
765 regels
22 KiB

  1. package svc
  2. import (
  3. "applet/app/db"
  4. "applet/app/db/model"
  5. "applet/app/e"
  6. "applet/app/enum"
  7. "applet/app/md"
  8. "applet/app/utils"
  9. "applet/app/utils/cache"
  10. "encoding/json"
  11. "errors"
  12. "fmt"
  13. "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
  14. "github.com/shopspring/decimal"
  15. "time"
  16. "xorm.io/xorm"
  17. )
  18. func OrderCate(c *gin.Context) {
  19. var cate = []map[string]string{
  20. {"name": "全部", "value": ""},
  21. {"name": "待付款", "value": "0"},
  22. {"name": "待提货", "value": "1"},
  23. {"name": "已完成", "value": "2"},
  24. {"name": "已取消", "value": "3"},
  25. }
  26. e.OutSuc(c, cate, nil)
  27. return
  28. }
  29. func OrderList(c *gin.Context) {
  30. var arg map[string]string
  31. if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&arg); err != nil {
  32. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_INVALID_ARGS, err)
  33. return
  34. }
  35. user := GetUser(c)
  36. arg["uid"] = utils.IntToStr(user.Info.Uid)
  37. data := db.GetOrderList(MasterDb(c), arg)
  38. var state = []string{"待付款", "待提货", "已完成", "已取消"}
  39. list := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
  40. scheme, host := ImageBucket(c)
  41. if data != nil {
  42. now := time.Now().Unix()
  43. for _, v := range *data {
  44. store := db.GetStoreIdEg(MasterDb(c), utils.IntToStr(v.StoreUid))
  45. info := db.GetOrderInfoAllEg(MasterDb(c), utils.Int64ToStr(v.Oid))
  46. goodsInfo := make([]map[string]string, 0)
  47. if info != nil {
  48. for _, v1 := range *info {
  49. tmp := map[string]string{
  50. "img": ImageFormatWithBucket(scheme, host, v1.Img),
  51. "title": v1.Title,
  52. "sku_str": "",
  53. }
  54. skuData := make([]md.Sku, 0)
  55. json.Unmarshal([]byte(v1.SkuInfo), &skuData)
  56. skuStr := ""
  57. for _, v2 := range skuData {
  58. if skuStr != "" {
  59. skuStr += ";"
  60. }
  61. skuStr += v2.Value
  62. }
  63. tmp["sku_str"] = skuStr
  64. goodsInfo = append(goodsInfo, tmp)
  65. }
  66. }
  67. downTime := "0"
  68. if v.State == 0 {
  69. downTime = utils.IntToStr(int(v.CreateAt.Unix() + 15*60 - now))
  70. if now > v.CreateAt.Unix()+15*60 {
  71. v.State = 3
  72. }
  73. if utils.StrToInt(downTime) < 0 {
  74. downTime = "0"
  75. }
  76. }
  77. storeName := ""
  78. if store != nil {
  79. storeName = store.Name
  80. }
  81. tmp := map[string]interface{}{
  82. "oid": utils.Int64ToStr(v.Oid),
  83. "label": "自提",
  84. "state": utils.IntToStr(v.State),
  85. "state_str": state[v.State],
  86. "store_name": storeName,
  87. "goods_info": goodsInfo,
  88. "amount": v.Amount,
  89. "num": utils.IntToStr(v.Num),
  90. "timer": "",
  91. "code": v.Code,
  92. "down_time": downTime,
  93. }
  94. if v.Type == 1 {
  95. tmp["label"] = "外卖"
  96. }
  97. if v.IsNow == 1 {
  98. tmp["timer"] = "立即提货"
  99. } else if v.Timer != "" {
  100. tmp["timer"] = "提货时间:" + v.Timer
  101. }
  102. list = append(list, tmp)
  103. }
  104. }
  105. e.OutSuc(c, list, nil)
  106. return
  107. }
  108. func OrderDetail(c *gin.Context) {
  109. var arg map[string]string
  110. if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&arg); err != nil {
  111. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_INVALID_ARGS, err)
  112. return
  113. }
  114. data := db.GetOrderEg(MasterDb(c), arg["oid"])
  115. var state = []string{"待付款", "待提货", "已完成", "已取消"}
