid | |||||
mchId := params.PayWxMchId | |||||
apiKey := params.PayWxApiKey | |||||
notifyUrl := params.NotifyUrl | |||||
client := local_wxpay.NewClient(appId, mchId, apiKey, true) | |||||
r, err := local_wxpay.TradeH5Pay(client, params.Subject, params.OrdId, params.Amount, notifyUrl) | |||||
return r, err | |||||
} | |||||
// 小程序v2 | |||||
func WxMiniProgPay(params *md.WxPayParams) (map[string]string, error) { | |||||
appId := params.PayWxAppid | |||||
mchId := params.PayWxMchId | |||||
apiKey := params.PayWxApiKey | |||||
notifyUrl := params.NotifyUrl | |||||
client := local_wxpay.NewClient(appId, mchId, apiKey, true) | |||||
if params.ThirdPartyWechatOpenid == "" { | |||||
return nil, errors.New("请先授权微信") | |||||
} | |||||
r, err := local_wxpay.TradeMiniProgPay(client, params.Subject, params.OrdId, params.Amount, notifyUrl, params.ThirdPartyWechatOpenid) | |||||
return r, err | |||||
} | |||||
// app支付V3 | |||||
func WxAppPayV3(params *md.WxPayParams) (map[string]string, error) { | |||||
appId := params.PayWxAppid | |||||
mchId := params.PayWxMchId | |||||
notifyUrl := params.NotifyUrl | |||||
SerialNo := params.PayWxApiKey | |||||
ApiV3Key := params.PayWxApiKey | |||||
PKContent := params.PayWxApiKey | |||||
client, err := v3.NewClientV3(appId, mchId, SerialNo, ApiV3Key, PKContent) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
xlog.Error(err) | |||||
return nil, err | |||||
} | |||||
client.DebugSwitch = gopay.DebugOff | |||||
r, err := local_wxpay.TradeAppPayV3(client, params.Subject, params.OrdId, params.Amount, notifyUrl) | |||||
return r, err | |||||
} | |||||
// 微信JSAPI支付 | |||||
func WxAppJSAPIPay(params *md.WxPayParams) (map[string]string, error) { | |||||
appId := params.PayWxAppid | |||||
mchId := params.PayWxMchId | |||||
apiKey := params.PayWxApiKey | |||||
notifyUrl := params.NotifyUrl | |||||
client := local_wxpay.NewClient(appId, mchId, apiKey, true) | |||||
if params.ThirdPartyWechatOpenid == "" { | |||||
return nil, errors.New("请先授权微信") | |||||
} | |||||
r, err := local_wxpay.TradeJSAPIPay(client, params.Subject, params.OrdId, params.Amount, notifyUrl, params.ThirdPartyWechatOpenid) | |||||
return r, err | |||||
} | |||||
// H5支付V3 | |||||
func WxH5PayV3(params *md.WxPayParams) (string, error) { | |||||
appId := params.PayWxAppid | |||||
mchId := params.PayWxMchId | |||||
apiKey := params.PayWxApiKey | |||||
notifyUrl := params.NotifyUrl | |||||
client := local_wxpay.NewClient(appId, mchId, apiKey, false) | |||||
_, err := local_wxpay.TradeH5Pay(client, params.Subject, params.OrdId, params.Amount, notifyUrl) | |||||
return "", err | |||||
} | |||||
// 小程序V3 | |||||
func WxMiniProgPayV3(params *md.WxPayParams) (string, error) { | |||||
appId := params.PayWxAppid | |||||
mchId := params.PayWxMchId | |||||
notifyUrl := params.NotifyUrl | |||||
SerialNo := params.PayWxApiKey | |||||
ApiV3Key := params.PayWxApiKey | |||||
PKContent := params.PayWxApiKey | |||||
client, err := v3.NewClientV3(appId, mchId, SerialNo, ApiV3Key, PKContent) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
xlog.Error(err) | |||||
return "", err | |||||
} | |||||
client.DebugSwitch = gopay.DebugOff | |||||
r, err := local_wxpay.TradeMiniProgPayV3(client, params.Subject, params.OrdId, params.Amount, notifyUrl) | |||||
return r, err | |||||
} |
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ func FileExt(fname string) string { | |||||
} | } | ||||
func FilePutContents(fileName string, content string) { | func FilePutContents(fileName string, content string) { | ||||
fd, _ := os.OpenFile("./tmp/"+fileName+".log", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644) | |||||
fd, _ := os.OpenFile("./tmp/"+fileName+".logs", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644) | |||||
fd_time := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") | fd_time := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") | ||||
fd_content := strings.Join([]string{"[", fd_time, "] ", content, "\n"}, "") | fd_content := strings.Join([]string{"[", fd_time, "] ", content, "\n"}, "") | ||||
buf := []byte(fd_content) | buf := []byte(fd_content) | ||||
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ | |||||
package zhios_pay_logx | |||||
import ( | |||||
"os" | |||||
"strings" | |||||
"time" | |||||
"go.uber.org/zap" | |||||
"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore" | |||||
) | |||||
type LogConfig struct { | |||||
AppName string `yaml:"app_name" json:"app_name" toml:"app_name"` | |||||
