- package hdl
- import (
- "applet/app/db"
- "applet/app/db/model"
- "applet/app/e"
- "applet/app/svc"
- "applet/app/utils"
- "fmt"
- "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
- "github.com/tidwall/gjson"
- "time"
- )
- func City(c *gin.Context) {
- var arg = make(map[string]string)
- c.ShouldBindJSON(&arg)
- sql := `select IF(city.name='省直辖县级行政区划' or city.name='市辖区',province.name,city.name) as newname from city
- LEFT JOIN province on province.id=city.province_id
- where %s
- order by CONVERT(newname USING gbk)`
- str := "1=1"
- if arg["name"] != "" {
- str += " and newname like '%" + arg["name"] + "%'"
- }
- sql = fmt.Sprintf(sql, str)
- nativeString, _ := db.QueryNativeString(svc.MasterDb(c), sql)
- nodeList := make([]map[string]string, 0)
- for _, item := range nativeString {
- tmp := map[string]string{
- "name": item["newname"],
- }
- nodeList = append(nodeList, tmp)
- }
- e.OutSuc(c, nodeList, nil)
- return
- }
- func BankStoreCate(c *gin.Context) {
- var res = []map[string]string{
- {"name": "全部网点", "value": ""},
- {"name": "附近网点", "value": "1"},
- {"name": "关注网点", "value": "2"},
- }
- e.OutSuc(c, res, nil)
- return
- }
- func BankStore(c *gin.Context) {
- svc.BankStore(c)
- }
- func Store(c *gin.Context) {
- svc.Store(c)
- }
- func StoreAddLike(c *gin.Context) {
- svc.StoreAddLike(c)
- }
- func StoreCancelLike(c *gin.Context) {
- svc.StoreCancelLike(c)
- }
- func User(c *gin.Context) {
- user, _ := svc.GetDefaultUser(c, c.GetHeader("Authorization"))
- res := map[string]string{
- "head_img": "",
- "nickname": "",
- "coupon_str": "优惠券:",
- "coupon": "0",
- "integral_str": "积分:",
- "integral": "0",
- }
- if user != nil && user.Info.Uid > 0 {
- res["head_img"] = user.Profile.AvatarUrl
- res["nickname"] = user.Info.Nickname
- now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
- count, _ := svc.MasterDb(c).Table("act_coupon_user").
- Where("store_type=? and uid = ? AND is_use = ? AND (valid_time_start < ? AND valid_time_end > ?)", 0,
- user.Info.Uid, 0, now, now).Count(&model.CommunityTeamCouponUser{})
- res["coupon"] = utils.Int64ToStr(count)
- mod, _ := db.SysModFindBySkipIdentifier(c, svc.MasterDb(c), "pub.flutter.community_team_store_index")
- if mod != nil {
- integralCoinId := gjson.Get(mod.Data, "integralCoinId").String()
- if utils.StrToInt(integralCoinId) > 0 {
- coin, _ := db.VirtualCoinGetOneById(svc.MasterDb(c), integralCoinId)
- if coin != nil {
- amount, _ := db.GetUserVirtualAmountOneEg(svc.MasterDb(c), user.Info.Uid, utils.StrToInt(integralCoinId))
- res["integral_str"] = coin.Name + ":"
- if amount != nil {
- res["integral"] = svc.GetCommissionPrec(c, amount.Amount, svc.SysCfgGet(c, "integral_prec"), "0")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- e.OutSuc(c, res, nil)
- return
- }