  116. now := time.Now().Unix()
  117. store := db.GetStoreIdEg(MasterDb(c), utils.IntToStr(data.StoreUid))
  118. downTime := "0"
  119. if data.State == 0 {
  120. downTime = utils.IntToStr(int(data.CreateAt.Unix() + 15*60 - now))
  121. if now > data.CreateAt.Unix()+15*60 {
  122. data.State = 3
  123. }
  124. if utils.StrToInt(downTime) < 0 {
  125. downTime = "0"
  126. }
  127. }
  128. storeName := ""
  129. storeAddress := ""
  130. lat := ""
  131. lng := ""
  132. km := ""
  133. if store != nil {
  134. storeName = store.Name
  135. storeAddress = store.Address
  136. lat = store.Lat
  137. lng = store.Lng
  138. km = ""
  139. if arg["lat"] != "" && arg["lng"] != "" {
  140. km1 := utils.CalculateDistance(utils.StrToFloat64(lat), utils.StrToFloat64(lng), utils.StrToFloat64(arg["lat"]), utils.StrToFloat64(arg["lng"]))
  141. if km1 < 1 {
  142. km = utils.Float64ToStr(km1*1000) + "m"
  143. } else {
  144. km = utils.Float64ToStr(km1) + "km"
  145. }
  146. }
  147. }
  148. confirmAt := ""
  149. if data.ConfirmAt.IsZero() == false {
  150. confirmAt = data.ConfirmAt.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
  151. }
  152. payMethod := "-"
  153. if data.PayMethod > 0 {
  154. payMethod = md.PayMethodIdToName[data.PayMethod]
  155. }
  156. orderInfo := []map[string]string{
  157. {"title": "订单编号", "content": utils.Int64ToStr(data.Oid)},
  158. {"title": "下单时间", "content": data.CreateAt.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")},
  159. {"title": "提货时间", "content": confirmAt},
  160. {"title": "预留电话", "content": data.Phone},
  161. {"title": "支付方式", "content": payMethod},
  162. {"title": "备注信息", "content": data.Memo},
  163. }
  164. goodsInfo := make([]map[string]string, 0)
  165. info := db.GetOrderInfoAllEg(MasterDb(c), utils.Int64ToStr(data.Oid))
  166. if info != nil {
  167. scheme, host := ImageBucket(c)
  168. for _, v := range *info {
  169. tmp := map[string]string{
  170. "img": ImageFormatWithBucket(scheme, host, v.Img),
  171. "title": v.Title,
  172. "price": v.Price,
  173. "num": utils.IntToStr(v.Num),
  174. "sku_str": "",
  175. }
  176. skuData := make([]md.Sku, 0)
  177. json.Unmarshal([]byte(v.SkuInfo), &skuData)
  178. skuStr := ""
  179. for _, v1 := range skuData {
  180. if skuStr != "" {
  181. skuStr += ";"
  182. }
  183. skuStr += v1.Value
  184. }
  185. tmp["sku_str"] = skuStr
  186. goodsInfo = append(goodsInfo, tmp)
  187. }
  188. }
  189. tmp := map[string]interface{}{
  190. "oid": utils.Int64ToStr(data.Oid),
  191. "label": "自提",
  192. "state": utils.IntToStr(data.State),
  193. "state_str": state[data.State],
  194. "store_name": storeName,
  195. "store_address": storeAddress,
  196. "lat": lat,
  197. "lng": lng,
  198. "km": km,
  199. "amount": data.Amount,
  200. "num": utils.IntToStr(data.Num),
  201. "timer": "",
  202. "code": data.Code,
  203. "down_time": downTime,
  204. "order_info": orderInfo,
  205. "goods_info": goodsInfo,
  206. "goods_count": utils.IntToStr(len(goodsInfo)),
  207. }
  208. if data.Type == 1 {
  209. tmp["label"] = "外卖"
  210. }
  211. if data.IsNow == 1 {
  212. tmp["timer"] = "立即提货"
  213. } else if data.Timer != "" {
  214. tmp["timer"] = data.Timer
  215. }
  216. e.OutSuc(c, tmp, nil)
  217. return
  218. }
  219. func OrderCoupon(c *gin.Context) {
  220. var arg md.OrderTotal
  221. if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&arg); err != nil {