Level string `yaml:"level" json:"level" toml:"level"` | |||||
StacktraceLevel string `yaml:"stacktrace_level" json:"stacktrace_level" toml:"stacktrace_level"` | |||||
IsStdOut bool `yaml:"is_stdout" json:"is_stdout" toml:"is_stdout"` | |||||
TimeFormat string `yaml:"time_format" json:"time_format" toml:"time_format"` // second, milli, nano, standard, iso, | |||||
Encoding string `yaml:"encoding" json:"encoding" toml:"encoding"` // console, json | |||||
Skip int `yaml:"skip" json:"skip" toml:"skip"` | |||||
IsFileOut bool `yaml:"is_file_out" json:"is_file_out" toml:"is_file_out"` | |||||
FileDir string `yaml:"file_dir" json:"file_dir" toml:"file_dir"` | |||||
FileName string `yaml:"file_name" json:"file_name" toml:"file_name"` | |||||
FileMaxSize int `yaml:"file_max_size" json:"file_max_size" toml:"file_max_size"` | |||||
FileMaxAge int `yaml:"file_max_age" json:"file_max_age" toml:"file_max_age"` | |||||
} | |||||
var ( | |||||
l *LogX = defaultLogger() | |||||
conf *LogConfig | |||||
) | |||||
// default logger setting | |||||
func defaultLogger() *LogX { | |||||
conf = &LogConfig{ | |||||
Level: "debug", | |||||
StacktraceLevel: "error", | |||||
IsStdOut: true, | |||||
TimeFormat: "standard", | |||||
Encoding: "console", | |||||
Skip: 2, | |||||
} | |||||
writers := []zapcore.WriteSyncer{os.Stdout} | |||||
lg, lv := newZapLogger(setLogLevel(conf.Level), setLogLevel(conf.StacktraceLevel), conf.Encoding, conf.TimeFormat, conf.Skip, zapcore.NewMultiWriteSyncer(writers...)) | |||||
zap.RedirectStdLog(lg) | |||||
return &LogX{logger: lg, atomLevel: lv} | |||||
} | |||||
// initial standard log, if you don't init, it will use default logger setting | |||||
func InitDefaultLogger(cfg *LogConfig) { | |||||
var writers []zapcore.WriteSyncer | |||||
if cfg.IsStdOut || (!cfg.IsStdOut && !cfg.IsFileOut) { | |||||
writers = append(writers, os.Stdout) | |||||
} | |||||
if cfg.IsFileOut { | |||||
writers = append(writers, NewRollingFile(cfg.FileDir, cfg.FileName, cfg.FileMaxSize, cfg.FileMaxAge)) | |||||
} | |||||
lg, lv := newZapLogger(setLogLevel(cfg.Level), setLogLevel(cfg.StacktraceLevel), cfg.Encoding, cfg.TimeFormat, cfg.Skip, zapcore.NewMultiWriteSyncer(writers...)) | |||||
zap.RedirectStdLog(lg) | |||||
if cfg.AppName != "" { | |||||
lg = lg.With(zap.String("app", cfg.AppName)) // 加上应用名称 | |||||
} | |||||
l = &LogX{logger: lg, atomLevel: lv} | |||||
} | |||||
// create a new logger | |||||
func NewLogger(cfg *LogConfig) *LogX { | |||||
var writers []zapcore.WriteSyncer | |||||
if cfg.IsStdOut || (!cfg.IsStdOut && !cfg.IsFileOut) { | |||||
writers = append(writers, os.Stdout) | |||||
} | |||||
if cfg.IsFileOut { | |||||
writers = append(writers, NewRollingFile(cfg.FileDir, cfg.FileName, cfg.FileMaxSize, cfg.FileMaxAge)) | |||||
} | |||||
lg, lv := newZapLogger(setLogLevel(cfg.Level), setLogLevel(cfg.StacktraceLevel), cfg.Encoding, cfg.TimeFormat, cfg.Skip, zapcore.NewMultiWriteSyncer(writers...)) | |||||
zap.RedirectStdLog(lg) | |||||
if cfg.AppName != "" { | |||||
lg = lg.With(zap.String("app", cfg.AppName)) // 加上应用名称 | |||||
} | |||||
return &LogX{logger: lg, atomLevel: lv} | |||||
} | |||||
// create a new zaplog logger | |||||
func newZapLogger(level, stacktrace zapcore.Level, encoding, timeType string, skip int, output zapcore.WriteSyncer) (*zap.Logger, *zap.AtomicLevel) { | |||||
encCfg := zapcore.EncoderConfig{ | |||||
TimeKey: "T", | |||||
LevelKey: "L", | |||||
NameKey: "N", | |||||
CallerKey: "C", | |||||
MessageKey: "M", | |||||
StacktraceKey: "S", | |||||
LineEnding: zapcore.DefaultLineEnding, | |||||
EncodeCaller: zapcore.ShortCallerEncoder, | |||||
EncodeDuration: zapcore.NanosDurationEncoder, | |||||
EncodeLevel: zapcore.LowercaseLevelEncoder, | |||||
} | |||||
setTimeFormat(timeType, &encCfg) // set time type | |||||
atmLvl := zap.NewAtomicLevel() // set level | |||||
atmLvl.SetLevel(level) | |||||
encoder := zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(encCfg) // 确定encoder格式 | |||||
if encoding == "console" { | |||||
encoder = zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(encCfg) | |||||
} | |||||
return zap.New(zapcore.NewCore(encoder, output, atmLvl), zap.AddCaller(), zap.AddStacktrace(stacktrace), zap.AddCallerSkip(skip)), &atmLvl | |||||
} | |||||
// set log level | |||||
func setLogLevel(lvl string) zapcore.Level { | |||||
switch strings.ToLower(lvl) { | |||||
case "panic": | |||||
return zapcore.PanicLevel | |||||
case "fatal": | |||||
