package db import ( "applet/app/db/model" "applet/app/utils" "fmt" "" ) func GetStore(eg *xorm.Engine, arg map[string]string) []map[string]string { lng := utils.StrToFloat64(arg["lng"]) lat := utils.StrToFloat64(arg["lat"]) sel := ` *,sqrt( ( (( %f - lng)*PI()*12656*cos((( %f +lat)/2)*PI()/180)/180) * (( %f - lng)*PI()*12656*cos (((%f+lat)/2)*PI()/180)/180) ) + ( ((%f-lat)*PI()*12656/180) * ((%f-lat)*PI()*12656/180) ) ) AS km` sel = fmt.Sprintf(sel, lng, lat, lng, lat, lat, lat) sql := `select %s from community_team_store where %s %s` where := "state=1" if arg["parent_uid"] != "" { where += " and store_type=2 and parent_uid=" + arg["parent_uid"] } else if arg["uid"] != "" { where += " and store_type=1 and uid=" + arg["parent_uid"] } else { where += " and store_type=" + arg["store_type"] } if arg["city"] != "" { where += " and address like '%" + arg["city"] + "%'" } if arg["province_id"] != "" { where += " and province_id = '" + arg["province_id"] + "'" } if arg["city_id"] != "" { where += " and city_id = '" + arg["city_id"] + "'" } if arg["district_id"] != "" { where += " and district_id = '" + arg["district_id"] + "'" } if arg["name"] != "" { where += " and name like '%" + arg["name"] + "'" } start := (utils.StrToInt(arg["p"]) - 1) * utils.StrToInt(arg["size"]) group := " order by %s limit " + utils.IntToStr(start) + "," + arg["size"] groupStr := "fan desc,km asc,id asc" if arg["cid"] == "1" { groupStr = "km asc,id asc" } group = fmt.Sprintf(group, groupStr) sql = fmt.Sprintf(sql, sel, where, group) fmt.Println(sql) nativeString, _ := QueryNativeString(eg, sql) return nativeString } func GetStoreLike(eg *xorm.Engine, arg map[string]string) []map[string]string { lng := utils.StrToFloat64(arg["lng"]) lat := utils.StrToFloat64(arg["lat"]) sel := ` cts.*,sqrt( ( (( %f - cts.lng)*PI()*12656*cos((( %f*PI()/180)/180) * (( %f - cts.lng)*PI()*12656*cos (((*PI()/180)/180) ) + ( ((*PI()*12656/180) * ((*PI()*12656/180) ) ) AS km` sel = fmt.Sprintf(sel, lng, lat, lng, lat, lat, lat) sql := `select %s from community_team_store_like ctsl left join community_team_store cts on where %s %s` where := "cts.state=1" if arg["parent_uid"] != "" { where += " and cts.store_type=2 and cts.parent_uid=" + arg["parent_uid"] } else if arg["uid"] != "" { where += " and cts.store_type=1 and cts.uid=" + arg["parent_uid"] } else { where += " and cts.store_type=" + arg["store_type"] } if arg["city"] != "" { where += " and'" + arg["city"] + "'" } if arg["name"] != "" { where += " and like '%" + arg["name"] + "'" } start := (utils.StrToInt(arg["p"]) - 1) * utils.StrToInt(arg["size"]) group := " order by km asc, asc limit " + utils.IntToStr(start) + "," + arg["size"] sql = fmt.Sprintf(sql, sel, where, group) fmt.Println(sql) nativeString, _ := QueryNativeString(eg, sql) return nativeString } func GetStoreId(sess *xorm.Session, id string) *model.CommunityTeamStore { var data model.CommunityTeamStore get, err := sess.Where("uid=?", id).Get(&data) if get == false || err != nil { return nil } return &data } func GetStoreIdEg(eg *xorm.Engine, id string) *model.CommunityTeamStore { var data model.CommunityTeamStore get, err := eg.Where("uid=?", id).Get(&data) if get == false || err != nil { return nil } return &data }