  222. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_INVALID_ARGS, err)
  223. return
  224. }
  225. totalPrice := commGoods(c, arg)
  226. returnData := CommCoupon(c, totalPrice)
  227. e.OutSuc(c, returnData, nil)
  228. return
  229. }
  230. func CommCoupon(c *gin.Context, totalPrice string) map[string]interface{} {
  231. couponList := make([]md.CouponList, 0)
  232. storeId := c.GetHeader("store_id")
  233. if utils.StrToInt(storeId) > 0 {
  234. storeData := db.GetStoreIdEg(MasterDb(c), storeId)
  235. if storeData != nil && storeData.StoreType > 0 {
  236. returnData := map[string]interface{}{
  237. "total": "0",
  238. "coupon_list": couponList,
  239. }
  240. return returnData
  241. }
  242. }
  243. var err error
  244. engine := MasterDb(c)
  245. user := GetUser(c)
  246. now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
  247. var ActCouponUserList []*model.CommunityTeamCouponUser
  248. sess := engine.
  249. Where("store_type=? and uid = ? AND is_use = ? AND (valid_time_start < ? AND valid_time_end > ?)", 0,
  250. user.Info.Uid, 1, now, now)
  251. err = sess.Limit(100).OrderBy("valid_time_end asc,id asc").Find(&ActCouponUserList)
  252. if err != nil {
  253. return map[string]interface{}{}
  254. }
  255. var ids = make([]int, 0)
  256. for _, v := range ActCouponUserList {
  257. ids = append(ids, v.MerchantSchemeId)
  258. }
  259. var merchantScheme []model.CommunityTeamCoupon
  260. engine.In("id", ids).Find(&merchantScheme)
  261. var merchantSchemeMap = make(map[int]model.CommunityTeamCoupon)
  262. for _, v := range merchantScheme {
  263. merchantSchemeMap[v.Id] = v
  264. }
  265. notCouponList := make([]md.CouponList, 0)
  266. count := 0
  267. for _, item := range ActCouponUserList {
  268. var coupon = md.CouponList{
  269. Id: utils.Int64ToStr(item.Id),
  270. Title: item.Name,
  271. Timer: item.ValidTimeStart.Format("2006.01.02") + "-" + item.ValidTimeEnd.Format("2006.01.02"),
  272. Label: "全部商品可用",
  273. Img: item.Img,
  274. Content: item.Info,
  275. Info: item.Info,
  276. IsCanUse: "0",
  277. NotUseStr: "",
  278. }
  279. var cal struct {
  280. Reach string `json:"reach"`
  281. Reduce string `json:"reduce"`
  282. }
  283. err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(item.Cal), &cal)
  284. if err != nil {
  285. return map[string]interface{}{}
  286. }
  287. switch item.Kind {
  288. case int(enum.ActCouponTypeImmediate):
  289. if utils.AnyToFloat64(totalPrice) >= utils.AnyToFloat64(cal.Reduce) {
  290. coupon.IsCanUse = "1"
  291. }
  292. case int(enum.ActCouponTypeReachReduce):
  293. if utils.AnyToFloat64(totalPrice) >= utils.AnyToFloat64(cal.Reduce) {
  294. coupon.IsCanUse = "1"
  295. }
  296. case int(enum.ActCouponTypeReachDiscount):
  297. if utils.AnyToFloat64(totalPrice) >= utils.AnyToFloat64(cal.Reduce) && utils.AnyToFloat64(cal.Reduce) > 0 {
  298. coupon.IsCanUse = "1"
  299. }
  300. if utils.AnyToFloat64(cal.Reduce) == 0 {
  301. coupon.IsCanUse = "1"
  302. }
  303. }
  304. if coupon.IsCanUse != "1" {
  305. coupon.NotUseStr = "订单金额未满" + cal.Reduce + "元"
  306. }
  307. if coupon.IsCanUse == "1" {
  308. count++
  309. couponList = append(couponList, coupon)
  310. } else {
  311. notCouponList = append(notCouponList, coupon)
  312. }
  313. }
  314. for _, v := range notCouponList {
  315. couponList = append(couponList, v)
  316. }