return zapcore.FatalLevel | |||||
case "error": | |||||
return zapcore.ErrorLevel | |||||
case "warn", "warning": | |||||
return zapcore.WarnLevel | |||||
case "info": | |||||
return zapcore.InfoLevel | |||||
default: | |||||
return zapcore.DebugLevel | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
// set time format | |||||
func setTimeFormat(timeType string, z *zapcore.EncoderConfig) { | |||||
switch strings.ToLower(timeType) { | |||||
case "iso": // iso8601 standard | |||||
z.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder | |||||
case "sec": // only for unix second, without millisecond | |||||
z.EncodeTime = func(t time.Time, enc zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder) { | |||||
enc.AppendInt64(t.Unix()) | |||||
} | |||||
case "second": // unix second, with millisecond | |||||
z.EncodeTime = zapcore.EpochTimeEncoder | |||||
case "milli", "millisecond": // millisecond | |||||
z.EncodeTime = zapcore.EpochMillisTimeEncoder | |||||
case "nano", "nanosecond": // nanosecond | |||||
z.EncodeTime = zapcore.EpochNanosTimeEncoder | |||||
default: // standard format | |||||
z.EncodeTime = func(t time.Time, enc zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder) { | |||||
enc.AppendString(t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000")) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
func GetLevel() string { | |||||
switch l.atomLevel.Level() { | |||||
case zapcore.PanicLevel: | |||||
return "panic" | |||||
case zapcore.FatalLevel: | |||||
return "fatal" | |||||
case zapcore.ErrorLevel: | |||||
return "error" | |||||
case zapcore.WarnLevel: | |||||
return "warn" | |||||
case zapcore.InfoLevel: | |||||
return "info" | |||||
default: | |||||
return "debug" | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
func SetLevel(lvl string) { | |||||
l.atomLevel.SetLevel(setLogLevel(lvl)) | |||||
} | |||||
// temporary add call skip | |||||
func AddCallerSkip(skip int) *LogX { | |||||
l.logger.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(skip)) | |||||
return l | |||||
} | |||||
// permanent add call skip | |||||
func AddDepth(skip int) *LogX { | |||||
l.logger = l.logger.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(skip)) | |||||
return l | |||||
} | |||||
// permanent add options | |||||
func AddOptions(opts ...zap.Option) *LogX { | |||||
l.logger = l.logger.WithOptions(opts...) | |||||
return l | |||||
} | |||||
func AddField(k string, v interface{}) { | |||||
l.logger.With(zap.Any(k, v)) | |||||
} | |||||
func AddFields(fields map[string]interface{}) *LogX { | |||||
for k, v := range fields { | |||||
l.logger.With(zap.Any(k, v)) | |||||
} | |||||
return l | |||||
} | |||||
// Normal log | |||||
func Debug(e interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
return l.Debug(e, args...) | |||||
} | |||||
func Info(e interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
return l.Info(e, args...) | |||||
} | |||||
func Warn(e interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
return l.Warn(e, args...) | |||||
} | |||||
func Error(e interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
return l.Error(e, args...) | |||||
} | |||||
func Panic(e interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
return l.Panic(e, args...) | |||||
} | |||||
func Fatal(e interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
return l.Fatal(e, args...) | |||||
} | |||||
// Format logs | |||||
func Debugf(format string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
return l.Debugf(format, args...) | |||||
} | |||||
func Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
return l.Infof(format, args...) | |||||
} | |||||
func Warnf(format string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
return l.Warnf(format, args...) | |||||
} | |||||
func Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
return l.Errorf(format, args...) | |||||
} | |||||
func Panicf(format string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
return l.Panicf(format, args...) | |||||
} | |||||
func Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
return l.Fatalf(format, args...) | |||||
} | |||||
func formatFieldMap(m FieldMap) []Field { | |||||
var res []Field | |||||
for k, v := range m { | |||||
res = append(res, zap.Any(k, v)) | |||||
} | |||||
return res | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ | |||||
package zhios_pay_logx | |||||
import ( | |||||
"bytes" | |||||
"io" | |||||
"os" | |||||
