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.gitignore 532 B

4 months ago
  1. # Binaries for programs and plugins
  2. *.exe
  3. *.exe~
  4. *.dll
  5. *.so
  6. *.dylib
  7. # Test binary, built with `go test -c`
  8. *.test
  9. # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
  10. *.out
  11. .idea
  12. .vscode
  13. *.log
  14. .DS_Store
  15. Thumbs.db
  16. *.swp
  17. *.swn
  18. *.swo
  19. *.swm
  20. *.7z
  21. *.zip
  22. *.rar
  23. *.tar
  24. *.tar.gz
  25. go.sum
  26. /etc/cfg.yaml
  27. images
  28. test/test.json
  29. etc/cfg.yml
  30. t.json
  31. t1.json
  32. t2.json
  33. t3.json
  34. t.go
  35. wait-for-it.sh
  36. test.go
  37. xorm
  38. test.csv
  39. nginx.conf
  40. .devcontainer
  41. .devcontainer/Dockerfile
  42. .devcontainer/sources.list
  43. /t1.go
  44. /tmp/*
  45. .idea/*
  46. /.idea/modules.xml