  317. returnData := map[string]interface{}{
  318. "total": utils.IntToStr(count),
  319. "coupon_list": couponList,
  320. }
  321. return returnData
  322. }
  323. func OrderCancel(c *gin.Context) {
  324. var arg map[string]string
  325. if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&arg); err != nil {
  326. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_INVALID_ARGS, err)
  327. return
  328. }
  329. // 加锁 防止并发提取
  330. mutexKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s:team.OrderCancel:%s", c.GetString("mid"), arg["oid"])
  331. withdrawAvailable, err := cache.Do("SET", mutexKey, 1, "EX", 5, "NX")
  332. if err != nil {
  333. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR, err)
  334. return
  335. }
  336. if withdrawAvailable != "OK" {
  337. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR, e.NewErr(400000, "请求过于频繁,请稍后再试"))
  338. return
  339. }
  340. sess := MasterDb(c).NewSession()
  341. defer sess.Close()
  342. sess.Begin()
  343. order := db.GetOrder(sess, arg["oid"])
  344. if order == nil {
  345. sess.Rollback()
  346. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "订单不存在"))
  347. return
  348. }
  349. if order.State == 0 {
  350. now := time.Now().Unix()
  351. if now > order.CreateAt.Unix()+15*60 {
  352. order.State = 3
  353. }
  354. }
  355. if order.State > 0 {
  356. sess.Rollback()
  357. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "订单不能取消"))
  358. return
  359. }
  360. orderInfo := db.GetOrderInfo(sess, arg["oid"])
  361. if orderInfo != nil {
  362. goodsMap := make(map[int]int)
  363. skuMap := make(map[int]int)
  364. for _, v := range *orderInfo {
  365. goodsMap[v.GoodsId] += v.Num
  366. skuMap[v.SkuId] += v.Num
  367. }
  368. for k, v := range goodsMap {
  369. sql := `update community_team_goods set stock=stock+%d where id=%d`
  370. sql = fmt.Sprintf(sql, v, k)
  371. _, err := db.QueryNativeStringWithSess(sess, sql)
  372. if err != nil {
  373. sess.Rollback()
  374. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "订单取消失败"))
  375. return
  376. }
  377. }
  378. for k, v := range skuMap {
  379. sql := `update community_team_sku set stock=stock+%d where sku_id=%d`
  380. sql = fmt.Sprintf(sql, v, k)
  381. _, err := db.QueryNativeStringWithSess(sess, sql)
  382. if err != nil {
  383. sess.Rollback()
  384. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "订单取消失败"))
  385. return
  386. }
  387. }
  388. }
  389. order.State = 3
  390. order.UpdateAt = time.Now()
  391. order.CancelAt = time.Now()
  392. update, err := sess.Where("id=?", order.Id).Cols("state,update_at,cancel_at").Update(order)
  393. if update == 0 || err != nil {
  394. sess.Rollback()
  395. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "订单取消失败"))
  396. return
  397. }
  398. if order.CouponId > 0 {
  399. update, err = sess.Where("id=?", order.CouponId).Cols("is_use").Update(&model.CommunityTeamCouponUser{IsUse: 0})
  400. if update == 0 || err != nil {
  401. sess.Rollback()
  402. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "订单取消失败"))
  403. return
  404. }
  405. }
  406. sess.Commit()
  407. e.OutSuc(c, "success", nil)
  408. return
  409. }
  410. func OrderConfirm(c *gin.Context) {
  411. var arg map[string]string
  412. if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&arg); err != nil {
  413. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_INVALID_ARGS, err)