"path/filepath" | |||||
"time" | |||||
"gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2" | |||||
) | |||||
// output interface | |||||
type WriteSyncer interface { | |||||
io.Writer | |||||
Sync() error | |||||
} | |||||
// split writer | |||||
func NewRollingFile(dir, filename string, maxSize, MaxAge int) WriteSyncer { | |||||
s, err := os.Stat(dir) | |||||
if err != nil || !s.IsDir() { | |||||
os.RemoveAll(dir) | |||||
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0766); err != nil { | |||||
panic(err) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return newLumberjackWriteSyncer(&lumberjack.Logger{ | |||||
Filename: filepath.Join(dir, filename), | |||||
MaxSize: maxSize, // megabytes, MB | |||||
MaxAge: MaxAge, // days | |||||
LocalTime: true, | |||||
Compress: false, | |||||
}) | |||||
} | |||||
type lumberjackWriteSyncer struct { | |||||
*lumberjack.Logger | |||||
buf *bytes.Buffer | |||||
logChan chan []byte | |||||
closeChan chan interface{} | |||||
maxSize int | |||||
} | |||||
func newLumberjackWriteSyncer(l *lumberjack.Logger) *lumberjackWriteSyncer { | |||||
ws := &lumberjackWriteSyncer{ | |||||
Logger: l, | |||||
buf: bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}), | |||||
logChan: make(chan []byte, 5000), | |||||
closeChan: make(chan interface{}), | |||||
maxSize: 1024, | |||||
} | |||||
go ws.run() | |||||
return ws | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *lumberjackWriteSyncer) run() { | |||||
ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second) | |||||
for { | |||||
select { | |||||
case <-ticker.C: | |||||
if l.buf.Len() > 0 { | |||||
l.sync() | |||||
} | |||||
case bs := <-l.logChan: | |||||
_, err := l.buf.Write(bs) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
continue | |||||
} | |||||
if l.buf.Len() > l.maxSize { | |||||
l.sync() | |||||
} | |||||
case <-l.closeChan: | |||||
l.sync() | |||||
return | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *lumberjackWriteSyncer) Stop() { | |||||
close(l.closeChan) | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *lumberjackWriteSyncer) Write(bs []byte) (int, error) { | |||||
b := make([]byte, len(bs)) | |||||
for i, c := range bs { | |||||
b[i] = c | |||||
} | |||||
l.logChan <- b | |||||
return 0, nil | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *lumberjackWriteSyncer) Sync() error { | |||||
return nil | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *lumberjackWriteSyncer) sync() error { | |||||
defer l.buf.Reset() | |||||
_, err := l.Logger.Write(l.buf.Bytes()) | |||||
if err != nil { | |||||
return err | |||||
} | |||||
return nil | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ | |||||
package zhios_pay_logx | |||||
import ( | |||||
"errors" | |||||
"fmt" | |||||
"strconv" | |||||
"go.uber.org/zap" | |||||
) | |||||
type LogX struct { | |||||
logger *zap.Logger | |||||
atomLevel *zap.AtomicLevel | |||||
} | |||||
type Field = zap.Field | |||||
type FieldMap map[string]interface{} | |||||
// 判断其他类型--start | |||||
func getFields(msg string, format bool, args ...interface{}) (string, []Field) { | |||||
var str []interface{} | |||||
var fields []zap.Field | |||||
if len(args) > 0 { | |||||
for _, v := range args { | |||||
if f, ok := v.(Field); ok { | |||||
fields = append(fields, f) | |||||
} else if f, ok := v.(FieldMap); ok { | |||||
fields = append(fields, formatFieldMap(f)...) | |||||
} else { | |||||
str = append(str, AnyToString(v)) | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if format { | |||||
return fmt.Sprintf(msg, str...), fields | |||||
} | |||||
str = append([]interface{}{msg}, str...) | |||||
return fmt.Sprintln(str...), fields | |||||
} | |||||
return msg, []Field{} | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) Debug(s interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
es, e := checkErr(s) | |||||
if es != "" { | |||||
msg, field := getFields(es, false, args...) | |||||
l.logger.Debug(msg, field...) | |||||
} | |||||
return e | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) Info(s interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
es, e := checkErr(s) | |||||
if es != "" { | |||||
msg, field := getFields(es, false, args...) | |||||
l.logger.Info(msg, field...) | |||||
} | |||||
return e | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) Warn(s interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
es, e := checkErr(s) | |||||
if es != "" { | |||||
msg, field := getFields(es, false, args...) | |||||