  414. return
  415. }
  416. // 加锁 防止并发提取
  417. mutexKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s:team.OrderConfirm:%s", c.GetString("mid"), arg["oid"])
  418. withdrawAvailable, err := cache.Do("SET", mutexKey, 1, "EX", 5, "NX")
  419. if err != nil {
  420. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR, err)
  421. return
  422. }
  423. if withdrawAvailable != "OK" {
  424. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR, e.NewErr(400000, "请求过于频繁,请稍后再试"))
  425. return
  426. }
  427. sess := MasterDb(c).NewSession()
  428. defer sess.Close()
  429. sess.Begin()
  430. order := db.GetOrder(sess, arg["oid"])
  431. if order == nil {
  432. sess.Rollback()
  433. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "订单不存在"))
  434. return
  435. }
  436. if order.State != 1 {
  437. sess.Rollback()
  438. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "订单不能确认收货"))
  439. return
  440. }
  441. order.State = 2
  442. order.UpdateAt = time.Now()
  443. order.ConfirmAt = time.Now()
  444. order.StoreSettleAt = int(time.Now().Unix())
  445. update, err := sess.Where("id=?", order.Id).Cols("state,confirm_at,update_at").Update(order)
  446. if update == 0 || err != nil {
  447. sess.Rollback()
  448. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "订单确认失败"))
  449. return
  450. }
  451. money := utils.StrToFloat64(order.Commission)
  452. if order.ParentUid > 0 {
  453. money = utils.StrToFloat64(order.Amount) - utils.StrToFloat64(order.AgentCommission)
  454. }
  455. if order.StoreType == 1 {
  456. money = utils.StrToFloat64(order.Amount) - utils.StrToFloat64(order.PlatformCommission)
  457. }
  458. bools := MoneyCheck(c, sess, order.StoreUid, order.ParentUid, order.StoreType, 0, 1, money, "订单核销", order.Oid)
  459. if bools == false {
  460. sess.Rollback()
  461. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "订单确认失败"))
  462. return
  463. }
  464. sess.Commit()
  465. e.OutSuc(c, "success", nil)
  466. return
  467. }
  468. func OrderCreate(c *gin.Context) {
  469. var arg md.OrderTotal
  470. if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&arg); err != nil {
  471. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_INVALID_ARGS, err)
  472. return
  473. }
  474. user := GetUser(c)
  475. // 加锁 防止并发提取
  476. mutexKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s:team.OrderCreate:%s", c.GetString("mid"), utils.IntToStr(user.Info.Uid))
  477. withdrawAvailable, err := cache.Do("SET", mutexKey, 1, "EX", 5, "NX")
  478. if err != nil {
  479. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR, err)
  480. return
  481. }
  482. if withdrawAvailable != "OK" {
  483. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR, e.NewErr(400000, "请求过于频繁,请稍后再试"))
  484. return
  485. }
  486. sess := MasterDb(c).NewSession()
  487. defer sess.Close()
  488. err = sess.Begin()
  489. if err != nil {
  490. e.OutErr(c, 400, err.Error())
  491. return
  492. }
  493. totalPrice := commGoods(c, arg)
  494. coupon := "0"
  495. totalPrice, coupon, err = CouponProcess(c, sess, totalPrice, arg)
  496. if err != nil {
  497. sess.Rollback()
  498. e.OutErr(c, 400, err.Error())
  499. return
  500. }
  501. ordId := utils.OrderUUID(user.Info.Uid)
  502. // 获取店铺信息
  503. store := db.GetStoreId(sess, arg.StoreId)
  504. num := 0
  505. for _, item := range arg.GoodsInfo {
  506. num += utils.StrToInt(item.Num)
  507. }
  508. var order = &model.CommunityTeamOrder{
  509. Uid: user.Info.Uid,
  510. StoreUid: utils.StrToInt(arg.StoreId),
  511. Commission: utils.Float64ToStr(utils.FloatFormat(utils.AnyToFloat64(totalPrice)*(utils.AnyToFloat64(store.Commission)/100), 2)),
  512. CreateAt: time.Now(),
  513. UpdateAt: time.Now(),
  514. BuyPhone: arg.BuyPhone,
  515. Coupon: coupon,
  516. Num: num,
  517. IsNow: utils.StrToInt(arg.IsNow),
  518. Timer: arg.Timer,
  519. Memo: arg.Memo,
  520. Oid: utils.StrToInt64(ordId),
  521. Amount: totalPrice,
  522. MealNum: utils.StrToInt(arg.MealNum),
  523. }
  524. if store.ParentUid > 0 { //代理下门店
  525. order.StoreType = 2
  526. order.Commission = "0"
  527. order.ParentUid = store.ParentUid
  528. order.AgentCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.FloatFormat(utils.AnyToFloat64(totalPrice)*(utils.AnyToFloat64(store.AgentCommission)/100), 2))
  529. }
  530. if store.StoreType == 1 {
  531. order.StoreType = 1
  532. order.Commission = "0"
  533. order.PlatformCommission = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.FloatFormat(utils.AnyToFloat64(totalPrice)*(utils.AnyToFloat64(store.PlatformCommission)/100), 2))
  534. }
  535. if utils.StrToFloat64(coupon) > 0 {
  536. order.CouponId = utils.StrToInt(arg.CouponId)
  537. }
  538. insert, err := sess.Insert(order)
  539. if insert == 0 || err != nil {
  540. sess.Rollback()
  541. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "下单失败"))
  542. return
  543. }
  544. for _, item := range arg.GoodsInfo {
  545. // 获取详细信息
  546. goodsInterface, has, err := db.GetComm(MasterDb(c), &model.CommunityTeamGoods{Id: utils.StrToInt(item.GoodsId)})
  547. if err != nil || !has {
  548. sess.Rollback()
  549. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "商品不存在"))
  550. return
  551. }
  552. goodsModel := goodsInterface.(*model.CommunityTeamGoods)
  553. var skuInterface interface{}
  554. if item.SkuId != "-1" {
  555. skuInterface, _, _ = db.GetComm(MasterDb(c), &model.CommunityTeamSku{GoodsId: utils.StrToInt(item.GoodsId), SkuId: utils.StrToInt64(item.SkuId)})
  556. } else {
  557. skuInterface, _, _ = db.GetComm(MasterDb(c), &model.CommunityTeamSku{GoodsId: utils.StrToInt(item.GoodsId)})
  558. }
  559. if err != nil || !has {
  560. sess.Rollback()
  561. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "商品不存在"))
  562. return
  563. }
  564. skuModel := skuInterface.(*model.CommunityTeamSku)
  565. var goodsSaleCount int
  566. // 走普通逻辑
  567. stock := skuModel.Stock - utils.StrToInt(item.Num)
  568. saleCount := skuModel.SaleCount + utils.StrToInt(item.Num)
  569. goodsSaleCount = goodsModel.SaleCount + utils.StrToInt(item.Num)
  570. if stock < 0 {
  571. sess.Rollback()
  572. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "库存不足"))
  573. return
  574. }
  575. update, err := sess.Where("sku_id=?", skuModel.SkuId).Cols("stock", "sale_count").Update(&model.CommunityTeamSku{Stock: stock, SaleCount: saleCount})
  576. if err != nil {
  577. sess.Rollback()
  578. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "商品不存在"))
  579. return
  580. }
  581. if update != 1 {
  582. sess.Rollback()
  583. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "商品不存在"))
  584. return
  585. }
  586. // 更新销量
  587. goodsModel.SaleCount = goodsSaleCount
  588. goodsModel.Stock = goodsModel.Stock - utils.StrToInt(item.Num)