l.logger.Warn(msg, field...) | |||||
} | |||||
return e | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) Error(s interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
es, e := checkErr(s) | |||||
if es != "" { | |||||
msg, field := getFields(es, false, args...) | |||||
l.logger.Error(msg, field...) | |||||
} | |||||
return e | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) DPanic(s interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
es, e := checkErr(s) | |||||
if es != "" { | |||||
msg, field := getFields(es, false, args...) | |||||
l.logger.DPanic(msg, field...) | |||||
} | |||||
return e | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) Panic(s interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
es, e := checkErr(s) | |||||
if es != "" { | |||||
msg, field := getFields(es, false, args...) | |||||
l.logger.Panic(msg, field...) | |||||
} | |||||
return e | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) Fatal(s interface{}, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
es, e := checkErr(s) | |||||
if es != "" { | |||||
msg, field := getFields(es, false, args...) | |||||
l.logger.Fatal(msg, field...) | |||||
} | |||||
return e | |||||
} | |||||
func checkErr(s interface{}) (string, error) { | |||||
switch e := s.(type) { | |||||
case error: | |||||
return e.Error(), e | |||||
case string: | |||||
return e, errors.New(e) | |||||
case []byte: | |||||
return string(e), nil | |||||
default: | |||||
return "", nil | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) LogError(err error) error { | |||||
return l.Error(err.Error()) | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) Debugf(msg string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
s, f := getFields(msg, true, args...) | |||||
l.logger.Debug(s, f...) | |||||
return errors.New(s) | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) Infof(msg string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
s, f := getFields(msg, true, args...) | |||||
l.logger.Info(s, f...) | |||||
return errors.New(s) | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) Warnf(msg string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
s, f := getFields(msg, true, args...) | |||||
l.logger.Warn(s, f...) | |||||
return errors.New(s) | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) Errorf(msg string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
s, f := getFields(msg, true, args...) | |||||
l.logger.Error(s, f...) | |||||
return errors.New(s) | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) DPanicf(msg string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
s, f := getFields(msg, true, args...) | |||||
l.logger.DPanic(s, f...) | |||||
return errors.New(s) | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) Panicf(msg string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
s, f := getFields(msg, true, args...) | |||||
l.logger.Panic(s, f...) | |||||
return errors.New(s) | |||||
} | |||||
func (l *LogX) Fatalf(msg string, args ...interface{}) error { | |||||
s, f := getFields(msg, true, args...) | |||||
l.logger.Fatal(s, f...) | |||||
return errors.New(s) | |||||
} | |||||
func AnyToString(raw interface{}) string { | |||||
switch i := raw.(type) { | |||||
case []byte: | |||||
return string(i) | |||||
case int: | |||||
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) | |||||
case int64: | |||||
return strconv.FormatInt(i, 10) | |||||
case float32: | |||||
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(i), 'f', 2, 64) | |||||
case float64: | |||||
return strconv.FormatFloat(i, 'f', 2, 64) | |||||
case uint: | |||||
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) | |||||
case uint8: | |||||
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) | |||||
case uint16: | |||||
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) | |||||
case uint32: | |||||
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) | |||||
case uint64: | |||||
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) | |||||
case int8: | |||||
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) | |||||
case int16: | |||||
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) | |||||
case int32: | |||||
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) | |||||
case string: | |||||
return i | |||||
case error: | |||||
return i.Error() | |||||
} | |||||
return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", raw) | |||||
} |