  589. _, err = sess.Where("id = ?", goodsModel.Id).Cols("sale_count,stock").Update(goodsModel)
  590. if err != nil {
  591. sess.Rollback()
  592. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "商品不存在"))
  593. return
  594. }
  595. // 插入订单
  596. insert, err := sess.Insert(&model.CommunityTeamOrderInfo{
  597. Oid: utils.StrToInt64(ordId),
  598. Title: goodsModel.Title,
  599. Img: goodsModel.Img,
  600. Price: skuModel.Price,
  601. Num: utils.StrToInt(item.Num),
  602. SkuInfo: skuModel.Sku,
  603. GoodsId: skuModel.GoodsId,
  604. SkuId: int(skuModel.SkuId),
  605. })
  606. if err != nil {
  607. sess.Rollback()
  608. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "下单失败"))
  609. return
  610. }
  611. if insert != 1 {
  612. sess.Rollback()
  613. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "下单失败"))
  614. return
  615. }
  616. }
  617. // 更新优惠券使用状态
  618. if utils.StrToInt(arg.CouponId) > 0 {
  619. affect, err := sess.Where("id = ?", arg.CouponId).
  620. Update(&model.CommunityTeamCouponUser{IsUse: 1})
  621. if err != nil {
  622. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "下单失败"))
  623. return
  624. }
  625. if affect != 1 {
  626. e.OutErr(c, 400, e.NewErr(400, "下单失败"))
  627. return
  628. }
  629. }
  630. err = sess.Commit()
  631. if err != nil {
  632. sess.Rollback()
  633. e.OutErr(c, 400, err.Error())
  634. return
  635. }
  636. sess.Commit()
  637. e.OutSuc(c, map[string]string{"oid": ordId}, nil)
  638. return
  639. }
  640. func OrderTotal(c *gin.Context) {
  641. var arg md.OrderTotal
  642. if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&arg); err != nil {
  643. e.OutErr(c, e.ERR_INVALID_ARGS, err)
  644. return
  645. }
  646. sess := MasterDb(c).NewSession()
  647. defer sess.Close()
  648. err := sess.Begin()
  649. if err != nil {
  650. e.OutErr(c, 400, err.Error())
  651. return
  652. }
  653. totalPrice := commGoods(c, arg)
  654. oldTotalPrice := totalPrice
  655. coupon := "0"
  656. totalPrice, coupon, err = CouponProcess(c, sess, totalPrice, arg)
  657. if err != nil {
  658. sess.Rollback()
  659. e.OutErr(c, 400, err.Error())
  660. return
  661. }
  662. user := GetUser(c)
  663. result := map[string]interface{}{
  664. "balance_money": GetCommissionPrec(c, user.Profile.FinValid, SysCfgGet(c, "commission_prec"), SysCfgGet(c, "is_show_point")),
  665. "small_amount": GetCommissionPrec(c, oldTotalPrice, SysCfgGet(c, "commission_prec"), SysCfgGet(c, "is_show_point")),
  666. "all_amount": GetCommissionPrec(c, totalPrice, SysCfgGet(c, "commission_prec"), SysCfgGet(c, "is_show_point")),
  667. "coupon": GetCommissionPrec(c, coupon, SysCfgGet(c, "commission_prec"), SysCfgGet(c, "is_show_point")),
  668. }
  669. sess.Commit()
  670. e.OutSuc(c, result, nil)
  671. return
  672. }
  673. func CouponProcess(c *gin.Context, sess *xorm.Session, total string, args md.OrderTotal) (string, string, error) {
  674. if utils.StrToInt(args.CouponId) == 0 {
  675. return total, "0", nil
  676. }
  677. now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
  678. user := GetUser(c)
  679. var goodsIds []int
  680. var skuIds []string
  681. for _, item := range args.GoodsInfo {
  682. goodsIds = append(goodsIds, utils.StrToInt(item.GoodsId))
  683. skuIds = append(skuIds, utils.AnyToString(item.SkuId))
  684. }
  685. // 获取优惠券信息
  686. var mallUserCoupon model.CommunityTeamCouponUser
  687. isExist, err := sess.
  688. Where("id = ? AND uid = ? AND is_use = ? AND (valid_time_start < ? AND valid_time_end > ?)", args.CouponId, user.Info.Uid, 1, now, now).
  689. Get(&mallUserCoupon)
  690. if err != nil {
  691. return "", "", err
  692. }
  693. if !isExist {
  694. return "", "", errors.New("无相关优惠券信息")
  695. }
  696. var cal struct {
  697. Reach string `json:"reach"`
  698. Reduce string `json:"reduce"`
  699. }
  700. _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(mallUserCoupon.Cal), &cal)
  701. reach, err := decimal.NewFromString(cal.Reach)
  702. reduce, err := decimal.NewFromString(cal.Reduce)
  703. if err != nil {
  704. return "", "", err
  705. }
  706. var specialTotal = total
  707. // 是否满足优惠条件
  708. if !reach.IsZero() { // 满减及有门槛折扣
  709. if utils.StrToFloat64(specialTotal) < utils.StrToFloat64(reach.String()) {
  710. return "", "", errors.New("不满足优惠条件")
  711. }
  712. } else {
  713. if mallUserCoupon.Kind == 1 { //立减
  714. if utils.StrToFloat64(specialTotal) < utils.StrToFloat64(reduce.String()) {
  715. return "", "", errors.New("不满足优惠条件")
  716. }
  717. }
  718. }
  719. // 计算优惠后支付金额
  720. couponTotal := "0"
  721. if mallUserCoupon.Kind == int(enum.ActCouponTypeImmediate) ||
  722. mallUserCoupon.Kind == int(enum.ActCouponTypeReachReduce) { // 立减 || 满减
  723. couponTotal = reduce.String()
  724. total = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(total) - utils.StrToFloat64(reduce.String()))
  725. } else { // 折扣
  726. couponTotal = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(total) - utils.StrToFloat64(total)*utils.StrToFloat64(reduce.String())/10)
  727. total = utils.Float64ToStr(utils.StrToFloat64(total) * utils.StrToFloat64(reduce.String()) / 10)
  728. }
  729. return total, couponTotal, nil
  730. }
  731. func commGoods(c *gin.Context, arg md.OrderTotal) (totalPrice string) {
  732. engine := MasterDb(c)
  733. var totalPriceAmt float64 = 0
  734. for _, item := range arg.GoodsInfo {
  735. goodsInterface, _, _ := db.GetComm(engine, &model.CommunityTeamGoods{Id: utils.StrToInt(item.GoodsId)})
  736. goodsModel := goodsInterface.(*model.CommunityTeamGoods)
  737. var skuInterface interface{}
  738. if item.SkuId != "-1" {
  739. skuInterface, _, _ = db.GetComm(engine, &model.CommunityTeamSku{GoodsId: utils.StrToInt(item.GoodsId), SkuId: utils.StrToInt64(item.SkuId)})
  740. } else {
  741. skuInterface, _, _ = db.GetComm(engine, &model.CommunityTeamSku{GoodsId: utils.StrToInt(item.GoodsId)})
  742. }
  743. skuModel := skuInterface.(*model.CommunityTeamSku)
  744. priceOne := goodsModel.Price
  745. if item.SkuId != "-1" {
  746. priceOne = skuModel.Price
  747. }
  748. totalPriceAmt += utils.StrToFloat64(priceOne) * utils.StrToFloat64(item.Num)
  749. }
  750. return utils.Float64ToStr(totalPriceAmt)
  751. }